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Best Cheap Indoor Plants

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How to Get Rid of Mushrooms in Potted Plants
Move your houseplant outside, and apply fungicide to the pot, following manufacturer's instructions. Having mushrooms appear overnight in your potted plants can be disconcerting. Wash the container with a solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water.
Santa Monica
The Remedy for a Musty Smelling House Plant
Potting soil breaks down and becomes too spongy to drain — repot your plant according to its specific needs to prevent soil breakdown. Plant in a pot that has drainage holes.If your plant has a musty odor, withhold water until the soil dries out.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Philodendron
To test root formation, gently tug on the cutting. Select a section of the stem and remove the leaves 3 to 4 inches above and below a leaf node. Angle the cut upward so that it reaches to the center of the stem, but do not sever the stem.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Sugar Cane in Pots
This usually takes about three weeks.Separate and plant the ratoons into individual 6-inch planter pots with drainage holes when the shoots are about 3 inches tall. Maintain a temperature between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and no colder than 65 degrees.
Santa Monica
How to Braid a Ficus Tree
Water the plants so that the soil is lightly moist.Place a wooden or bamboo stake on each side of the pot. The trees should be planted closely together in the center of the pot. Young ficus trees are not difficult to braid, and the plant won't be damaged,...
Santa Monica
Homemade Hydroponic Fertilizer
Don't keep any leftovers because they are not good after 24 hours.Another good hydroponic fertilizer is seaweed. Once mixed into a powder form, mix them with the other ingredients you made.As a rule of thumb, use a ratio of ½ teaspoon of the mixture...
Santa Monica
If I Cut the Wax Off a Store-Bought Lucky Bamboo Plant Will it Grow?
It will, however, produce new growth from above the node beneath the waxed end. In nature, it grows straight up. Growers have learned how to twist and contort this dracaena and leave just enough foliage so that the plant resembles true bamboo.The number...
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree from Seed Indoors
You can plant the avocado seed in soil, but it is more entertaining to place the avocado seed in a water glass so you can see it sprout roots as it grows. Avocado trees take over a decade before they grow avocados, and indoor plants may never grow flowers...
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Distilled Water Have on Plants?
Watering with distilled water, which has the recommended amount of indoor plant fertilizer added, provides an appropriate level of minerals.Rainwater or melted snow usually work well for plant watering, because they are forms of naturally occurring soft...
Santa Monica
Money Tree Problems
New leaves will grow back in their place. Mealybugs on houseplants can be treated with insecticides. If the leaves are turning yellow and dropping off, you are giving too little water.
Santa Monica
What to Put in the Bottom of a Large Planter
If you have a yard full of evergreen trees, collect a bucket of pine cones for a simple, effective option for naturally filling the bottom of your planters.Several items suitable for reuse as planter fillers may already be in your home.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Greenhouse More Humid
Greenhouses are naturally humid from the respiration of plants, but there are times when more moisture must be introduced to maintain the humidity level required for rapid growth and optimum health of those plants.
Santa Monica
How to Drill Holes in the Bottom of a Plastic Pot
A 1/4-inch drill bit works for any pot that's six inches or smaller. Use a 1/2-inch drill bit for any pot that's larger than six inches.Position the drill with the bit directly on top of one of the marked spots.
Santa Monica
Winter Blues I:  Blue Sage and Other Eranthemums
Since those blooms appear at some point between November and March on 3 to 6-inch spikes, the plant can be grown in the garden only in the warmest zones, but makes a charming houseplant elsewhere.
El Segundo
How to Transplant Spider Plant Cuttings
Keep it moderately wet for the first two to three weeks while the roots are getting adjusted to their new home. With the other hand, scoop up handfuls of potting soil to cover the roots.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Patchouli Indoors
Check the dampness of the soil by sticking your index finger in the soil up to your first knuckle to see if it feels wet or dry. Sometimes you may have to wait longer than three weeks for the seed to sprout, so be patient.Thin out the plants so there...
Santa Monica
How do I Organically Get Rid of Bugs in a House Plant\'s Soil?
There are methods to rid your plants of these soil bugs that do not require you to re-pot the plant in new soil. Water again just at the point when the leaves start to droop. You realize you have bugs in the soil of your houseplants when you water the...
Santa Monica
Obviously much reclassification of the genus has taken place, and even the ubiquitous coleus, until recently known as Solenostemon scutellarioides, is now in the Plectranthus genus.
El Segundo
Why Are My Houseplants Sticky?
Alternatively, use the tip of a toothpick to remove the pests. The oil is generally safe to use, and it kills scale, mealybugs and aphids by interfering with their digestive systems.
Santa Monica
Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton
This becomes the top of the miniterrarium. Spritz it with water if it begins drying out. Secure the cups together loosely with a few small pieces of masking tape.Set the terrarium in a brightly lit, warm spot out of direct sun.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Philodendron
One of the hardiest species, cut-leaf or tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum, formerly Philodendron selloum), grows in USDA zones 9 through 11. If philodendron is over- or under-watered or overfertilized, the leaf tips may turn brown.
Santa Monica
Advantages & Disadvatages of Indirect Seeding
Additionally, the young plants are at risk of transplant shock when you transplant them into a new, less-controlled environment. The seeds can then germinate and mature in a controlled environment before the young plants are then transplanted to their...
Santa Monica
White Mold on Ferns
Many people enjoy growing houseplants for the decorative and environmental appeal. Powdery mildew is a common plant disease that attacks ferns, as well as roses, garden vegetable plants and other types of houseplants.Powdery mildew or white mold, is caused...
Santa Monica
Can Urea Fertilizer Be Used in Indoor Plants & How?
These plants can only get their required nutrients from the limited area of the soil. Urea is a naturally occurring substance that has a high nitrogen count. Potted plants should usually be fertilized annually.
Santa Monica
How to Use Plastic Pop Bottles to Water Your Indoor Plants
Drill four 1/4-inch holes evenly spaced around the neck of the bottle, approximately 2 inches from the cap. Discard the bottom of the bottle.Place the cap on the bottle. Keeping houseplants watered while you are away is always a concern for plant lovers.
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Own Plant-Leaf Polish
The foliage of houseplants can develop a dull appearance over time due to the build up of minerals from your water, or from regular dust and dirt accumulation. Wipe the leaves off with one side of the clean cloth.
Santa Monica
How Much Water for Lucky Bamboo?
Always plant lucky bamboo in a well-draining soil to avoid drowning the plant.The Flower Shop Network suggests that, when growing lucky bamboo in a container of water, change the water completely every two weeks.
Santa Monica