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How to Take Care of Milkweed Plants
Monarch butterflies commonly lay a single egg on each milkweed plant under a leaf. Bring a bucket of water with 1 capful of dish soap added with you. While not required, this helps keep the ground from freezing and thawing and disrupting the roots.
Santa Monica
Chicken-Neighbor Relationships Take Time To Develop
Two others preferred to roost on the grill. The yard was boring and predictable, with nothing to lure me out the back door. She said there was a chicken on her grill. Two years ago, our neighbor was still angry when Sookie would get into her yard, but...
How to Take Care of Climbing Roses
Although some of their requirements are similar, many things are different.Climbing roses make a great addition to any backyard gardenPlant climbers in an area that receives plenty of sun.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Ivy Plants
You can also successfully grow your ivy under artificial light in a basement or office setting.When watering your ivy, use warm water. It's easy to see why ivy is such a popular houseplant.
Santa Monica
How Long Does Ficus Take to Grow?
Ficus benjamina is often found in indoor public spaces where it grows in pots or large concrete containers. Exact growth rates differ greatly from species to species and site to site, but healthy, fast-growing trees usually reach 25 feet within 10 years.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Pecan Trees
For an adult tree, this is not a concern, but for a young, growing pecan tree, it is important that the tree be watered each time the soil around it gets dry during the tree's first summer.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Lobelia Plants
You can also sanitize the blades with a mixture of 1 part bleach and 9 parts water. To deadhead, pinch off wilted blooms along with the stem down to the next branch or leaf. Use a liquid fertilizer with a ratio such as 12-4-8, mixed at a rate of 1 teaspoon...
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Peach Trees
This allows them to reach optimal size, color and shape. Peaches are rich in nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. If you find that buying fresh peaches is not within your budget, you might consider growing your own.Prune your peach tree immediately after...
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Fortune Plants
Keep them away from direct sunlight, which can become too hot and harm the leaves.Place eight to 10 drops of Green Green Fertilizer into the container twice a week. If the leaves do not improve even after allowing the water to set for 24 hours, switch...
Santa Monica
5 Cues to Take from Urban Farms
Lesson: Create Partnerships Food-based programs and businesses often struggle without sufficient external support. The following five urban-farming projects are just a handful of initiatives paving the way for sustainable agriculture in their communities.
How Long Do Lilacs Take to Grow?
Lilacs may grow in shade, but they probably won't bloom there.Prune only in spring, after flowering, because next year's buds and flowers will be produced on this year's growth. They may fail to bloom if they are planted too deeply -- they should be no...
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Vinca Flowers
Pull mulch back so it doesn't rest against the base of the vinca plants.Once established, vinca doesn't require much care. Water the soil only during extended dry periods if the plants begin to wilt even at night, otherwise rainfall and water from nearby...
Santa Monica
Take Chances
If you're never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances. Our brief encounter made me smile, and I couldn't help but take away a lesson, as is often the case when I spend time with the other creatures of this Earth.
Take Cover
But that wasn't the worst of it: Wind gusts of 50 to 60 mph peeled the stapled felting right off the roof and sent it flying into nearby trees and the neighbors' field. When roofing a house, it's not always necessary to put sheeting below the metal, but...
Juniper Shrubs: How To Take Care Of Junipers
Press down firmly as you fill the hole to remove air pockets. Shrubs with balled and burlaped roots are best planted in fall. Dig the planting hole as deep as the root ball and two to three times wider.
How to Take Care of Keepsake Azalea Trees
Moving these pants indoors allows them to thrive year round and can add some life and color to your home. The Keepsake azalea is a potted azalea developed by Yoder Brothers, Inc., and marketed as an indoor azalea plant.
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take to Grow Arugula?
At this point, the plant will flower and go to seed. Stop planting once daytime temperatures average 70 degrees in the spring. If planting in the fall, stop sowing seeds about a month before your region's first frost date.Begin harvesting arugula once...
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Rubber Tree Plant
Cut off branches just above a leaf or a leaf scar. Empty it as soon as it has collected.Indoors, give rubber tree bright, indirect light or dappled shade, and protect plants from direct afternoon sun.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Wild Rose Bushes
If the soil test reveals a pH below 6.0, mix in lime with the soil. If you do not know the pH of your soil, test it with a soil testing kit purchased from a garden center.Amend the soil before planting if necessary.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Tulips After Blooming
Tulip bulbs flower from early to late spring in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. As these plants leaf out they will grow up, arching over the unsightly, dying tulip foliage, hiding it from view.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Purple Heart Plants
Water it weekly from spring until fall, providing 1 inch of water each time. Growing it in a pot will address both concerns, as long as the pot is kept away from where people might accidentally brush against it.
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take to Grow Ginger?
Researchers at Penn State Horticultural Research Farm in Rock Springs, Pennsylvania, successfully grew immature "baby" ginger -- a gourmet crop -- on a small scale by starting them in May in three-gallon containers of peat and perlite, then transferring...
Santa Monica
How To Take Care Of Knock Out Roses
They are also very disease resistant, too, which adds to their appeal. A good early spring pruning is highly recommended to help get the top performance out of these fine shrub rose bushes.When caring for Knock Out roses, feeding them a good organic or...
How Long Does It Take to Grow Vegetables?
The sun will cause it to turn green and you will have to throw it out because it will be poisonous. Mulching in the late fall will protect the plant roots from frost heave and they will return without being replanted.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Night-Blooming Cereus
Water young pot-grown plants only when the soil dries in completely in winter. Garden-grown and fully mature potted plants don't require winter watering. Place the plants outdoors if temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
Santa Monica
How Long Do Stargazer Lilies Take to Sprout?
Remove the anthers, which contain the pollen, and the flowers will live longer in a vase. Stargazers are one of the most expensive flowers that florists sell, according to the Iowa State University Extension.Stargazer lilies add a pleasant fragrance to...
Santa Monica
How to Take Cuttings From a Dragon Plant
Cut the cane into shorter sections, about 3 inches long, marking the bottom of each section. This plant gives its name to the entire genus Dracaena, which contains about 150 species and many cultivars.
Santa Monica