Shop Us First, Shop Us Last, Just Shop us! Free shipping in the Lower 48 if purchased with a tractor. No Sales Tax for Out of State Customers! 15-foot Standard-Duty Dual-Wing Cutter Main driveline: Cat 6 CV or Cat 5 heavy 3 joint Tractor HP range: 45-160...
•Blade Tip Speed: 15,000 fpm at 540 rpm; 16,000 fpm at 1000 rpm •Cutting Height: 2 in. It's more reliable, more durable, easier to use, easier to maintain and built to perform better.
Contact us to find your local dealer or ask any question. Phone 1-800-949-2336 Five Multi-Cut 6-blade rotors and deck baffles reduce stubble to a mulch. 27-Foot high-speed mulching mower.
The FLEX-ARM and Schulte cutter can be used in wet conditions, which could make cutting more difficult if the tractor had to ride on the slope. Because of the unique way in which the FLEX-ARM is attached to the rotary cutter, it can be easily backed up...