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Hampshire Pigs
Some say when the famous Smithfield Ham was established, their products were made using only Hampshire hogs. Now officially called the Hampshire, this hog may be the oldest swine breed in existence today—at least in the United States.
Now, I Finally Feel Like A Farmer
Rachael Dupree Last summer was our first growing season on the farm, but the reality of moving in the middle of June is that we were too far behind to till up a garden bed and get plants in the ground.
10 Terms Every Farmer Should Know About Mowers
A lawn mower with this transmission can be easier to drive and control. They are capable of mowing at higher speeds and turning in place, making them ideal for mowing large areas or complicated yards with a lot of obstacles to mow around.
Improve Your Farm\'s Marketing Plan
Now a rainy day at the market doesn't have to mean a slow sales week. Now is the time to start seeking out the answers and developing a plan of attack for next year. It's easy to get stuck performing a task in a manner that you know isn't the best way...
DIY Root Vegetable Washer
Also consider using large, plastic storage containers (adding an exterior wooden frame for strength), various wooden crates, old stock watering troughs, industrial-sized sinks, custom-made boxes or even old bathtubs.
How Are Strawberries Processed?
Everbearing plants produce strawberries gradually throughout the growing season, while June-bearing plants produce one large crop for harvest, and are the preferred type for industrial production.Once strawberries are field picked, they are stored in...
Santa Monica
Diminish Spring Garden Stress
Wetting the foliage can invite disease. Get to know your plants before using hard-earned dollars to purchase them. Organic mulches can be turned into the soil at the end of the growing season.
Top 10 Climate-Ready Cities in the U.S.
New York City has the envious No. 1-ranked public-transit-per-capita system, even though it's the most densely populated city in the United States. Also, in this college town, Portland's universities are actively committed to sustainability.
How Does a Combine Harvester Work?
The grain falls through a sieve and is collected in a tank, while the shafts and other chaff are transported on a conveyor called a straw walker, and dropped behind the combine as it moves.
Santa Monica
Spotlight on the Operation Migration Whooping Cranes
Follow their progress by accessing theGardeners understand the need for wild areas in the world. Operation Migration volunteers were on hand to answer questions as we watched the sunrise together.
El Segundo
Galloway Cattle
As early as 1570, Scottish philosopher Hector Boece wrote of Galloway cattle, saying, “In this region ar mony fair ky [cows] and oxin…[their] flesh is right delicious and tender.” Flemish cartographer Abraham Ortelius seconded that notion in 1573...
What States Produce the Most Popcorn?
The traditional Corn Belt states grow most U.S. popcorn. The state grows more than 25 per cent of the nation's popcorn. The 12 states in the Corn Belt are Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri,...
Santa Monica
Trash To Treasure: How To Make A Planter from An Old Pair Of Bluejeans
A softer, more organic feel can be achieved with slightly trailing forms. You may have to carry the shorts with you when you purchase the pots, to make sure that they fit snugly. A single, regular flowerpot can be used, but it does not give the same effect...
El Segundo
Owner\'s Manual Revisit
My goal is to fill in when I actually use the mower and note when I service it. This in itself was valuable, in particular, because I don't believe I adjusted it properly when it was new.
DIY Hip Basket for Harvesting
You can make cordage from daylily or cattail leaves to use in place of the raffia, and grapevines or honeysuckle vines can easily stand in for the rope. Step 4 When the disk is 5 inches in diameter, start turning up the sides by slightly moving the rope...
What Are the Functions of Urea?
For medicine, urea is used for dermatology, as a diuretic and in barbiturates.Humans produce 30 g of urea a day, mostly in their urine and small amounts through sweating. This is how urea is the most useful and used mostly as a fertilizer, in some medications...
Santa Monica
BueLingo Cattle
They are very fertile and produce vigorous calves at desirable and consistent calving weights. Carcasses require very little trimming and produce a desirable rib-eye averaging 11.3 to 11.5 square inches.
Environmental Problems in Temperate Deciduous Forests
Water pollution, according to the World Wildlife Fund, threatens the deciduous forests of the Northeast China Plain, while the substantial ecosystems of America's Great Smoky Mountains National Park experience air pollution from population centers well...
Santa Monica
Machines Used to Harvest Corn
These devices are quite powerful, with some using as much as 600 horsepower. Some models are capable of separating usable parts from those that must be discarded. According to the website for the Environmental Protection Agency, many of these devices...
Santa Monica
Rare Livestock Breeds Are Worth Preserving
Larger operations help breeds through more advanced technologies like keeping frozen semen and even harvesting and storing frozen embryos. Fortunately, this is a fairly extreme case.
4 Things PETA\'s Chicken Video Game Got Wrong
I haven't played the game myself—PETA is about to go on tour with it to college campuses—but I did watch PETA's promotional video with interest. In the video, my best chicken friend looks curiously like a Delaware , and that handsome devil playing...
French Guiana: Climbing the Giants
Water is necessary to carry as we will soon be sweating abundantly and need to restore the water loss; it's best to have a flask attached to your belt plus an extra bottle in your backpack.
El Segundo
Lakenvelder Chickens
Special Considerations/Notes: Flighty and willing to forage, the Lakenvelder chicken breed is most comfortable in a free-range environment. Others will argue that it has a far more ancient lineage, possibly having ancestors related to the first domestic...
Ohio Farmers Show Preference for Non-GMO
Nearly 30 percent of the acreage is non-transgenic, while in other Midwest states it's typically less than 20 percent. According to tests from the Ohio Corn Performance Trials, more Ohio farmers are turning to non-GMO seeds.
Fun New Tools for the Gardener on Your Holiday Gift List
$24.99.I never think you can have too much color in the garden. Here's a set that will fit just right. Online and in stores.Kids like to have real tools to do real work in the garden alongside their parents and grandparents.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Dave\'s Garden Road Trip!
Everyone has become good friends and each year, love to welcome new faces to the group. For gardeners who love to travel, check out the listings of botanical gardens and arboretums.
El Segundo
What Is Blister Bush And What Does The Blister Bush Look Like
Washing alone won't prevent blistering.Once the itching stops and the blister bush blisters are no longer weeping, expose the skin to open air so that it can continue to heal. Protecting the exposed area from light is key to limiting the extent of the...