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Industrial Hemp: Uses Ancient and Modern
Industrial hemp is differentiated frompsychoactive hemp by the percentage of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) it contains: Industrial hemp contains less than 1% while psychoactive hemp contains as much as 20%.
El Segundo
How to Make a Homemade Rat Trap
Rats infest homes and cause destruction to the areas of the house they live in. The plan usually involves an expensive mousetrap that you may not be able to afford, or involves a messy mousetrap that causes a horrifying scene at cleanup.
Santa Monica
Cornflower Blue
Some even took up residence in the back of our vegetable garden. It could be that ancient herbalists thought that if it matched some eye color, then it should be beneficial to the eyes.
El Segundo
Annuals You Can Grow
With types from a few inches to a few feet tall, you can find space for this plant in any garden. In mild climates once the flowers bloom they will self seed and be there year in and year out.
El Segundo
Get out the vote, but don\'t wait for November! Vote on the American Garden Award by August 31, 2012
This petunia, part of the Surfinia series, needs no pinching or pruning and will do well in containers or beds. This annual beauty has huge white and rose striped flowers that cover full, bushy plants.
El Segundo
Torenia, the Clown Flower
Wishbone flower prefers fertile soil, so add a bit of high potassium fertilizer every month or so to encourage abundant flowers. Do not cover, as light is needed for germination.Torenia is attractive planted in mass in beds or borders.
El Segundo
What are annuals?
Make your choices based on flower appearance, of course, but also on how large or tall the plants grow and most importantly how much sun or shade the plants will receive in your planned landscape use.
El Segundo
How to Keep Petunias Flowering
If the stem is 8 inches or longer, start clipping. Pick three or four stems each week to cut back. Petunias do require regular maintenance throughout the growing season.Plant petunias in full sun.
Santa Monica
Impatiens are in Trouble: Downy Mildew May Affect Your Impatiens
These colorful bedding annuals are available in a huge variety of colors and cultivars, with habits suitable for garden beds, hanging baskets and other containers. But Downy Mildew (Plasmopara obducens) may affect your impatiens.
El Segundo
Calibrachoa -- have you tried them yet?
You may enjoy caressing the fuzzy, faintly aromatic foliage, which, unlike petunia's foliage, is not sticky.In temperate zones, where it freezes in the winter, calibrachoa is grown as an annual.
El Segundo
Madagascar Periwinkle Care: Growing Madagascar Rosy Periwinkle Plant
The key is heat and dryness for a healthy rosy periwinkle. It will succumb when freezing temperatures arrive, but generally blooms prolifically until that time.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Rosy periwinkle...
Growing Annual Vinca From Seed: Gathering And Germinating Seeds Of Vinca
If you wait too long, the pods will split and you'll lose the seeds.Drop the pods into a paper sack and place them in a warm, dry spot. You can also drop the pods into a shallow pan and put the pan in a sunny (non-windy) location until the pods are completely...
South African Foxglove, an easy exotic annual (Ceratotheca triloba)
The first blooms opened in June. She grew South African Foxgloves from seed last year, not even knowing exactly what it was. Here is her picture of the pods and seeds.Gita shared her seeds with me and I planted them under fluorescent lights this March.
El Segundo
Attractive, Artistic and Amazingly Adaptable: Amaranthus in the garden
Does it have a place in your garden? However, these ancient and beautiful pseudo-grains were first cultivated by the ancient Aztecs. Its muticolored tassels make an artistic back-of-the border annual; the plants may get 4-8 ft.
El Segundo
Marigold: Flower of the Aztecs
The Burpee company favored the marigold in developing new hybrids. Burpee convinced Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, who at first favored the corn tassle, to support the marigold.
El Segundo
Celebrate the Marigold!
Make sure to plant them in full sun, in a spot with good drainage. They will appreciate plenty of added organic matter. You can also plant marigold seeds directly in the ground after danger of frost is past, or start them indoors about 6 weeks prior to...
El Segundo
Incredible Edible Flax
Remember oilcloth slickers and oilcloth table cloths?Most of the flax grown in the US and Canada is for the food industry. Flax (known as common flax) is grown in the home garden for its lovely blue flowers.
El Segundo
Sunflower History- From Humble Wildflower to International Superpower
The Europeans did recognize that sunflower seeds were worth eating and sharing with the "folks back home." Germany developed a traditional sunflower kernel bread, and other countries in that area are also fond of sunflower seeds.
El Segundo
Datura and Brugmansias
Some having purple flowers, offered as seed and plants in nurseries.time of the day, far too many variables for the common gardener to measure. Today we will take a closer look at two rather similar plants that are often mistaken for one another, at least...
El Segundo
Sweet Peas
This should be noted on the seed packet.- cream/ivory scented blooms - exhibition favouriteThe plants can also be integrated into a perennial border, using a tripod or obelisk support they should be planted close to a path so you can have access to the...
El Segundo
Searching for giardini in Rome
We feel sure we made the most of our time and energy there; we just didn't have enough of either to see it all in one trip. That's basically true. We chose to move on so we could see the Coliseum that day too.Above left, roses on Palatino; above right,...
El Segundo
Cempasuchil, The Marigold and Day of the Dead
The main offerings given across the board, rich or poor, are the marigolds, or Flor del Muerto – Flower of the Dead. The flowers are thought to bring out the dead souls to feast on the offerings laid on the table or headstone.The marigold came with...
El Segundo
Steps in Primary Succession
Animal wastes deposited on the surfaces can also contribute to that soil. Spruce has a tendency to follow. Because the development of soil is necessary for all subsequent organic life to thrive, it is called "primary" or "first" succession, as it deals...
Santa Monica
Noteworthy Flowers from This Year\'s Garden
A few, however, are new to the market too. For instance, my favorite tulip this spring was a recently introduced double Japanese type called 'Akebono'.I loved everything about it, including the pale yellow--flushed with rose--color, the thin red edge,...
El Segundo
Spotlight on the 11th Annual Photography Contest
We hope that you'll check out the runners-up via the links under each image. Each year, Dave's Garden members anticipate the annual Photography Contest and this time, it was no different.
El Segundo
Nasturtium Garlands Honor Mrs. Gardner\'s Birthday!
Gardner's day, to say the least. (Except throughIsabella's birthday was April 14, and her favorite flower, the nasturtium. They are artfully supported horizontally as they grow into longer and longer vines ...
El Segundo
How to Deadhead Foxglove
Deadheading or pinching back spent blossoms is a simple and effective pruning technique. Never leave clipped blossoms on the soil beneath plants because this can lead to fungal infections.Watch for a second bloom.
Santa Monica