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Best 5th Wheel Hitch For Short Bed

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Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the creator.
El Segundo
Potager Gardening
Whether you grow a variety of mini bell peppers that ripen in a delightful array of color, or the biggest chocolate-hued tomato , they're sure to create interest. The key components are keeping it close to your home so it's easy to reach; plant what you...
How to Grow Watermelons
Another important consideration is the fact that watermelon vines appreciate sufficient water, but overwatering can be a problem if the vines are not grown on fast draining sandy soils.
An Abundance of Borage (Starflower)
It's a great substitute (or addition) to your usual steamed greens. I'd never grown borage before I moved to Italy, and had the mistaken notion that borage was an herb . There are always quantities of new sprouts around in the high season, so the leaf...
Blacktop to Greentop
Joe Kovach, an Ohio State University expert on small-scale horticulture who specializes in maximizing fruit and vegetable production in limited spaces, is investigating ways to garden in empty, abandoned parking lots.
How to Start Vertical Gardening
Starting a vertical garden isn't hard. Many garden-supply centers offer ready-made supports, including stackable containers and an assortment of trellises, tepees and netting. The plants that thrive in a vertical garden are those that are naturally vining,...
UF Hack: Nitrogen Nurses
There are numerous ways to use nitrogen-fixation for a better harvest, and it all starts with learning your legumes! About the Author: Lynsey Grosfield is the founder of BiodiverSeed , a global seed swap network devoted to the exchange of self-harvested,...
Protect Your Garden From Car Emissions
Thoroughly wash all produce before consuming your harvest to remove urban dust and other contaminants. Vehicle emissions of the 20th century, before leaded gasoline was banned in the U.S., were more of a concern for urban growers than they are now.
What Should I Do If My Blue Hydrangea Has Turned Green?
Many white hydrangeas do not possess the pigment needed to change color at all. Fertilize weekly with a good-quality, slow-release fertilizer. Alkaline soil will inhibit the uptake of any aluminum sulfate that you add to the soil.The best way to keep...
Santa Monica
How to Build a Raised Bed
Cut down your long, largest pipe into smaller sections, and then secure them with galvanized brackets. Then, do some planting. The depth is 10 inches, to accommodate the irrigation pipes and 6 inches of root space.
UF Hack: Strawberry Snail Garden
The wheels in my head were turning. Get a more constant strawberry harvest and prevent rotting fruit with the spiraled garden bed design. Generally, strawberries naturally live on the forest floor, so they do well in the presence of decaying wood.
Need a Sugar Fix? Grow These 7 Small-Space Fruits
Gooseberries Gooseberries are a delightful addition to the urban garden. Be aware that in some states, certain gooseberry and currant varieties (particularly black currants) are restricted, due to the plants' risk of carrying white pine blister rust,...
How to Grow a Guava Tree From Seed
The trees thrive in a temperature range of 73 to 82 F.Harvest fruit when it sets, about two to four years after planting seeds, although it sometimes takes as long as eight years. Seeds may germinate best if planted soon after removal.Place seeds in a...
Santa Monica
UF Hack: An Exotic Melon Perfect For Winter Storage
To increase your crop yield for the year, place a melon trellis over your raised beds under, and grow your favorite short-term crops, such as a lettuce, under the melon plant while they're maturing.
8 Tips for Selecting This Year\'s Seeds
You may need to re-read variety descriptions in seed catalogs several times to pare down your choices, but it will save you money in the long run. Many seeds, like beans and peas , keep longer than one year and don't require re-ordering.
UF Hack: Citrus-Bag Row Cover
The adult butterflies lay their eggs on the bottom side of the foliage, leaving their larvae to feast on the plant. In addition to acting as pesticide-free caterpillar and worm protection, the cover can prevent the spread of plant disease and provided...
Putting Roses in the Fridge
Cut rose stems under the water to eliminate air bubbles. Keep cut-rose bouquets looking fresh longer by storing cut roses at low temperatures, including in the fridge.Keep roses looking fresh and new by storing them in the refrigerator overnight.Cooler...
Santa Monica
4 Reasons to Start a Hay-Bale Garden
We've got a few things that might persuade you. The decaying hay is perfect ready-made compost that can be mixed into your garden plot or landscape beds to enrich the existing soil with remnants of your bale garden.
Composting With Less Labor
All organic materials from the garden leaves, grass, garden clippings — eventually decompose into the brown, earthy compost found on the forest floor. (Mine is broken, but re-purposed.) Toss a forkful of leaves over the kitchen scraps in the compost...
3 Benefits Of Soil Testing For Urban And Suburban Growers
For less than $30, you can either do it yourself or have a lab analysis of what's in your soil, complete with recommendations of what your soil needs. The presence of heavy metals in trace amounts is not always cause for concern—plants and people alike...
4 Tips For Buying Quality Plant Starts
Other pests, like cabbage loopers , can be less obvious. Watch out for these white butterflies with black spots on their wings while shopping. Watch Out For Pests Look for well-watered plant starts with evidence of new growth, but be sure to keep an eye...
5 Edible Plants That Double As Ornamentals
Growing food crops does not have to be a dull, earth-tone affair. In the spring the trees feature wonderful pink or white blossoms followed by colorful fruiting in the summer and bright orange foliage in the fall.
Can You Burn Apple Wood in a Fireplace?
Apple wood also produces very little smoke when it burns, which is always a plus in an open fireplace.Grilled-meat enthusiasts and serious bakers of artisan bread and pizzas are often fans of apple wood for general open-fire cooking, baking and grilling...
Santa Monica
Cubanelle Peppers
Some of my favorite peppers in the garden now are friggitelli , which are the same as the cubanelle peppers I used to grow in California. Photo by Rick Gush Fortunately, my favorite peppers grow more abundantly in Italy than my former U.S. home.
Dry-climate Growing
If you live in a windy area, consider planting wind breaks to slow water loss through evaporation. Place containers next to each other to capitalize on humidity, shade and run-off from taller to shorter containers.
UF Hack: Wattle Fences
I keep my prunings every year from trees like the Chinese contorted willow ( Salix xmatsudana ‘Tortusa') and use them to expand on ongoing projects. Lynsey Grosfield As with most skills, practice makes perfect.
Shelled Peas = Green Candy
In heavy clay soils, plant seeds about half as deep as recommended and no more than about seven weeks before the average last frost in spring. Plant the peas in a prepared bed, about 2 inches apart in rows about 6 feet apart.