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Beneficial Insects

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Attracting Beneficial Insects to the Garden
Althoughare known as pollinators and not usually grouped in this category, I feel we need to keep them in mind as we plan our garden. Their needs are similar and they will benefit by the reduction of pesticides and careful practices in the garden.are...
El Segundo
Insect Profile: Cucumber Beetles
Overwintering as adults in protected areas near buildings, in fencerows, etc.,become active in mid-spring, when temperatures begin to increase. Eggs are laid and hatched, and the young beetles feed on plant roots.There are a couple of different varieties...
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? Arilus cristatus, the Wheel Bug
All in all, they are an excellent representation of what a Steampunk insect would look like, or possibly something from 60 million years ago. While not necessarily nocturnal, you may notice them at night because some of their favorite prey is attracted...
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? Sphex ichneumoneus: The Great Golden Digger Wasp
She has been genetically patterned to perform these motions, and if anything changes, she cannot complete this task.If the prey insect is moved a few inches from where she left it, she will quickly locate it and pull it to the entrance.
El Segundo
Predator Insects: Nature\'s Ninjas
The loss of a few butterflies is sad to think about, but a Dragonfly does so much good by eliminating pest insects, it's best to let them stay.are another insect with similar hunting habits as the Dragonfly.
El Segundo
Garden Variety Pack
Prices start at : 59.95 USD

However, to ensure live delivery, it is important that you receive your order when it arrives. Price includes FedEx 2-Day Shipping. Please indicate at Checkout if delayed shipping is desired or give us a call at 1-800-289-6656.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Red Wigglers
Prices start at : 24.95 USD

Under ideal conditions, E. Foetida can eat their body weight each day. Guarantee Planet Natural guarantees live, timely delivery of our shipments. To release, lightly water the target area and scatter about.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Bee Rescue
Prices start at : 2.92 USD / 0.25 lbs

Includes: Forget-Me-Nots, Poppies, Baby Blue-Eyes, Purple Coneflower, Spiderwort, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Indian Blanket, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Globe Gilia, Tidy Tips, Rockcress, Sweet Alyssum, New England Aster, Aspen Daisy, Mountain Beebalm and Lavender...
  • brand: Beauty Beyond Belief
Honey Bee Attractant
Prices start at : 6 USD / 0.75 lbs

Place out of reach of children and pets. Replace lures every 2-3 weeks. Hang one lure per 200 square feet at the start of bloom. Product Label (PDF) Grower's Tip: Research on Honey Bee Attractants have been conducted for the past forty years.
  • brand: Monterey Lawn & Garden
Lacewing Larvae
Prices start at : 119.95 USD

However, to ensure live delivery, it is important that you receive your order when it arrives. Lacewing Larvae or “aphid lions” are similar in appearance to an alligator with pincers — like tiny ice tongs — and vigorously attacks its prey, injecting...
  • brand: Planet Natural
Lady Bug Loft
Prices start at : 59.95 USD

Do we dare say, “cute as a bug?” The Heartwood Ladybug House mimics natural hibernation spots (logs, rock crevices and ground cover) where these popular beneficial insects gather throughout the winter months – often by the thousands! Helps keep...
  • brand: Heartwood
Leafminer Parasite (Miglyphus)
Prices start at : 234.95 USD

The egg develops into a parasitic wasp inside the mine (but outside the leafminer) using the dead larva as food. The parasite is shipped in units of 500 adults which after release target leafminers in all larval stages.
  • brand: Koppert
Mason Bee Homes
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / Chalet

They are designed with a peaked roof that provides ample attic space as an emerging room for the cocoons. These fully assembled, easy-to-clean, and beautifully built mason bee homes are constructed of solid Northwest pine and will accommodate our nesting...
  • Has Extra Shipping Weight: Yes
Cottage Grove
Mason Bees
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / Sold Out

Instructions included. Refrigerator storage and humidity is necessary until proper time for hatching in your area. Bees ship when ordered and are available through early February or while supplies last.
Cottage Grove
Predatory Mites (Spidex)
Prices start at : 61.95 USD

Please make contingent arrangements to have them picked up by a neighbor or delivered to a work address if you will not be home during the day. Guarantee Planet Natural guarantees live, timely delivery of our beneficial insects.
  • brand: Koppert
Fly Parasites
Prices start at : 14.5 USD

The female Fly Parasite will deposit her eggs inside the pupae and once hatched, the tiny parasite larvae consumes the inside of the pest fly pupae. Fly Parasites must find fly pupae in order to reproduce ( life-cycle diagram ).
  • brand: Planet Natural
Fungus Gnat Predator
Prices start at : 73.5 USD

The adults are small, up to 1 mm long. However, to ensure live delivery, it is important that you receive your order when it arrives. The predators come packaged as 25,000 mites of all stages in vermiculite and peat.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Aphid Parasites (Aphipar)
Prices start at : 94.95 USD

Most effective when aphid infestations are beginning. However, to ensure live delivery, it is important that you receive your order when it arrives. New parasites soon emerge through a hole at the rear of the “mummy” and begin searching for healthy...
  • brand: Koppert
Nesting Block (Mason Bee)
Prices start at : 21.5 USD / 5.00 lbs

These popular Mason Bee Houses encourage the world's best pollinating bee to make its home in your backyard or garden. Native to almost every state, this non-aggressive pollinator prefers to nest in wood blocks.
  • brand: Cabin Fever
Thrips Predator (Thripex)
Prices start at : 84.95 USD

They are often found in hiding spots such as along veins and in the flowers. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Thrips predators are applied at a rate of 25,000 per 1,000 square feet, every three weeks.
  • brand: Koppert
Trichogramma Wasps
Prices start at : 12.95 USD

Hanging each square from a piece of thread is a solution. Examples of such garden pests include corn earworm, cutworm, cabbage looper, armyworm, borers and codling moth caterpillar.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Good Bug Mix
Prices start at : 5.5 USD / 0.75 lbs

Beneficial insects include lacewings, ladybugs, hover flies, syrphid flies and parasitic wasps. We recommend using a ratio of 1 or 2 parts sand to 1 part seed. These “good bugs” help to destroy harmful garden pests such as aphids, thrips, caterpillars...
  • brand: Planet Natural
Praying Mantis
Prices start at : 10.5 USD

Birds and rodents will feed on them, so placing them in a container with holes large enough for the mantis to escape — 1/4 to 1/2 inch diameter — will provide protection. Use 3 egg cases for small areas (under 5,000 square feet) and increase the amount...
  • brand: Planet Natural
Whitefly Parasites (En-Strip)
Prices start at : 74.95 USD

Egg laying for this tiny beneficial insect can take place in all four whitefly larval instars and the pupae, but E. However, to ensure live delivery, it is important that you receive your order when it arrives.
  • brand: Koppert
Prices start at : 24.95 USD

Please indicate at Checkout if delayed shipping is desired or give us a call at 1-800-289-6656. * Numbers are a close approximate — we do not count them! Tip: Ants will protect honeydew producing insects like aphids and should be controlled prior to...
  • brand: Planet Natural
Soldier Bugs
Prices start at : 159.95 USD

Nymphs move as a group and can quickly walk from plant to plant. Orders received by Wednesday 8:00 AM (EST) will ship the following Monday through Tuesday. Available size: 250 Eggs Price includes FedEx Overnight Shipping.
  • brand: Planet Natural
Aphid Predators (Aphidend)
Prices start at : 134.95 USD

Attracted by the smell of honeydew, these tiny adults quickly seek out aphid pests and lay their eggs near the colony. After about 2 to 3 days the eggs hatch into bright-orange larvae which immediately begin feeding on aphid colonies.
  • brand: Koppert