University-based breeding programs have developed many great-tasting, disease-resistant varieties. Thin out fruit four weeks after the tree has blossomed and prune the tree in late fall.
Start by cutting away any misshapen, damaged or scarred fruits. Aim to leave about 4-6 inches (10-15cm) between individual apples of eating varieties. The fruits left to grow on will enjoy more airflow, sunlight and energy from the tree for even ripening.
Females then lay eggs in fruits, and cut a crescent-shaped expansion scar in the fruit so the larvae will have room to grow. Allowing poultry to forage under fruit trees can suppress plum curculios, too.
So encouraging these productive staples to carry on cropping for longer is the aim of the game. Beans will also stop producing more pods if the existing ones are left to ripen to biological maturity – by forming seeds, the plants will have completed...
Small, rice-like maggots may be present, especially in apples that have dropped to the ground. Promptly pick up fallen apples and chop them into pieces before composting them. Adult flies overwinter as pupae about 2 inches (5cm) deep in the soil.
Keep plum trees mulched with wood chips or sawdust. Frost tolerant Yes, but it is important to choose varieties known to grow well in your area to reduce risk of losing blooms to spring freezes.
Notes Fruit size, flesh color and texture varies with variety and type of melon. Small melons mature quickly and take up less space compared to varieties that produce huge fruits. Wipe harvested melons clean and store indoors in a cool place, or in the...
Keep plum trees mulched with wood chips or sawdust. Frost tolerant Yes, but it is important to choose varieties known to grow well in your area to reduce risk of losing blooms to spring freezes.
Preventive sprays with organic fungicides are often needed to grow good quality peaches. Prune peaches hard in late winter. Control by allowing hens to feed around trees, or shake branches to dislodge the insects onto a sheet then plunge into very hot...
Preventive sprays with organic fungicides are often needed to grow good quality peaches. Prune peaches hard in late winter. Control by allowing hens to feed around trees, or shake branches to dislodge the insects onto a sheet then plunge into very hot...
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Notes Prune outdoor plants in spring, and indoor plants in early winter. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Pomegranate...
Mulching, watering, feeding, weeding and hard pruning can all help. Feeding Feed with balanced organic fertilizer in early spring. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Apricot (Large) Aphids (General) Slug Snail
Notes Tomatillos can reseed if allowed to do so, but extra seedlings are easy to lift and move or pull out. Harvesting After the outer husks of some fruit turn from green to tan, look for ripe tomatillos that have fallen to the ground.
A wide hole is better than a very deep one. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Moist, well-drained soil with a near-neutral pH. Prune to improve airflow and avoid feeding with too much nitrogen.
A wide hole is better than a very deep one. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Moist, well-drained soil with a near-neutral pH. Prune to improve airflow and avoid feeding with too much nitrogen.
Companions Marigold, Broccoli, Chives, Mint, Borage, Parsley, Basil, Pepper, Asparagus, Monarda, Lettuce, Garlic, Dill and Calendula. Store at room temperature. Set out after the last frost has passed, when the soil is warm and settled.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Notes Powdery mildew can be a serious problem for white currants, so consider planting resistant varieties such as ‘Blanka' or ‘Pink Champagne'.
Companions Nasturtium, Asparagus, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Onion, Onions, Chives, Marigold, Basil, Borage, Monarda, Mint, Dill and Calendula. Store at room temperature. Set out after the last frost has passed, when the soil is warm and settled.
Preventive sprays with organic fungicides are often needed to grow good quality nectarines. Prune nectarines hard in winter. Control by allowing hens to feed around trees, or shake branches to dislodge the insects onto a sheet then plunge into very hot...
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Notes Persimmons do not need to go through a frost to be palatable, but they do need plenty of time to finish ripening after they have been picked.
Crop Rotation Group Cucurbits (Squash family) ● Soil Rich soil with plenty of compost added. Companions Beans, Corn, Radish and Potatoes. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
Frost tolerant Yes, but it is important to choose varieties known to grow well in your area to reduce risk of losing blooms to spring freezes. You will need two trees for good fruit set with sweet cherries.
Frost tolerant Yes, but it is important to choose varieties known to grow well in your area to reduce risk of losing blooms to spring freezes. You will need two trees for good fruit set with sweet cherries.
When growing figs in containers, apply liquid tomato feed every 2-3 weeks once fruits appear. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Any reasonable moisture-retentive but well-drained soil.
Again, a pair of gloves will come in handy for this. You can use your dried chilies as needed, or infuse whole fruits in sterilized bottles filled with olive oil to make chilli oil.
Picking can continue for several weeks as fruits do not ripen all at once. In winter, plants may be moved into a greenhouse, sunroom, or heated garage. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Orange (Container Grown) Aphids...