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Baobab Tree Facts
Capable of living for thousands of years, this deciduous tree has a peculiar growth structure consisting of a massive, bottle-shaped trunk and relatively sparse canopy. Radiocarbon dating computes the age of some baobabs as being more than 2,000 years...
Santa Monica
The Most Acidic Varieties of Apple
However, the tart flavor stands up well in cooking. Among apple varieties, the word acidic is used to describe the flavor of the fruit, and not its actual pH. While not prized as highly as a cooking apple as Granny Smith, the flavor mellows enough after...
Santa Monica
Is a Eucalyptus Tree the Same As a Gum Tree?
For instance, the Sweetgum earned its name from American pioneers who used to scrape material from the tree to make chewing gum, according to the University of Florida.An easy way to tell the difference between a true Eucalyptus and another type of gum...
Santa Monica
How to Grow a Macadamia Tree From Seed
This depth allows the seed to develop a strong, straight taproot.Fill the container with a combination of moist peat moss and moist vermiculite. Germination may be slow – the seed typically sprouts after three and six weeks, but may take as long as...
Santa Monica
What Plants Live in the Neritic Zone?
Phytoplankton is the largest source of photosynthesis on the plantet and relies on the minerals in the ocean, in a similar fashion to how land-based plants grow in soil.Seaweed, also known as sargasso, is especially common in the Atlantic Ocean.
Santa Monica
A Charming Rat\'s Nest
We can stop in the shop of the unique village of Kingstown Barracks and get basic stuff for a picnic on the way; water is also needed as the place is rather dry. Everyone is fit enough?
El Segundo
How to Propagate a Puakenikeni Tree From a Branch
Once the branch has produced roots, cut it off below the roots with a sterilized knife or pruning shears. Now added to Hawaiian leis, those highly fragrant flowers originated in northern Australia and the South Pacific islands.
Santa Monica
The Name of the Tree with Orange Berries
It grows 20 to 30 feet tall and has leaves that are light green on the bottom and dark green on top. A plant should have a trunk at least 3 inches wide and be at least 13 feet tall at maturity to qualify as a tree.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Leptospermum Plants
This will burn the leaves, so keep the fertilizer on the soil only.Repot the plant after about a year. Here is a guide on how to grow Leptospermums.Leptospermum Scoparium, one of the more colorful varieties of myrtle.Because only about 1 of every 100...
Santa Monica
Dangerous Rainforest Plants
If stung, remove the barbs in the opposite direction in which they entered.Black nightshade is a plant native to the rainforest that contains the alkaloid solanidine, which is a neurotoxin.
Santa Monica
Difference Between Mimosa and Acacia Trees
The pink or showy mimosa tree is native to central Asia, but has spread as a fast-growing, if not pesky weed across many parts of the temperate world.Mimosas from the genus Acacia bloom naturally from winter into spring and are evergreen trees.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Types of Fig Trees
Generally, the Florida strangler fig (Ficus aurea) and the weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) are distributed in Florida. Weeping figs have oval leaves that are up to 4 inches long, but the edges are undulate, meaning they have dents and curves.
Santa Monica
Staghorn Fern Disease Symptoms
Under very damp conditions, leaves may drop off.Mealybugs and scale insects suck fluids from the leaves, stems and sometimes the roots. Scales are tricky to detect and hide easily in bark crevices or and leaf axils.
Santa Monica
Palm Tree Facts
Most palm trees do, indeed, like warm climates, and thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10. Tall palm species -- such as royal, Bismarck, Bailey and Canary Island date palms -- grow roots up to 50 feet away from the...
Santa Monica
Climbing Plant Identification
These organisms use structures such as trees and rocks to support their twining growth.Climbing plants employ numerous methods to spread structurally.Locating the leaves of a climbing plant can be a great first step to identification.
Santa Monica
What Plants Grow in the Indian Ocean?
It is encircled by Africa, the Southern Ocean, Asia and Australia and is home to a number of endangered marine animals, such as the dugong seals, turtles and whales. It is an important habitat, nursery ground and food source for scallops, crabs and a...
Santa Monica
Parts of a Sugar Cane Plant
They sprout from the nodes and then grow to wrap themselves around the stem. Known as buttress roots, they not only support the plant, but pull up large quantities of water from a wide area.Sugarcane allowed to flower produces less sugar because the plant...
Santa Monica
A promenade in Kings Park\'s Botanical Garden.
It is known as Western Australian Botanic Garden and indeed offers some 2000 plant species of this State but also species from other Australian States such as Queensland. It has now grown to be an internationally famous garden and attracts every year...
El Segundo
A Blue and Green City: Perth, Western Australia
One often gets images of yellow and red sands or grey kangaroos and brown koalas when the name Australia is heard but the images I brought back are green and blue. The many ponds, lakes and streams welcome the famous black swans (Cygnus atratus) a water-bird...
El Segundo
Are Gardenias Annuals or Perennials?
The two main types of gardenias are gardenia jasminoides Ellis and the gardenia thunbergia L.f. Some other types of gardenias are gardenia brighamii, gardenia psidioides, gardenia taitensis, gardenia jasminoides 'plena', and gardenia jasminoides radicans.
Santa Monica
What Does Lavender Taste Like?
Lavender's anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, emollient and anti-infection properties soothe rough red skin, relieve the sting of a sunburn, calm the itching of insect bites and promote healing of rashes and skin blemishes.Lavender is used extensively in aromatherapy...
Santa Monica
How to Prune a TI Plant
Occasional pruning will keep the ti plant healthy, neat, shapely, and within its boundaries.Begin with a pair of sharp garden pruners, which won't be likely to tear the tender tissues of the plant.
Santa Monica
Tropical Deciduous Forest Animals & Plants
It is a common prey animal for the dhole, an unusual canid species found throughout Asia. Sometimes referred to as tropical dry forests, these ecosystems rely on cyclical drought to precipitate the shedding of leaves.
Santa Monica
Types of Croton Plants
The Aureo-maculatum is a slow-growing green broad-leafed shrub with yellow dots that reaches heights of 3 to 8 feet.Narrow-leafed crotons have leaves up to 2 to 4 inches wide and a length two to four times the size of the width.
Santa Monica
The Characteristics of a Water Hyacinth
The flowers are considered highly attractive, and the water hyacinth is often a feature of ornamental ponds and botanical gardens.The height of the water hyacinth can vary from a few centimeters to around a meter.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a King Palm
If your King Palm is planted in a pot, pour enough water into the soil so that some runs out the bottom (make sure you have something to catch the water such as a bowl or a dish). Consider using a miticide to kill the mites or using an alcohol-water solution...
Santa Monica
Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia.
Regular free tours are held by park guides three times a day and provide ample data regarding the history of the place, flora and fauna as well as many stories and anecdotes.There are several things to do and see in Kings Park besides strolling along...
El Segundo