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Cheap Ways to Keep Bugs Off Plants
Place these plants on the outskirts of your garden as a protective border. The overwhelming scent confuses some bugs and repels others. Allow the chunky solution to soak overnight, and then strain its liquid portion through a cheesecloth or a strainer...
Santa Monica
Buck Roses (Well, maybe not quite THAT cheap!)
Dot received the letter and asked his niece, Maria Antonia, to respond and to include notes and tips on rose growing. Buck (1915-1991), affectionately known as "Griff," was a rose researcher/hybridizer at, Ames, Iowa, and professor of horticulture at...
El Segundo
The Thrifty Gardener: Cheap tricks for seed starting
I just want to start by pointing out that seed starting mix is one place you shouldn't skimp or cut corners. This is a great alternative to buying a specialized shelving unit and grow lights; however this was still beyond my budget.Instead, I had to come...
El Segundo
Cheap Seed Starting – How To Germinate Seeds At Home
If you choose to use a paper towel, you will need to move the germinated seeds to soil or another– This container should hold in moisture. Once they have sprouted, vent the container by opening it some.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Those temps are much higher than the average home compost pile , so it isn't as great of a concern, but take care to ensure the pile is fully composted before using it. And don't forget, compost is good for the lawn, too, especially if you can screen...
The Best Flowering Perennials
Seeds are commercially available from online native plant resources. Native perennials such as Ceanothus, salvia, abutilon, yarrow, columbine and pawpaw, thrive in the natural climate and soil conditions of their native regions and do not require additional...
Santa Monica
The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
Dangerous free radicals can be produced by the body as it breaks down food, or encountered in toxins like cigarette smoke, but a diet with antioxidant-rich vegetables can help combat these killers, leading to better health.Eat plenty of vegetables for...
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
The quickest preparation is olive oil and garlic, finished with a splash of balsamic vinegar. Beets are also really good for you; they contain unique antioxidants and vitamin C, folates and potassium.
7 Cheap Ways To Keep Chicks Amused In The Brooder
The winning chick races throughout the brooder trying to keep their prize safe from the others. Clippings from your herb garden are another healthy option. While chicks will continue to sleep under their heat lamp, during the days, they'll love jumping...
A Cheap Fix to Cover Up Dirt in a Backyard
You'll need a spot without overhead power lines or other obstructions that would interfere with the truck dumping them. That said, if you want greenery and don't want to plant lawn grass, choose quick-growing evergreen ground covers such as creeping Jenny...
Santa Monica
Italian Farm Trucks
My blog is off to a bad start. As cool as my Vespa “farm truck” is, I must officially retract my previous statements, apologise and announce that the Vespa is not in fact the coolest agricultural vehicle possible.
My Farm Truck
This little scooter James-Bond-cool, amazingly reliable, and perfect for the incredibly tiny streets here. The whole incident made me lose less than a half hour's time. I left the sacks of concrete on the scooter, pushed the whole thing a few blocks (it...
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
Start morels in any type of soil if you live in a mild climate. The width of the cap can range up to 6 inches. The mushrooms grow around decaying ash or elm trees or in old apple orchards, but will grow in beds in your backyard if you provide them with...
Santa Monica
The Best Fungicide for Tomatoes
The fungus attacks the stems and fruit, too, producing black, sunken spots. Fungicides can protect a plant if they are used before any kind of fungal infection begins. A handful of tomato fertilizer and a handful of lime added to the hole when planting...
Santa Monica
The Best Perennials for Texas
The University of Texas at Austin recommends the four-nerve daisy, Tetraneuris scaposa, also known as bitterweed. Plant in sun or partial shade in moist or dry soils. The University of Texas at Austin cites Glandularia bipinnatifida as a particularly...
Santa Monica
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
These plants produce fragrances constantly and they last a long time with proper care. Jasmine soil should be dry to the touch before each watering.This plant grows tall, woody stems and sprouts dark green, oval leaves and clusters of tiny white flowers...
Santa Monica
The 30 Best World Cups
Garnish with a savory herb, like thyme, sage or lemon basil. As you heat your cocoa, toss in a touch of mint or fresh lavender for an extra note of flavor. Flavor it with herbs pulled from your garden, and if you grow oranges, an orange leaf.
The Best Fertilizer for Bamboo
Sprinkle it on the soil at the base of the bamboo and water the soil to activate it. Growers with Bamboo Garden suggest supplying a 3-inch layer of compost or rotted manure around the base of the bamboo as a supply of supplemental slow-release, natural...
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
Tractors have allowed farmers to dramatically increase the productivity of the farm, which has allowed food prices to be much lower and has allowed farmers to run much larger farms.Small tractors are easier to store because of the smaller space they take...
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Sprinkle the fertilizer at the drip line and 2 feet beyond. Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.Use 1 lb. Growing to 30 feet in height, the best way to get your plumeria to bloom is by applying fertilizer.The best fertilizer for plumeria trees...
Santa Monica
The 13 Best Companion Plants
The plant will grow back several times in a season. The leaves can be cut and used as mulch or fertilizer or added to compost. Stinging Nettle Tim Ellis/Flickr Another plant that many organic gardeners love, despite its “stinging” quality when touched...
The Best of the Dwarf Columbines
If so, then try your hand at dwarf columbines. All of these species are hardy to USDA zone 5 and several are hardy to zone 3.It is worth searching for some of these dwarf columbines as their foliage is generally attractive and the flowers are among the...
El Segundo
The Best Fruit Trees for Kansas
Full seasons, loads of sunshine and plenty of rain allow gardeners to plant a variety of fruit trees in Kansas. Apricot trees also require frequent watering, especially in the warmer summer months.
Santa Monica
The Best Quail Breeds To Raise
They're more active than the Coturnix but also have a tendency to become more stressed. Because some are more rare, they may make better hobbies or pets versus production birds. Quail are raised for both eggs and meat, and they have a short life span,...
Which Plants Make the Best Topiaries?
You can choose shrubs and plants with variegated or yellow foliage, although pruning cuts are easier to see on light colored leaves than dark green ones. Ivy and other vines are used for "formed" topiary.
Santa Monica
The Best Climbing Roses for Texas
The canes are thornless and the blooms carry a light fragrance. Sea Foam is a moderate climber that only gets 3 feet tall and then cascades downward. Roses need at least six hours of sunlight a day, and the Texas climate provides that in spades.
Santa Monica
The Frugal Gardener, Money Saving Projects and Tips; Landscaping on the Cheap
A little elbow grease and a free afternoon resulted in an attractive new bed for the front of my home and we had the satisfaction of doing it all ourselves!azaleas are settling in and starting their second show.
El Segundo