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Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamaikazes: Information and tips to enjoying them: Part 2
We will miss their jeweled wings and aerial acrobatics. Some non-natives that hummingbirds will feed from include. As summer fades to fall, we prepare to say goodbye to the hummingbirds for another winter.
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Crafting With Pine Cones, Nature\'s Perfect Ornament!
A coffee can placed in a pan of simmering water will melt the wax. Look in any magazine or craft book at Christmas time and you'll find pine cones tucked into most any decor. You'll find them worked into wreaths and garlands, in a centerpiece, potpourri,...
El Segundo
Wooden Birds: The Carving Art of Murray Springthorpe
When showing you his most recent work, he would explain the differences in each wing, each feather and how he achieved such lifelike appearance. When Uncle Murray retired, his interest in shipping led him to begin carving ships.
El Segundo
From Nature Back to Nature: Bird Feeders from Vines
Do you trim away the excessive growth of invasive vining plants? True or not, it is a nice beginning to our story of the wreath, an adornment for our homes that is no longer only associated with the holiday season.When I was growing up in eastern Kentucky...
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Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
There is a 16 ounce size available, but as I was planning on more than one feeder I didn't think I needed the extra volume. I don't want my friends to move on to 'sweeter pastures'.
El Segundo
Attracting and Keeping our Feathered Friends, the Songbirds
You can also buy bird baths with built in heating coils. Nothing can cheer up a drab winter day as looking out of your window and seeing a parade of brightly colored songbirds at your feeder.
El Segundo
Making Your Own Bird Cakes, Rendering Fat for Suet
When it is firm, dump it out on wax paper and slice like bread. The hardest part of rendering may be finding the fat. It doesn't have to be perfect! Some people cut it even more, but I've not found that necessary, or I could just be lazy.
El Segundo
Recycling for Birds - Food for Thought
Believe it or not, some birds use it for nests.Many items may also be used to create bird houses. You may prefer a more complex homemade mix of peanut butter, oats, cornmeal, nuts and fruits.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Gardening for the Birds
His large glossary of native wildflowers, grasses and ferns lists habitat, soil, mature height, flower color, season of bloom and other values, such as drought tolerance, unique foliage, cut flowers or fruit bearing.As most of us have discovered, when...
El Segundo
Spotlight on Attracting and Feeding Wild Birds
For hummingbirds, make nectar by combining one part white sugar to 4 parts water. Great habitat for birds in your backyard includes clean and fresh high-quality feed, plenty of shelter, and lots of fresh and clean water for them to drink and bathe in.
El Segundo
Recycle Your Christmas Tree! Make a Peanut Butter Feeder from a Section of its Trunk to Attract Birds to Your Garden
The birds eat up the peanut butter so quickly that I fill and overfill the holes very generously in order to make it last more than half a day. The birds loved sheltering in it all winter, but next summer we did not love running over those sharp fallen...
El Segundo
Hummingbirds, Nature\'s Kamikazes: Attracting and enjoying the Ruby-throat hummingbird: Part I
Sugar water and nectar alone will not build fat, it only gives them quick energy to hunt the insects that they need to build body mass. The first sighting in each state is a coveted honor that many long for.Although there are several species of Hummingbirds,...
El Segundo
Should Humans Eat Seeds? We\'re Not Birds, After All!
In "stone fruits" (peach, plum, and other drupes), the endocarp is the fruit itself, and it surrounds the actual seed--the pit. Tree nuts are the one-seeded, hard-shelled fruit of some plants with an indehiscent seed (dry, not juicy), such as an acorn...
El Segundo
This is for the Birds!
When cold weather sets in, bird-watching from my kitchen window is a lively pastime. My birdseed bill last winter was right around $100. This spring, I'll spend some of that seed money to add even more to the winter smorgasbord! Something that will last...
El Segundo
Livestock Feeders
It's designed to feed both hay and grain. Are they designed for the animals that will use them? They come in 36- and 60-inch models, and are easily carried by hand or on an ATV. Tough, longwearing, stainless-steel items like Nelson's 13-quart Models 540se...
Frozen Bird Feeders
Mix all ingredients and smoosh them into your Bundt pan. Each of us has our own livestock chores, of course, but you can make special treats to please the many birds that live on your land, as well.
Italian Dogs
I put on my mud boots and slicker and climbed up to find the dog and carry him back down. This means that just about any dog that I see out and about is friendly and happy to receive a few minutes of adoration and cuddles from me.
Build A Suet Log Feeder
I find I have fewer troubles with starlings, grackles and blue jays stealing the suet when I use a log suet feeder like this one because these birds cannot grip the log like woodpeckers and nuthatches can.
UF Hack: The Trigger Feeder
Tags chicken feeders , hacks , trigger feeder Garrett Heath/Flickr Oh, those little sparrow thieves! Nothing drives a chicken owner crazier than watching dozens of wild birds boldly gobbling up valuable feed.
Quick Craft: Teacup Bird Feeder
Tags bird seed , cup and saucer , glue , quick craft , teacup bird feeder Before pulling out the glue, determine the position of the cup on the saucer so the so the feeder will hold seed but not fill with rainwater when hanging outside.
4 Natural Ways To Protect Farm Dogs From Fleas and Ticks
Wild animals often carry fleas, so keep any and all garbage in animal-proof containers to prevent raccoons, skunks and other animals from wandering up into your yard in search of a snack, leaving fleas in their wake.
Don\'t Give Up on Your Failed Guard Dog
Instead of letting the owners surrender Apollo to the shelter, where the dog would face euthanasia for aggression, Church took the livestock guardian dog in and set to work rehabilitating it.
Will Your Dog Attack Livestock?
Do you think your dog would never kill a sheep , goat , alpaca or foal? Tags attack livestock , dog attack , guard livestock , predatory dogs , protect livestock Hardly a month goes by that someone on one of Mom's sheep and goat listserv groups doesn't...
Mourning Our Good Friend Fayre
After the service, reminisce. Pound a punching bag or a pillow hard. Then she puffed up with fluid in her body. Our special friend, Fayre, the Portuguese Water Dog , died last Friday evening.
5 Farm Dog Mythbusters To Help Your Pup Survive Winter
While most dogs have fur, they are not all coated equally. Increasing caloric intake can also help your dog regulate its body temperature; check with your vet about proper amounts.
Minnie and the Thuja Seedlings
Minnie is my dog and I love her. Then I gained her trust and made her eat something and drink water. As for Minnie, she has moved on to other "toys", the plastic bottles I used to cover some climbing rose seedlings.
El Segundo
Nutrition Matters: Proper Diets for Farm Dogs
Obesity in dogs is common and will contribute to other health issues. This story originally appeared in the November/December 2017 issue of Hobby Farms. All these nutrients allow the dog to have energy to work and grow.