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How to Buy a Lawn Aerator Best for Your Needs
The peak of winter is the perfect time to ponder plans for the coming summer, because there's not a whole lot else to do when there's two feet of snow outside (which is the case as I write this).
How to Buy Individual Flowers
School horticulture programs, a neighborhood flower society or a locally-owned nursery can all provide individual flowers, and are often willing to direct you to someone who can help if they are unable to meet your flower needs.
Santa Monica
Maryland Challenged to Buy Local
The goal of Buy Local Week, however, is to put farm-fresh products at the forefront of consumers' minds, giving extra visibility to local farms, increasing visitation to farmers' markets and getting people to think about where their food comes from.
The Best Veggie Garden $1 Can Buy
Surely they had to have a pile of manure free for the taking.I found all the manure I could have, free for the hauling.Mind you this was in January, so I had some time to let the manure age while I waited for spring's thaw.I knew that I needed to let...
El Segundo
4 Places to Buy Backyard Chickens
Later in spring, some of these stores even sell pullets. If you're into keeping chickens for pets or eggs, ordering from a hatchery is well worth the high cost of shipping. With so many hatcheries open, it's probably best to order from one closest to...
Places to Buy a Single Red Rose
Most florists don't prepackage single roses, so you will likely have more control over how you want the rose wrapped.Grocery stores with in-store floral departments also sell a variety of single-stem flowers and arrangements.
Santa Monica
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
Native to the northern mountain ranges of Japan, the enoki can be cultivated in a hardwood sawdust medium. Oyster mushrooms are one of the best for home growers because of their nutritional value.
Santa Monica
5 Questions To Ask When Buying Rabbits
Of course, an older rabbit will also have less time left to produce offspring for your breeding program. If you're looking for a senior brood doe that will raise healthy litters, inquire about her background.
Tips For How To Buy Rose Plants
Some of these dealers sell their roses through reputible garden nurseries as well. Many will arrive either with a bloom on them or buds that will open very soon. I know of rose gardeners who have purchased what was to be a red blooming Mister Lincoln...
A Farmer\'s Guide To Buying A Welder
Straight Polarity: More accurately termed electrode-negative polarity, this current type works best on thinner metals at the expense of faster electrode burn-off. Additionally, they work best on clean base metals, so all dirt, rust and paint must be scraped...
Winterize Your Chicken Waterer: From Buy to DIY
Water is important to your flock—make sure it doesn't freeze over in dropping winter temps. Home On The Roost Home On The Roost No matter what method you choose and regardless of the season, providing plenty of clean, fresh water for your chickens to...
The Best Quail Breeds To Raise
Want to add variety to your poultry operation? Depending on the state where you live, some may also require special licenses to keep. The eggs are enjoyed on a seasonal basis, from spring through fall, with one female producing about 200 eggs in the first...
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
When it comes to getting a tractor, you want to take a closer look at the moving parts. Hydraulic power-­steering can make turning easier, while hydraulic power is also used for lifting attachments and powering implements such as backhoes and front-end...
Burning Question: Is It Really Better To Buy Local?
With “Locally Grown” stickers on the products of grocery-store shelves, “[Fill in your state] Proud” labels at the farmers market and Small Business Saturday events, the buy local message is hard to avoid.
What To Look For When Buying A Wood Chipper
Turn your tree prunings into a free source of mulch with a wood chipper. This can be a very useful feature if you're doing general yard work, rather than exclusively chipping branches.
The Best Way to Peel Grapes
Top the ice with water.Place the grapes in a mesh strainer and dunk them in the boiling water for 4 seconds. Store the grapes in a bowl of water in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Santa Monica
What To Look For When Buying A Chainsaw
If you have even a handful of trees on your farm , then chances are you're going to need a chainsaw at some point. A chain brake: This is a lever positioned near the right hand grip that immediately stops the chain when pushed, and can be triggered automatically...
6 Questions To Ask When Buying A Snowblower
Some are controlled by a simple crank that must be turned by hand to change the orientation of the chute, but some snowblowers offer more sophisticated controls, such as a joystick.
The Best Time to Transplant Evergreens
Protection from high winds and good soil moisture also help the evergreen recover. Starting with a young nursery plant is often more successful, ensuring a healthy, fast-growing plant, according to North Dakota State University.The best time to transplant...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Prune Nandinas
Bypass pruners, while more expensive than anvil-type pruners, make a cleaner cut. These are vigorous growers, so aggressive yearly pruning is in order., spaced randomly around the nandina, all the way back to the soil level.Prune another one-third of...
Santa Monica
How To Kill Chickweed: Best Way To Kill Chickweed
Both species have shallow roots and can be easily removed by hoeing or hand pulling. The other species, common chickweed (The best way to kill chickweed is by pulling as much of it out of the ground as possible by hand.
4 Ways To Be A Farmer Without Buying Land
Take these small steps to reaching your farming goals until the cash flow comes. You don't have to own land to be a farmer—but you do need access to it. Fortunately, an elderly neighbor expressed a wish to no longer mow his back 2 acres.
The Best Time to Plant Knockout Roses
Plant roses where there is plenty of drainage, and modify your watering patterns in accordance with heavy rain or prolonged sun and heat. In 1988 rose breeder William Radler developed the Knockout Rose shrub, which has since proven resistant to cold climates...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Plant Maple Trees
Plant them before spring top growth begins. Use Nation Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration freeze/frost maps to determine the last frost date for your area. Plant maples potted in field soil immediately.
Santa Monica
The Best Way To Clean Water Troughs
They may appear to go away but you'll still feel a slight film when the bucket is touched. Use Water Troughs For Water Only Don't use water buckets or troughs for anything other than water.
The Best Way to Transplant Ivy Plants
Although English ivy makes an effective ground cover, the plant will also scramble over a wall, fence or trellis. English ivy is an evergreen plant that is easily planted and easily grown, and within about two growing seasons, the ivy will become a dense,...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Plant Spruce Trees
The tree will often suffer drought stress and die, according to the University of Montana website. For best results, plant the tree just before the last frost of the season and before the spring thaw or rains begin.If you cannot plant an older spruce...
Santa Monica