Smokey is CKC registered. He will come up to date on shots, deworming and vet checked. Thanks, Donna! 😊🐶 They are in the pictures listed. His mom is black and his dad is fawn
There are five male and four female puppies. Ful Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Beautiful Brown Phantom Female Puppy with an outgoing and sweet personality.
There are five male and four female puppies. Full Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Beautiful Brown male puppy with an outgoing personality. We have put a lot of hard work into our breeding program and are proud to be...
Full AKC Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Visit our web site for more information. Our breeding program is built around the quality, temperament, health, beauty, and affordability of our dogs.
She is the smallest puppy in her little. Full AKC Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. We breed and raise high quality puppies and dogs. Both parents are red.
There are five male and four female puppies. Full Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Beautiful Black Phantom Female with an outgoing personality. We have put a lot of hard work into our breeding program and are proud...
Visit our web site for more information. The puppies are expected to range from about 40-45 and 50-55 pounds full grown. Full Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes.
He is being offered with CKC registration. We welcome all inquiries. He is going to be a tiny little guy. Call or text for more information (606)7480549 Elvis is devastatingly handsome, like his name suggests.
Raised in my home with lots of TLC. Farah is a beautiful dark chocolate and white party girl. Call or text for more information (606)7480549 She is a rare liver with brown nose and green eyes.
She loves attention. Sired by one of Shih Tzu Factory's show dogs. Parents are super sweet, smart and quiet. She is raised in our home and will come to you pre-spoiled. She has beautiful wide set eyes, short cobby body and short little legs.
There are five male and four female puppies. Full Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Beautiful Brown Phantom Male Puppy with a sweet outgoing personality.
There are five male and four female puppies. Full Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Beautiful Black male puppy with an outgoing personality.He has a small white marking on his chest.
There are five male and four female puppies. Full Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Beautiful Brown Male Puppy with an outgoing personality. We have put a lot of hard work into our breeding program and are proud to be...
Honey pied out of red fawn pied and cream. Serious inquiries only please. Has been used as a stud(currently) but is house trained to wee pads and doggie door. $1000 is without papers $1800 for breeding rights.
Check out our Fb page Fraleys French Bulldogs for videos and parent photos. AKC registered white/platinum sweet playful girl. Can call or text 606 356 2224 Serious inquiries only please.
Call (606) 784-9080 if interested in this puppy. Little Red is a very nice deep red puppy. We offer airline shipping if you cannot drive and pick up your puppy. He has a small white marking on his chest.
Full AKC Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Visit our web site for more information. Our breeding program is built around the quality, temperament, health, beauty, and affordability of our dogs.
Full AKC Registration may available for an additional cost to approved homes. Visit our web site for more information. Our breeding program is built around the quality, temperament, health, beauty, and affordability of our dogs.