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Should I Supplement Light In My Coop?
As we wind down to the end of the year, it's getting dark well before dinnertime. Permit Natural Evening Rest Avoid supplementing light in the evening. Any more light than that will stress the hens, which can decrease egg-laying .
Nutrition Matters: How To Add Supplements To Chickens\' Diet
Chickens love eating scratch grains, kitchen scraps, and yard or garden greens. In addition to feeding treats sparingly, it's best to feed them at the end of the day. Kitchen Scraps Chickens make great garbage disposal substitutes.
How to Enrich Your Chickens\' Diet This Winter
In the warmer months, forage can be sown directly in the run for in-coop enrichment all year-round. “It's not hard to be kind and caring, and to provide a stimulating environment for chickens,” she says.
3 Edible Mushrooms To Forage From The Woods
Mushrooms are nutritious, life giving and health preserving. To me, it looks like the woods after an ice storm. As it ages, it can become tough and bitter. Start studying your mushroom identification books, find a trusted mentor and set out to the woods...
4 Store-Bought Treats Your Flock Will Love
I toss a couple of handfuls in each of our runs, and our chickens spend the remainder of the day happily scratching and gobbling up the morsels. Manna Pro Delights The company that produces such chicken-keeping essentials as oyster shell, poultry grit...
Charcoal For Chickens
Once the flames have engulfed the interior metal container, allow it to burn for three or four hours until the fire is gone and the barrel and container are cool. In “Feeding for Eggs,” an agricultural bulletin published in 1909, prominent poultry...
4 Nutritious Spring Roots To Harvest
In order to maintain balance in an imbalanced season, continue eating the warming soups and steamed greens of winter. There are four roots that I especially enjoy digging at this time of year.
18 Ways To Upcycle Eggshells
“Add some soil and top with moss if you want,” she says. Once the tube of chalk is completely dry, make some sidewalk art with the children. According to food-science blogger Martin Lersch, who has a Ph.D. in organometallic chemistry, the additional...
Rockhounds: Finding A Market For Foraged Rocks
Geodes and agates lay deep beneath Kentucky's limestone between, spanning back to 250 to 275 million years ago. At the farmers market, Roland's booth is seasonally stocked with pawpaws , sassafras, wineberries, rhubarb , and other interesting foraged...
Grow A Garden For Your Chickens
Used in moderation, they are a nutritious dietary addition and will enhance the health of your flock. Back then, chickens lived off of what they could forage from the farmyard, and that typically included garden plants.
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Laying Hens
If that hen laid six eggs per week, then it would cost $1.06 (.53 x 2 = $1.06) in feed for a dozen eggs. There are feeds with vitamin or omega-3 enhancing supplements, as well as natural, soy-free, non-GMO, organic and others.
5 Seasonal Treats That Your Geese Will Love
Bread (On Occasion) Generally speaking, you are discouraged from feeding ducks or geese bread. But I don't mind feeding a few crusts to my geese in moderation, and they love the stuff.
Holistic Henhouse: Home Remedies to Help Your Chickens
Are scaly leg mites a problem? Treat chickens to a daily handful of high-protein cat kibble. A bonus: Yarrow, goldenseal and cayenne are natural antibiotics. Appropriate essential oils include bay, cinnamon, clove, lavender, spearmint and thyme.
The 3-Course Meal Your Chickens Should Be Eating
My hens don't get 1/3 of their diet from greens yet. Because organic mills are fewer and farther between, a lot of what chicken keepers pay for is shipping costs. Greens As for the grassy portion of their diet, we had to cut off our hens from free-ranging...
3 Homegrown Treats for Farm Babies
Pumpkins can boost the daily diet for chicks and other poultry babies, piglets , kids, and lambs. Curing allows for chemical changes that make mangels more palatable and reduce possibility of scours in young animals.
USDA Expands SNAP Access at Farmers\' Markets
The $4 million will be distributed to states using an allocation formula based on the number of markets not currently accepting SNAP benefits . In addition to the federal funds being provided now to state agencies, USDA's Food and Nutrition Service will...
5 Rules for Urban Wild Food Foraging
Urban spaces are often full of invasive plants; 80 percent of edibles are invasive, such as dandelions, lamb's-quarter or burdock.” Meredith leads urban foraging tours for the New York Botanical Garden and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Boost Chickens\' Protein Intake With Mealworms
If you do buy live mealworms, know that the darkling beetle is an invasive species to North America. Do not scatter live mealworms for forage like one might toss live crickets into a run to bust winter boredom.
6 Foraging Chicken Breeds for the Thrifty Farmer
Their black-and-white barring color is beautiful, and of course, they're adaptive, economical eaters. All around, this chicken breed has a lively personality, though some can be calmer and some can be more flighty.
DIY Guide to Natural Pest Control
House spiders, ants and moths don't do damage to our homes, but they can be nuisances, requiring significant cleaning, dusting and home management over time. This spray works well to deter pests, and, I must admit, smells absolutely amazing.
Feed Your Hogs Hay? In Some Cases, It Makes Perfect Sense
Second, recognize that different types exist, and swine digest it differently than ruminants (sheep, cows, and so on). It's also important to consider what hay you're offering your swine.
4 Ways To Promote Good Rumen Health In Goats
If those supplements don't fix things, or if the goats are low in energy or off feed, we give B vitamins. Without sufficient B12, goats lose weight and suffer overall metabolic problems.
Understanding Nitrogen Requirements For Plants
Understanding nitrogen requirements for plants helps gardeners supplement crop needs more effectively. Too much nitrogen can result in plant burning, which causes them to shrivel and die.
Up to Scratch: A Guide to Specialty Grains for Chickens
Rather than picking on one another, hens will puzzle out how to get their favorite treats. Standing at the “snack bar” in a local urban feed store looking at an assortment of specialty grains might leave you scratching your head.
7 Chicken Treats for Better-Quality Eggs
Treats should not be chickens' main source of food. “Chickens are like a lot of other creatures,” Tabler says. Offering your flock treats can be an interesting opportunity to observe which they favor or leave behind.
Book Learning or Experience: Which Is More Important in Farming?
Experience is crucial, but instructional materials as well as memoirs provide a necessary supplement for those breaking into agriculture. In the end, a mixture of experience and book learning can be a potent formula to satisfy an eager mind, and, in the...
Gardeners SNAP to It
“We want first-time gardeners to succeed and find joy in growing their own food,” Shaunfield says. He encourages hobby farmers across the country to get involved with the program, as well.