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Yellow African Violet Leaves: What To Do When African Violet Leaves Are Yellow
When African violet leaves are yellow, the plant is signaling that it has either a shortage or excess of something. There are even special watering cans for African violets with longer stems to reach the soil surface under the foliage.
Crown Rot On African Violets: Learn About African Violet Crown Rot Treatment
The best method for controlling African violet crown rot is prevention – always let the soil dry to the touch between waterings.Since there really isn't an effective African violet crown rot treatment, if your plant is already infected, dispose of it...
Reasons African Violets Are Leggy: Fixing Leggy African Violets
As new growth grows from the top spending much of the plant's energy, the old leaves at the bottom of the plant die back. African violets should be planted in a well-draining soil mix and water right at the soil.
What Is African Gardenia: Tips On Caring For African Gardenias
What is African gardenia? An ever blooming, fabulously scented, non-hardy houseplant or warm climate patio plant. As long as you keep the soil a bit on the dry side and protect the plant from harsh sun rays, you will have a long lived scented bloomer...
African Violet Diseases: What Causes Ring Spot On African Violet
In fact, it's really not even a disease, though it presents just like one. Watering from the bottom is the secret to African violet success.You can buy self-watering planters designed specifically for African violets, install a wick into your plant's...
Tips For Easy African Violet Propagation
Two to six months after the process starts, the new plants should have two to three leaves. When the roots appear, new leaves and plants should start peeking through the ground three to four weeks after that.One thing to remember when propagating African...
Dividing An African Violet Plant – How To Separate African Violet Suckers
Read on to learn more about African violet plant division.Exactly what are African violet pups? Place the pot in bright, indirect light. Remove the pup from the mother plant with scissors or a sharp knife.Make a hole in the center of the pot with your...
Growing African Violets for Foliage: Variegated African Violet Plants
If your plant once had variegated leaves, odds are good that it will have them again.When propagating a variegated African violet, choose a leaf cutting that has as much green as possible.
El Segundo
Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms
A neglected plant can develop such a long "neck" that it seems to crawl right over the rim of its pot, but that doesn't make it a trailer. Shallow, oval pots seem especially good with trailing miniatures.
El Segundo
Trailing African Violets: Grooming, Pruning and Propagating
Whether you've got a plant that's refusing to branch out or one that's grown into a dense tangle, I've got some tips on getting your trailer to shape up.I love the way the foliage on a trailing African violet fills and spills over the edges of its pot.
El Segundo
African Violets - You Can Grow Them!
But what do you add there? You see that east facing window each and everyday and you just know there is a reason it lives there with that perfect sun, perfect shade, and just the right spot for a house plant ?
El Segundo
Running Out of Room for Houseplants? Try Miniature African Violets
Follow directions with the moisture crystals; adding too many will make the little plant heave right out of the pot as the crystals expand with water. Plastic "clamshell" takeout containers with holes in the top (for ventilation) and bottom (for drainage)...
El Segundo
Do You Trim African Daisies: When And How To Prune African Daisy Plants
Simply, removing the stem to the second set of leaves. Either time is acceptable, but if you are set on a tidy garden going into winter, you may want to prune in autumn.On the other hand, if you appreciate the textural appearance of the African daisy...
Growing African Daisies – Tips For Growing Osteospermum
They do not like it.You should see growing osteospermum seedlings in about 2 weeks. Do not use heat to germinate them. This flower is better known as the African daisy. It likes heat and full sun.
African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
Another name for this type of foliage is simply "scalloped."The center of the leaf, where its base meets the stem, is usually light-colored and slightly cupped.Because this leaf shape is less flat than most, the leaves have a tendency to get twisted and...
El Segundo
African Hosta Care: Growing African Hostas In The Garden
Growth is slow, though, so if you want to fill in a space with groundcover, put the plants fairly close together. There are no particular pests or diseases that bother African hosta, but shade-loving pests likeDeadhead your African hosta plants to ensure...
Daisy Bush Care: How To Grow An African Bush Daisy
The important distinction between the two is the latter part of the name. In fact, the bush will readily reseed itself in its habitat. This indicates that no matter the name, African bush daisy, while a member of the Asteraceae family, takes on the characteristics...
African Tulip Tree Information: How To Grow African Tulip Trees
For this reason, the tree should be planted away from structures or smaller trees that may be damaged. Although it likes rich soil, it will grow in nearly anyNewly planted African tulip trees benefit from regular irrigation.
Watering African Violets 101: Different Strokes for Different Folks
Mason twine and strips of old pantyhose make excellent wicks. Wet crowns can lead to rot. Having more than one "right" answer to "How should I water my African violet?" lets you find the answer that works best for you!For more information on African violets,...
El Segundo
Dividing African Violets
I was so afraid I was going to lose it! I had already lost its "twin" before, so I was determined to watch the only one of this variety I still had. I prefer to save them all for starting new plants.
El Segundo
African Violets 101: Getting Started with Your New Plant
If your house is really dry, raise the humidity around your plant by putting its pot on a saucer with water and gravel. If possible, keep your new African violet away from others for several months, so you can see and treat problems before they spread.
El Segundo
Parma Violet or African Violet?
Ever since, African violets have become the most common indoor plants in the world.The species name 'ionantha' is the Greek for violets-like.African violets are still growing in the wild African cloud woods, although some of the species are endangered...
El Segundo
Add a Little Leprechaun Magic to Your Houseplants: Celebrate St. Patrick\'s Day with a GREEN blooming African Violet
Maybe it?s green with envy because that ever-blooming trailing violet has taken center stage again. Am I seeing things, or does that African violet blossom look a little green today?
El Segundo
Gesneriads: The Blooming-est Houseplants
In fact, reds and oranges are pretty prominent.Although I would like to report that I am now much better at all gesneriads, my successes remain spotty--with some doing well for me and some doing bupkis.So please take a lesson from me and don't give up...
El Segundo
Hardy \'African Violets\' - Ramonda, Haberlea and Jankaea
Specialty alpine nurseries offer them and periodically you can find them in seed exchanges such as that offered to members of the North American Rock Garden Society. As it happens , there are several hardy gesneriads (African violet relatives) that will...
El Segundo
Aquarium to Terrarium
Again, the fishies come in handy. Mine needs the lid cracked all the time, but then I keep my house fairly warm. Always remove any rotting leaves, this is a sign of too much humidity and you can open the lid a crack to help reduce it.
El Segundo
House Plants as Decor: From Jumbled to Just Right
Or even just need a few pointers, here are a few tips for making that Schefflera look like it was born to sit next to that couch: While this look is probably fine in our eyes, it might not strike the fancy of our spouses, house guests, and likely won?t...
El Segundo