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Best Camping Lantern

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Rio Goes to Camp
Photo by Audrey Pavia Stella shows Rio who is top horse at feeding time. All this would translate (hopefully) into a more respectful young horse, even with humans. After several months of struggling to teach him to respect the space of the humans who...
Build a Quinzee for Winter Camping
Now, either enlarge the holes made by your guide sticks or poke some ventilation holes through the walls. A quinzee—what's that? When you have a mound about 6 feet high, insert your 15-inch sticks about 18 inches up from the bottom of the mound at 1-foot...
How to Grow Japanese Lantern Plants
The perennial Japanese lantern plant is related to tomatoes and potatoes. Allow between 1 and 3 feet between plants depending on the mature size of the cultivar you are growing.Fertilize your growing plants with a liquid fertilizer rich in nitrogen every...
Santa Monica
How to Harvest Chinese Lantern Seeds
Add another 1 to 2 cups of water to the mixture and stir to combine.Soak the seeds for two to three days, or until the pulp separates and floats to the top of the water. The viable seeds settle to the bottom.Remove the remaining seeds from the bowl with...
Santa Monica
Carve the Perfect Jack-o\'-Lantern
If you make a mistake, reattach chunks of pumpkin using toothpicks. In the olden days jack-o'-lanterns weren't made of pumpkins—or pumpions, as British people called them. Sophie Sue , Kenny and Lanie have their own Facebook pages.
How to Care for a Chinese Lantern Plant
An established Chinese lantern spreads by rhizomatous roots, or underground runners, and can crowd other plants. Follow each fertilizer application with a deep watering. Chinese lantern seeds can be sown in place after the last spring frost, and the resulting...
Santa Monica
What To Do With Your Jack-O\'-Lantern After Halloween
Pick out a nice selection of the largest blemish-free seeds. Don't toss your spooky, glowing Halloween decor in the trash after the holiday. First up, let's discuss the pumpkin. Chill overnight before serving.
7  Halloween Stencils
Use a pushpin or the sharp point of a knife to poke holes along the edge of the design so that when you remove the stencil, you will still have an outline visible on the face of the pumpkin.
Halloween Pumpkins--Beyond the Old-Fashioned Jack-o\'-Lantern, Way Beyond
While the majority of his carvings are not precisely scary, most have adult human faces which are disarmingly realistic. It's supposed to be solid all the way through to the seeds.
El Segundo
The Tradition of Eating Pumpkins
They baked the pumpkins in ashes on their hearths and though the results were more pudding-like than today's version, these were the first pumpkin pies . They taste good, too! Did you know that pumpkins are loaded with an important antioxidant called...
7  Halloween Stencils
Download and print off these jack-o'-lantern stencils, and decorate your front porch or barn. Don't leave out any fun details! Tip: Carve the small details first, then move on to the larger sections.
The Pumpkin Vandal
A gardening friend told me to be happy that the deer didn't eat the pumpkin while it was still on the vine. There's really no need for the mountain. At least we got to harvest and carve it, right?
3 Unique Pumpkins for Halloween
Plan to harvest this pumpkin just before it reaches full maturity to avoid any cracking issues. Lumina The pumpkin I attempted to grow this year was the Lumina. Lumina plants produce two or three pumpkins weighing between 10 and 15 pounds.
4 Ways to Protect Your Pumpkins from Vine Borers
Working with 11 farms and IPM scout Michelle Aurelio, the NH Cooperative Extension has been tracking the squash vine borer, as well as four additional insect pests that attack sweet corn, berry and pumpkin crops.
Plan Now for Giant Pumpkins
Even though it's too late to start growing your own jack-o'-lantern for this year's Halloween celebration, you can begin strategizing now for how to wow your neighbors next year with giant pumpkins.
4 Funny Terms Every Chicken Owner Should Know
Intervention by your loved ones doesn't cure chicken math. The babies being left behind looked so lonely you just had to buy them, too. If it doesn't, see Freezer Camp. Boy Jail If you have more than one male in your flock, you'll eventually need a boy...
Plant Your Halloween Pumpkins Now
Leave a few inches of stem attached to the fruit; not only does it make a good Jack o' lantern handle, it also delays decomposition. Owl's Eye A bright-yellow pumpkin with deeply ribbed fruit, this selection has a beautiful, round shape that's very uniform.
Start with bags somewhere flat that you can reach: the walkway, the sidewalk, the front steps. Stay off the roof to begin bags evenly along steps, walkways or flat roofs on Christmas Eve.
El Segundo
Happy Campers — How to Travel With a Cat
After mulling over the personalities of my cats, Cheddar was the obvious choice. He walked right in, past the other cats, who stared at him in wonder. It turns out he was the right one.
Redvein Enkianthus - Uncommon but Very Worthwhile!
They dislike alkaline soil, preferring a pH 5-6. In the wild, these shrubs grow in mountainous regions, among forests or open shrubby meadows. They also dislike dry sites. Generally, they require little pruning.
El Segundo
Frederick Law Olmsted, the father of American landscape architecture, and creator of Boston\'s Emerald Necklace.
Thinking on a hugand Harvard's Arnold Arboretum with green parkways, most including areas for vehicular traffic as well as pedestrians. People from all walks of life encounter one another on its parks and paths.
El Segundo
Despite the fact that it took two summers for Sargent to complete it, the painting does not seem labored over--it appears as fresh as the girls and the flowers themselves.; ed. I shall be a long time about it if I don't give up in despair”.At Broadway,...
El Segundo
Festival Spotlights Local Pumpkins
Recruit volunteers to carry the pumpkins. That night, the carved pumpkins lit with candles will be positioned on stumps, on the ground and in trees to create a glowing trail in the forest preserve.
What Is Abutilon: Tips For Flowering Maple Care Outdoors
Otherwise,regularly to promote full, bushy growth and trim as needed to keep the plant neat.Flowering maple plants are generally not bothered by pests. What is abutilon? A site in full sunlight is great, but a location in partial shade is fine too, and...
Celebrate National Nutrition Month by Gardening with Children
It can beits dramatic, two-toned, green-striped markings - a nice change from the more common white or yellow scalloped squash cultivars.Pattypan squash is a fun veggie to grow and will surely bring out the imagination of young children, as the flying...
El Segundo
Buddhist Garden Ideas: Tips For Creating A Buddhist Garden
If an unpleasant view detracts from the peaceful atmosphere of the garden, it can be blocked with climbing, trellised plants or a bamboo screen.Specific Buddhist garden ideas include the Zen-style garden and the Mandala-style a simple garden...
Abutilon Pruning Tips: When To Prune A Flowering Maple
Why do you need to think about pruning these plants? Otherwise, trimming abutilon is a matter of personal taste. Trimming abutilon is essential to their continued health and beauty.