Place in bins, and wash in cold water to remove grit and field heat, and gently spin dry. They can also be sold in pints or quarts at market. Other Considerations: If selling at a market, growing a variety of fingerling and large potatoes makes for a...
About the Author: Lisa Kivirist is the co-author of ECOpreneuring (New Society Publishers, 2008) and Rural Renaissance (New Society Publishers, 2009) and runs Inn Serendipity Farm and Bed & Breakfast with her family in Wisconsin.
Customer Service Do you respond to email messages? Feel them out, talk to them regularly, see what they enjoy and don't enjoy. You might learn that you're giving too much food, or that you need to offer different size shares in the future to accommodate...
Realise what's at stake for them. Until then, make lots of lists. Examine your ability to deliver in a timely manner. It's the client you're trying to please. Time is unforgiving in the catering business.
Want to read more stories like this one? “There is a lot of maintenance,” he says. Although a great many characteristics of small farms have changed in 100 years, some have stayed the same.
Plus, you can always sell extra at market or to restaurants. Go week by week, determine what you would like to have as well as what you can have, given the season. Deciding in advance on what to include each week in addition to calculating how much to...
If you do the math and your price per week is $75, you might want to adjust some things as described below. In this case, you will need to edit your CSA. Also, before you proceed, check that the price per week makes sense after you do this math (simply...
How were the yields? So as you go through your season crop by crop, keep a running list of projects big (“build a shed”) and small (“clean up tomato stakes”) to work on over the winter.
It Brightens Up The Market Table At least here in Kentucky where my farm is located, greens are just few and far between in the middle of summer. And curly parsley tends to be more cold hardy.
It's A Marketing Opportunity The winter CSA also serves as an opportunity to market your farm and keep your CSA members thinking about you all winter. Customers will love the diversity of products at a time when the veggies can get redundant, but also...
It's also important to do what works best for you, so don't go crazy trying to cater to everyone. Does your demographic prefer the convenience of a delivery service or do they enjoy weekly trips to the farmers market to get their CSA?
Here are ways to find inspiration that will help you regain enthusiasm. Have a barn raising, or a chicken coop raising at least. The farm will be fine. Then, do one of those projects.
The Kiva Zip process helped us to look at our farm business overall, to look at our lives and our story, and to further shape the big picture of where we're heading.” Seventh-generation farms in the rural U.S. are only a small part of Kiva Zip's lending...
It's simple, invites conversation and breaks the ice for the both of you. Be Polite and Nonjudgmental Always remember that there are no stupid questions. For example, if someone asks how you feel about eggplant , but you aren't a big fan of it, say something...
You get a little more of Ben's backstory in The Lean Farm Guide —how he and his wife went about “leaning up” their farm—but then he quickly dives into the process of lean vegetable production with detailed chapters on lean crop planning and bed...
Call 941-926-3400 The mobile Flat Bed Drying Wagon is a most unique and economical unit. - multiple Conditioning Applications - Labor saving by filling in the field - Low maintenance and cleanable...
In general, regulations involve basic safety measures, such as working fire alarms and fire extinguishers, annual well inspections , and temperature checks for refrigerators and freezers.
Knowing what you want to grow or raise helps determine the types of land you should seek. Design the Whole Thing Before plowing or building, take time to consider what this farm will look like.
Reeling In Relaxation Finally, it will be time to leave. “We had one friend watch the house and put another friend in charge of harvesting some while we were gone.” Before leaving, ensure that the farm is as tidy as possible: Garden beds are weeded,...
Can you afford to support your animals when things go awry? Interacting with many animal species requires considerable brawn. Can you weather the inevitable livestock keeper's lows?
Realizing that was someone's loss of a full-grown pig, we felt better about our 4:30 a.m. rise time and loading in the dark. In general, this means you can drop off animals before the processor closes in the afternoon or first thing in the morning.
This could be, say, separating food into $2 and $4 units. The overall goal here is that with each crop you will have a go-to price that will require little thinking in the moment and that any helper can easily identify.
Largest Producers and Exporters of 100% Natural organic Multipurpose CoCo Coir Peat Plant Growing/Potting Medium of different grades for different grower needs and applications. RequiredLargest Producers and Exporters of 100% Natural organic Multipurpose...
Item No: AW-P/R/H-SB Use: Cattle, Horse,Pig,Camel, Sheep, Goat etc Original: Vietnam Type: bale Straw is an agricultural by-product, the dry stalks of cereal plants, after the grain and chaff have been removed.
This handy pH pen/meter is a great tool for any aquarist. Specifications: Large Readout Display Range: 0.00-14.00 pH Resolution: 0.01 pH resolution Accuracy: Lightweight and compact 3.
What can you do to make July easier and February more productive? Having a variety of projects is still a good thing (see above about leveling the load), but doing a few of them well can be a great way to ease the work load.
Triple-check for Typos and Misspellings Don't make visitors grit their teeth. Avoid Highly Patterned Backgrounds They tire visitors' eyes and copy gets lost in the morass. With a few nights of computer classes at your public school or library under your...