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Winter\'s Wrath: Ice and Snow Damage
Never use hot water.Remove broken branches as soon as possible to prevent further breakage or tearing of the bark. Many species in the Midwest do not attain full dormancy until late fall/early winter (mid-November or December).
El Segundo
The Second Arborists\' Challenge in the Indian Ocean
One can hear supportive shouting, bells ringing and applause. If some of you missed last year's event, just followto see what you missed, and then you can join and will not be deterred by names such as karabiners, friction knots and tree entry techniques.
El Segundo
What Is An Arborist: Tips For Choosing An Arborist
If a person doesn't have any tree equipment, he or she isn't likely a professional.Another way to find someone with expertise is to look for arborists who have been certified by the ISA.
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
<< More Shop Talk >> This is also a good time to check chain tension. Is the chain sharp? There was a time when such work meant grabbing the chainsaw, a fuel can and “the tool” and heading for the job site.
How to Remove Palm Trees With a Chainsaw
If you need to change the direction, pick a side to the left or right of the lean.Clear a debris path by removing anything the tree could damage in the direction you want it to fall.
Santa Monica
What To Look For When Buying A Chainsaw
Unless you're a logging professional felling giant trees on a routine basis, you'll probably find that a guide bar between 1 and 1½ feet in length is the ideal size for you. If you have even a handful of trees on your farm , then chances are you're going...
Pruning, trimming, lopping and aerial wood-cutting.
Depending on the tree species and the time of year, some work will be possible while some would be a complete mistake.So now let us imagine we have to cut those two branches growing over the neighbour's glasshouse which he wants to be removed before next...
El Segundo
Why I Can\'t Live Without My Pruning Loppers
To put it another way, I spend a lot of time trimming tree branches and cutting down small trees—literally hours and hours, maybe even days of each year. Of course, some people might prefer to forego pruning loppers and simply use a chainsaw for their...
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
SnoBoss Reversible for tight steps and stairs, the True Temper SnoBoss can be used as a snow pusher or a shovel and is ergonomic for minimal back strain. So have a look at the things we found that can help your farm run better or keep you and your animals...
Expect the Unexpected
<< More Shop Talk >> Tags chainsaw safety , chainsaws The job seemed simple enough. The trunk slipped about 2 inches vertically. The other day, I was reminded that the best of preparations can go for naught.
When a Tree Falls
Having pulled and pushed more logs into place than I care to recall, to have it fall so perfectly was truly a delight and a great way to begin my spring tasks. Like the first, it too laid down exactly where I had hoped, just to the backside of a garden...
Block That Noise: Why Every Farmer Needs Earplugs or Earmuffs
If you value your hearing (and who doesn't?), you want to avoid working long hours while taking in the never-ending growl of powerful engines. Tractors can generate noise in the 90-to-100-decibel range, and some power tools can be even louder.
How to Kill a Bradford Pear Tree
These traits make the Bradford pear tree an undesirable tree for the yard or orchard. Each brand of brush killer features specific instructions for the best results. Products include Crossbow Herbicide, Brush Killer or Brush-B-Gon.
Santa Monica
The Botanical Garden of Mascarins
It is only a tiny remnant of large properties from early settlements, when people were given land strips going from the coast line to the mountains. Let me take you for a visit in this large and nice garden.
El Segundo
How to Kill a Coconut Tree
If you need to remove a coconut tree from your yard, you can use an environmentally-friendly method or a chemical method. If a building is within the fall zone, clear the area in a different direction as you can force the tree to fall away from the building.Cut...
Santa Monica
How to Sell a Cedar Tree for Wood
Since you have only one tree, a lumber company will likely not be interested.Arrange additional appraisals if you want. Let these people know you would like to sell a cedar tree.Invite interested parties to view the tree.
Santa Monica
Climbing and pruning grass, are you kidding?
Actually the place looks like a giant Mikado game where we are to play! Bamboo culms as the stems are called are empty but nonetheless very strong as can be seen in many traditional buildings throughout Asia.
El Segundo
Cottage-garden Fever
I'm similarly afflicted in the agricultural department as well. I suffer dreadfully from Cottage-garden Fever, and I'm a sucker for anything that looks good in the nursery. But I know about this problem I have, and I'm pushing myself hard to resist and...
Tree Topping Information – Does Tree Topping Hurt Trees
Hat racking destroys the appearance of the tree and leaves stubs that will eventually decay.Before you plant a tree, find out how large it will grow. Topped trees create a hazard in the landscape because the branch stubs decay and break.
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Think about the task ahead and the tools you need to get the job done. Maybe you need a tractor to repair fencing, a UTV to check on livestock or a chainsaw to remove brush and fell trees.
How to Prune Cryptomeria
Thin the branches to allow light penetration and good air flow while still maintaining the trees shape.Work spherically around the perimeter of the cryptomeria, cutting away branches and limbs to shape and maintain a balance in the tree's appearance.
Santa Monica
The Tools You Need For Trimming Trees
I always like to have a pair on hand because they're much easier to handle when making a bunch of small trims in a row. They're easy to maneuver into cramped spaces and can easily cut through branches more than an inch thick, making it fast and easy to...
Creative Things to Do With a Tree Stump
Put a large planter directly on top of the stump and plant climbing and spreading plants in it. Evergreen shrubs will hide the stump all year, while flower beds will cover it with colorful blooms.
Santa Monica
Suckers On Lemon Trees: What Are Tree Shoots At Base Of Lemon Tree
Whichever way you choose to do it, make sure to remove any suckers as soon as you spot them. However,Lemon tree suckers can also grow from the trunk of the tree below the. These suckers produce thornier branches and will not produce the same fruit as...
Why Is My Weeping Willow Turning Yellow?
But the weeping willow is a deciduous tree, which means in autumn the long, thin, leaves of all types will turn yellow and create a flash of fall color before falling.A weeping willow's leaves may yellow and drop as a result of stress brought on by drought...
Santa Monica
Mulberry Fruit Tree Sterilization: How To Stop A Mulberry From Fruiting
If all else fails, consider the removal of the tree (although that costs a pretty penny too!) and replanting of a less disorderly specimen. If it's too late for that and you have a female tree, thinning or pruning the tree to reduce the amount of viable...
How to Kill Poplar Trees
You need to cut through to the sticky layer, or cambium, under the bark. To fully kill the poplar, you must kill the stump. If the tree is near a power line, the power company may cut it down for you to prevent damage to its lines.Stumps left behind often...
Santa Monica