The list above might total to $60 or thereabouts. After we stop for lunch (Panera? It's so sad.)Now, we'll use those newspapers you saved as a mulch base layer. Ask your kids! ) Since we're running last-minute on this garden, I'll take a guess that three...
I used a sewing machine for nearly all the embellishments at first, but a friend's request for another harvest apron while my sewing machine was in the shop forced me to be more creative with attaching buttons and loops.Snaps and latch catches can be...
We have a curious backyard skunk that inspects every new container for prizes, and the squirrels use the miniature gardens to hide their treasures. Here are a few suggestions to get started. 4 Dec 2008Dr. Albert L. Space hills 6 to 8 feet apart with tall, sturdy trellis for support of the heavy fruit (dead trees make good supports).The luffa requires a long growing season from 120 to 180 days.
I needed to do a little spring cleaning by the looks of the dust, get this placein here. I've always been a big fan ofmy produce. The plumber says my machne is shot. Many of the forums are open to everyone, but you'll only be able to see the first post...
These gardens also gave many a worried mother and father something to fill their time with during the long months of waiting for their sons to come home.The call to “Plant more in 44” was answered by over 20 million Americans.
They erect various type of fencing to keep the “critters” out and install different types of garden art in their plots.Water is provided by the city from faucets and hoses located throughout the garden.This garden is not just strictly for working,...
The more area that is covered by foliage, means less sunlight to feed algae.There is also a commercial product made from barley straw extract that prevents algae growth as well.Water gardens in containers need a bit of shade during the heat of the day.
I have made many attempts to find someone to translate for me with no success. Many of their crops are greens of one type or another along with a variety of hot peppers. One thing that I found very interesting, I didn't see on tomato plant in these gardens.Rice...
It stands in the middle of urban Detroit. This particular garden is a real success story for urban farmers. The first piece of property was taken over for the expansion of a mega casino in downtown Detroit.
Bends, corners, and shadows keep you looking and wondering what's there.This principle is one that I think we all strive for whether we know it or not. There are seven principles of a zen garden.
It's not uncommon to see deer, fox and a myriad of wild birds. I used to have a plot in this garden; I liked to go over early in the morning and work from dawn until 7:30-8 a.m. It was peaceful and I have had red-tailed hawks land on a fence post inches...
The well made ones from days gone by last forever. If it will hold soil and you like how it looks, go for it. This thing is deep enough to hold soil and have things growing in it!! Why not?
Unfortunately, when it gets to be July and August here in Texas, I'd rather be lounging in the swimming pool than posing as mosquito food in the sweltering heat.However, deadheading is a relatively easy, quick task and I would really be doing my plants...
A few of these keep just enough moisture near the roots during the blistering summer heat and the plants stay healthier.A bit more potting mix on top of the crystals, finish filling the container.
As the potatoes continue growing, continue adding soil-compost mix until you reach the top of the container.After about 10 weeks or until the plants flower and start to yellow, the potatoes should be ready to harvest.
The stone draws your eye down the slope, tempting you to wander to the next path.It makes me happy to see that I'm not the only one.As you can see from this small tour, there is more to a garden than the plants.
Every site and situation will be different. We dumped a ton of river rock for a path in the middle of the inside and installed a watering system for the soaker hoses.(Click to view a larger image that can be printed.)* 10 each, ½" diameter x 18" long...
Determine a sun clock design that best suits your needs, or the area you have to work with, and the size clock your budget and time will allow. An analemmatic sun clock takes the time of year into account by having the human "gnomon" stand on the designated...
Pen in hand, I start my list on a fresh sheet of white paper. I should have a garden of succulents, but I don't. Perhaps if I plant my vegetable seeds earlier next year, I won't have to take my co-workers' tomatoes while mumbling something about mine...
When you are out and about, you will find these things and you will want to take them home and plant in them.You might even have a burning passion to build a whole little kitchen or bathroom (with plantings in everything) in the garden.Just be careful...
The garden has recently been expanded, and there are now many more shrub roses than I recall from previous visits. Visitors can cross a bridge over a small waterfall, then relax in the shade of a substantialThis is perhaps the most popular garden at Cantigny.
I enjoy hearing from my readers!All images are courtesy of Wikimedia unless otherwise indicated. They are also often used to support, oppose or present an entirely different view of a situation in a humorous light or pridefully used in an attempt to bolster...
What is a "no-wa-wa" fountain? If you'd like to duplicate my terra cotta fountain, here are the items you'll need and where to find them:The terra cotta fountain I used is a fairly popular one, so you might find it at one of the larger garden centers...
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand little spiders"...
Faro told him he could have as much land as he could entrench in one day. As he earned fame for his knowledge of plants and healing abilities, disciples flocked to him. If you see a statue of a saint in a garden, more than likely it's St. Francis with...
My gardens, well, my yard, is flat and open to the elements. There is nothing as barren-looking, in my eyes, as a spring garden that has been raked cleaner than a vaccuumed carpet.