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3 Mulching Mistakes You Should Never Make
It's important—especially if you're an organic gardener who wants to know exactly what chemicals are coming in contact with your edible produce —to have a clear understanding about where your amendments come from.
The Tools You Need For Trimming Trees
Pruning Loppers Strong, powerful pruning loppers with handles at least 2 feet long are my favorite tree trimming tool. Pruning Shears These smaller pruning tools fit in the palm of your hand and are perfect for trimming tiny tree branches, bushes, root...
After the Blossoms are Gone: A Gardener\'s Melancholia
Do you find yourself a bit blue when the gardening season ends? If so, you?re not alone. Do you actually mourn its passing? Over the years, many gardeners who live in areas with distinct seasons have written and spoken about their melancholic moods during...
El Segundo
Use Tree Prunings To Improve Your Soil
While we think of trees as growing out of the ground, they are also, in a sense, being constituted out of the atmosphere, making them vital in carbon sequestration efforts. During decomposition, the areas surrounding may experience a dip in nitrogen,...
3 New Uses For Your Spent Christmas Tree
The following are some green ideas to keep cut trees out of the landfill and help make Christmas trees a renewable crop by giving old trees a second life. As an important final note, be sure to double and triple check your tree for any remaining light...
What Is An Arborist: Tips For Choosing An Arborist
The services arborists provide include evaluating the health or condition of a tree, treating trees that are diseased or infested with pests, and pruning trees. Request insurance information before you hire an arborist.
Hydrangeas...How and Where and What... Part III
It usually works best by using a cutting from a stem that didn't have a flower on it.Take a cutting from a branch about 5-6 inches in lengthCut the larger leaves down to about one-half of their original size.Prepare rooting medium by placing into container...
El Segundo
Uses For Cattail Plants: Information On Mulching With Cattails
The best time to do this is midsummer when the plants have had time to store up valuable nutrients but are not yet spending them on seed production – if you are planning to use them as mulch or compost.Cattails can be pulled out by hand or cut below...
Recycling Fall Leaves & More as Fabulous FREE Garden Mulch
At least once a year, though, I have to gothrough my stack and get rid of most of them. I could break them down and put them out for pickup with the rest of the recycling. Mulch! Your plants' best friend can be the mulch you spread around and between...
El Segundo
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
Most implements range in price from $150 to $2,000, though there are a few that exceed that. Are there front and rear PTOs? You've got to clear all that brush, chip all those branches, till the land—the list goes on.
Uses for Apple Trees
Apple cider vinegar helps relieve sinus infections, acid reflux, sore throats, acne (because it is a anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory), high cholesterol, arthritis, sunburn, eczema, warts and gout.
Santa Monica
Great Soil, Great Gardens
Understand this is a time consuming task and doesn't happen overnight.Smell your soil. You can never get too much organic material in your soil.As I said earlier, it takes time but constant addition of organic materials will improve your gardens soil...
El Segundo
A Bonus of Blossoms from your February Fruit Tree Pruning
Look for well-formed, younger branches about three feet long that have abundant flower buds. Flower buds and leaf buds have a different appearance. If you can, prune on a day when the temperature is not below freezing.Once you have pruned your tree, you...
El Segundo
Mother Nature\'s Autumn Dividend \
They give us an endless panorama of color each fall. Start with cardboard or a few layers of newspaper. Believe me you won't have to show them what to do; they will jump in without prompting.
El Segundo
Must Have Gardening Tools – Learn About Common Garden Tools And Equipment
Options like mulchers and baggers can be great time savers as well. For example, an urban dweller with a balcony full of containers requires very different tools than a homeowner with a huge vegetable garden or an orchard.The best way to proceed is to...
From Nature Back to Nature: Bird Feeders from Vines
Here is an idea for a great family project using those very same trimmings. After having made at least 2 wraps, separate a couple of the strands and loop them over a branch that you can see from your window, then wrap again.
El Segundo
A Thanksgiving Tradition: Gratitude Journals
The point is that it softens our hearts and opens our eyes to the many, many things with which we are blessed, even if that perspective doesn't always come to us naturally. Before the first Thanksgiving celebration was held, around half of their population...
Use Wood Chips to Make a Chicken Scratch & Snack Bar
Second, the microbes that grow on the decomposing wood chips help the chicken poop break down faster; I don't have to shovel any poop from the run. This has several advantages. Spread a tarp on the ground where you want the truck to dump the chips.
How to Throw a Modern-Day Barn Raising
Hosting your own barn raising event can be a piece of cake with a little planning. This will help you to know what things you need to have out and ready before everyone shows up. This practice of years past was a community event that was not to be missed.
5 Realities of Farmland Restoration
Steve and Leah consulted with the state's department of forestry, which loaned them a tree transplanter to use with a tractor. Tyler Sanderson warns landowners to brace themselves for criticism.
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
The rock roller pushes the rocks down into the ground and compacts rock on the driveway to give a hard, durable surface without paving. A medium-duty, 5- to 6-feet-wide brush hog is fine for most pasture and trail maintenance, but you may decide you need...
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
Plus, as long as you have access to a power outlet, they never run out of fuel. Rumble Seat : A new accessory not yet widely available in the industry, a detachable backseat can increase seating capacity to a total of five.