You have to take care not to roll over your power cord, which will result in either damaging it or severing it completely.These mowers are not as high powered, so it is best to mow more frequently to keep the grass at a manageable level.Your yard needs...
This is another plant that is well suited for containers over 6 inches in diameter.'Asti White' may be planted early in the spring much earlier than other annuals.Hansel produces finger sized fruits 2-10 inches in length...
Pesto An obvious use, but try a new combo. Read more of The Hungry Locavore » Tags basil , cilantro , garlic , growing herbs , herb uses , Judith Hausman , pesto , rosemary , Shenandoah Growers , thyme
If I hit a heavy stand of brambles or weeds, I may have to slow my ground speed so the mower can chew through the material, but that's one of the advantages of independent power. Pulling into a field or pasture overgrown with brambles and brush with a...
« More Restore Farmhouse Order» Tags renovation The options for exterior siding are downright overwhelming. As with all projects in this remodel, we weren't without our … challenges.
Not all English speakers use the word squash, though. The term “squash” is an abbreviation of the Native American Narragansett word askutasquash, which translates as “eaten raw or uncooked,” apparently a reference to zucchini.
So that's what I did. Before I knew it, I had driven right across the top of the anthill, and suddenly the mower wasn't moving anymore. It can seem like modern tractors have so many features and controls that it's hard to memorize them all and put them...
They also tend to form compact mounds instead of tall, lanky plants, making them ideal for container gardens.Dahlias are grown from tubers. This prepares them for blooming and rest during the winter.• Water your plants well, and use mulch to help retain...
In my work as a writer covering agriculture, I knew that most of what I wanted to do with my land could be done with a powerful four-wheeler if it had the right features. If you enjoyed this article and want more like it, click here to subscribe online.
Land Pride offers mowers with suspension seats, adjustable control arms, large foot pans, pivoting front axle and front-fork suspension to smooth out the ride.” You might also consider manufacturer-specific add-ons to increase safety and comfort, such...
There are a lot of advantages to using goats as packers that horses and mules can't offer. We don't recommend Pygmies for packing. “Most of the time you don't have to pack in feed for goats, either,” she says.
Again, do this after dark. At that time, theymate to produce a single generation for that year. The male Carpenter Bee is usually the only one you'll see in your garden, and he is harmless because he has no stinger.
I opted for a simple retainer from which the panels could swing freely. << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , workshop However, another goal was to be able to remove the panels for rearranging tools as I wished.
Sponsored by Organic Creamery, DCI Cheese Company's line of certified-organic cheeses, […] Full contest rules and an online entry form for Organic Creamery's Pure Ingredients, Purely Delicious recipe contest will become available at
“As the movement for better, healthier, more just food and food systems has been growing, [it's become clear] that there is so much knowledge that is community-based and so many organizations that can benefit from one another's knowledge,” explains...
Hold the rod horizontal with the blade perpendicular to the rod. A quick way to check for balance is to stick a rod, bolt or even the shaft of a screwdriver through the center hole in the blade.
Either model can move a 900-pound gate leaf 90 degrees in a mere 12 seconds, they're easily lockable in open or closed positions, and they're fitted with a convenient manual mechanism.
Give the bottle a shake before spraying to help distribute the oils evenly. I couldn't tell you exactly what it is, but there's something about that special breeze that always gets me itching to clean up and clean out.
On the downside, we now have one tiny state—Vermont—with a GM-labeling bill but still no national standard. “We stand behind the health and safety of all of our products, including those with genetically modified ingredients and believe consumers...
The story of the 1621 feast shared by the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Indians is conventionally tied to Thanksgiving and has taken on the sheen of legend. As the holiday spread throughout the country, regional produce and seasonings have contributed...
New cultivars have been developed that bloom later (into May and June) and a new type -- Encore -- flowers twice, in both spring and again in the late summer, states North Carolina State University.
Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, covered for 30 minutes and uncovered for 10. Spread the bread cubes in it and pour the milk over the bread. Some green pepper or a small hot pepper might be nice in it as well.
As you can see from the percentages, it doesn't take much. Hence I bought from the stores for awhile,usually steer compost for about $1 a bag. If your city doesn't have a composting program available, you could try to get them to implement a composting...
I had a lot of free-range experience to share, and I forged new friendships and made meaningful connections. Today, the list of livestock includes chickens, turkey, game birds and goats.
Give yourself plenty of room to play on your farm with a well-mowed yard. Garden Tractors A sizable step up from lawn tractors, garden tractors aren't designed exclusively for mowing lawns; in fact, removing the mower deck is common with garden tractors.
Courtesy iStockphoto/Thinkstock With rising fuel prices, using a gas-powered lawn mower costs a little extra green this season. With the help of Polk County's Lawn Mower Exchange Program, 35 Iowans traded in their old lawn mowers for vouchers that allowed...
It saves us from having to use gas to just drive around the block, and it sends a message to people that an electric vehicle can be a viable replcement for a car.”, which provides industry insight about trends in the pizza business,...