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Colorful Copperleaf: Acalypha Brings Bold Foliage to the Garden
Freezing temperatures will damage exposed parts of the plant, but it will regrow from the roots if frost is short lived.Copperleaf is a member of the Euphorbia genus and thus may be deer resistant; otherseem to be.
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Growing House Plants for Better Health
He more well-sealed a home is, the higher will be the concentration of substances in the inside air that can affect your health.Paint, furniture, dry-cleaned clothing, aerosol sprays, and building materials emit formaldehyde, benzene, and other gaseous...
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African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
The first time somebody told me about girl-leafed violets, I thought they were pulling my leg. I'd like to share some of my favorites with you, along with tips for getting them to look their best.
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Plants of Many Colors - When Green is Just Not Enough!
This phenomenon argues for both the viral hypothesis and for the agent of transfer being some insect. One reason has to do with the differing rates of cell division amongst the colored cells versus the green cells while the leaf is being formed.
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Laurel Is a Keeper
Beyond that, it is said laurel leaves will no longer have the same fragrance.However, I've been using the same batch of dried laurel leaves for more than twenty years and they still have their scent and taste.
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Green means go, but Green Stop! was a fun childhood game
But what about their health, the blush in their cheeks? This game was called "Green stop!" We didn't need to sit or stand in a special place, or finish other games for playing this one - we could play "Green stop!" all day long, in any place, at any time.
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You'll need plenty of time to soak it all in before you head back home. There is nothing more beautiful in nature than when the crisp air descends upon the mountains, and the leaves on the trees begin to change colors.
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Think Green: Foliage as an Alternative to Flowers
Veryone loves a beautiful rose, or a mass of color in front of the house, or a grassy bank filled with wildflowers, but what about those months when the blooms have either not yet emerged, or have finished for the season?
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Autumn Comes
She settled for a juicyOctober will surely bring frosts, when the temperatures overnight dip down just below the freezing point and blacken the tenderest plants. Sometimes this will bring a sudden early frost, but usually it is just a gentle reminder...
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Gardening in South Amana: A summer paradise gives way to fall
For more about RobinFor more information on communal South Amana and its sister villages,Tourist information on the Amana Colonies is availablePhotos of swans and deer courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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The Golden Feelings of Fall Time
He sprinkles grass seeds and then rakes them in. I will miss my roses over the long winter. Soon enough, the sun will slither along the southern sky, barely lighting up our days and then quickly setting in the horizon.
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Autumn in New Spain
Perhaps no one will ever write an ode to autumn in New Spain, but the color is there for those who will look for it. The peak of the season will also vary from place to place. They do not do well in hot, dry climates with alkaline soil and are not recommended...
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Recycling Fall Leaves & More as Fabulous FREE Garden Mulch
A layer of organic mulch reduces weeds, protects roots from winter cold, and keeps the soil moist. Pines are grown plantation-style for the paper and lumber industry, and the needles are baled and sold for mulch.
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Generally, the more light the plant receives, the more colorful the leaves. Not too fussy about light conditions, they do well in both sun and light shade.I've used ‘Magilla' in containers for the past several years with spectacular results.In 2006...
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Autumn Interlude
And memories are like starlight: they go on forever." As we prepare for a new season with holidays fast approaching, enjoy your garden, your life and cherish the memories for years to come.
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Mother Nature\'s Autumn Dividend \
When you stop to think about it, leaves provide us with many months of benefits each year: from the light green flush of early spring, to deep green shade on hot summer days. They decompose over the winter and when it's time to plant in the spring they...
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The Magic of Green
They don't have to hunt, fish, farm, dig, pick, cook, or even chew. Green is everywhere, from shallow sea to alpine tundra. You never have to think about whether the. They don't develop eating disorders or addictions.
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Fall foliage is not just for trees -- \
Fall foliage color is golden yellow. In refining this list, I've looked for less-common shrubs of easy care and with charming attributes beyond fall color. If your chosen site is quite shaded, and can accomodate an eight to twelve foot wide bush, this...
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Hardy Deciduous Shrubs for Colorful Foliage: Part 3 - Variegated Foliage
In regards to natural mutations, Mother Nature has seen fit to create misfit plants with variegated foliage more so than those with yellow or purple foliage. This will include those shrubs with white, cream or yellow edged leaves as well as those with...
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Hardy Deciduous Shrubs with Colorful Foliage: Part 1 - Golden Foliage
Today, we have many more yellow-foliaged shrubs to choose from. With our short growing season, flowering shrubs are particularly important but many of these have rather limited blooming periods, sometimes only a couple of weeks.
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Fall composting FAQs - get compost next spring, not next decade
Plan a cover or lid to help keep water in or out as desired. Turning and working the compost discourages them and helps fresh waste break down quickly. Twelve feet of fence will give you a roughly foor foot diameter bin.I don't have enough "greens" in...
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Leaf miners: more than meets the eye
Cryptic white squiggles or shriveled patches on leaves could be the work of hidden leaf miners. Chemical treatments have not proven effective enough to warrant their use on what is a mostly a temporary, aesthetic problem.John Byers has an excellent page...
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Capturing Autumn\'s Splendor
Fall provides a spectacular display in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere. But the beautiful thing about digital photography is that many minor imperfections can be corrected in photo editing programs such as Picasa
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Why do trees reject their leaves in the autumn?
I know that probably conflicts with your mental image of a picturesque fall season.f the leaves don't turn scarlet and gold where you live, you may even have worked hard to find signs of beauty in, for instance, poison ivy.
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The Numbers of Leaves
Working with Mother Nature sure beats fighting against her anytime of the year!What's a Cubic Yard?: Average Pickup Capacities. 1990. 10 Oct 2008Biernbaum & Fogiel.
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Homemade Gifts from the Garden
Every time the recipient moisturizes their chapped hands with their lotion bar, they will think of you.A gift of a handmade ornament is always appreciated during the holidays. Get creative, homemade gifts can be simple, and they are always appreciated...
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Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
In southernmost Florida and other tropical zones, this plant is grown outside, and leaflets grow to 12 inches.As mentioned above, these three aralias would be prized specimens for an intermediate gardener.
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