I just have to remember to bring them indoors once the temperatures start dropping below 50 degrees at night.Inspect your plants for critters, yard litter, disease, and pests. (4:37)Miniature garden containers can be great projects for the elderly, handicapped,...
2002.tcm.health-info.org/Herbology.Materia.Medica/sigualuo-properties.htm 5 Dec 2008ACH-31: Cross Pollination In Cucurbits. Luffa likes mulch to retard weeds and to retain soil moisture.
Must be a problem with the; a tile is always coming un-glued. My basement is full ofall dormant as well and waiting for February to be potted up for their journey back to life. That cannot be good.
Growing up in a family that had members in every war from the War forto the Gulf Wars, I thought I knew everything there was to know about life during the trying times of war. I had never heard of victory gardens before I came across this old photo of...
Under the guidance of Master Gardener and other volunteers the offenders prepare beds, maintain walkways and plant seeds and plants in the vegetable garden. Located in a large city park, this garden has evolved into a huge success in just a few short...
They make great water garden containers.My kettle had been exposed to the elements, so I decided to remove most of the rust with some rough grit sandpaper. I estimated that it held about 20 gallons of water.
I guess gardening is a universal language. They have the seeds, plants and most importantly the knowledge they have brought from their native land. I have made many attempts to find someone to translate for me with no success.
It's about 3 blocks from the giant Motor City casino. Community organizating and how to go about obtaining vacant parcels of land. The old Michigan Central train station can be seen from the garden.Very little is thrown away, cut logs are used to borderThese...
Here is how to add a serene stress relieving spot to your garden. You need enough sand for your area to be 2 inches deep. The gate represents enlightenment. Even numbers of rocks go against principle Fukinsei.
The mansion is designated as a National Historic Landmark. It's located on property that was Henry Ford's home. Common areas in the garden are mowed and trails groomed. His mansion Fairlane is ¼ mile east of the garden.
I have to mention that the beautiful photo on the right is not my hollow log, it belongs to DG member pirl and is a beautiful example of what can be accomplished.I've had an antique bathtub hanging around for years.
I'm supposed to be a Master Gardener, for pity's sake.There's the back corner of the east side yard where I've unceremoniously stuck a magnolia, vitex and sumac right next to each other, and they've each gotten huge.
(we just thought the sparks would look cool!)The rusty bottom didn't take long to remove and the ring it was attached to was quite solid. We settled the planter under the crape myrtle, where it gets filtered sunlight.
I've been doing it for a number of years and I find it to be a fun, productive way to grow "things." When I say "things," I mean you can grow almost anything in a strawbale that you can grow in a conventional way.In my particular case I have a couple...
Watch the light in your gardens to see how different it looks as the daylight changes.The Floating Onions were kept at the garden after the Chihuly exhibit last year. It was late morning and the sunlight took away the color of the palm and made this shot...
I like Kentucky Wonder green beans which require a taller trellis than I care to climb. I also remembered how much fun the kids had under the "pickle teepee" we had made for them out of sticks, strings, and cucumber seeds years ago.
An analemmatic sun clock takes the time of year into account by having the human "gnomon" stand on the designated spot for the current month in the centrally located calendar section of its layout.
Perhaps if I plant my vegetable seeds earlier next year, I won't have to take my co-workers' tomatoes while mumbling something about mine being in the flowering stage. No more planting until spring.
The real key here is to have it arranged in such a way that it doesn't look like you must be having a yard sale. The more time you have to spend taking in and out the season's worth of art, the more time you are taking from the garden and that, my friends,...
The Hybrid Tea roseThis popular site is where Cantigny's gardeners create new displays to inspire area gardeners. The day I visited, the garden featured topiary dinosaurs,, a sensory garden, and a small pond with miniatureand a tiny bridge.
"They often convey an important, witty idea or thought relevant to a conversation or topic in succinct, possibly memorable or historic words, often honoring a tradition, well-proven fact or an individual.
In 1986, Gander came up with the novel idea of staging the world's biggest beach party in one of his pastures near landlocked Williamsburg, Iowa.He trucked in tons and tons of sand, set up a mechanical surfboard, hired well-known rock bands from the 50s...
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand little spiders"...
This was broadened to include all of gardening. During the Dark Ages, monasteries were repositories of learning, and it is here that Fiacre became a skillful user of healing herbs.
We have come to a kind of compromise. Besides, fall is cold and dreary, while in the spring I can feel the warmth of the sun on my back while I'm puttering in my gardens, I like that feeling.Now that we know why we're doing this in the spring, let's begin.
I worked very hard and managed to have a good onion harvest. The onion bed was more weed-free, that's why they had more space to grow.I am no expert in growing vegetables, but I can tell you that onions and potatoes are easy to grow, with minimal care...
I first learned about it in theon davesgarden.com. The plant on the left was grown in a strawbale the one on the right grown directly in the soil. Check the number of earthworms in your bales when you spread the straw at the season's end: they love the...