Fresh cut basswood. Located near Rockford IL pls call or email for futher details We are located just NW of Rockford IL and you will need to pick up or have delivered to you. We have cut several bass trees with diameters to 3 foot and 8 foot logs.
Approximately 50' main trunk with over 6' circumference, secondary trunk approximately 20' long and 4' in circumference Large fallen basswood tree for sale. Been curing for 6 months and ready to find a buyer.
One thousand board feet of basswood finished on two sides to one and a quarter inch and with straight line one edge (F2S 1 1/4\" SLIE), to be used in the manufacture of plantation shutters.
Basswood 2 1/4 in. If you are looking for a specific size we can cut it , but take a minimum of 2 weeks to 3 weeks to cut and kiln dry. Most wood is cut during the winter months so that it doesn't have staining from sap.
I custom cut to order. We have sizes from 1 \" up to 15\" in widths and 1 \" up to 7 \" thickness and lengths of 1' up to 14'. I have for sale at a fair price Basswood carving stock.
Kiln dried, two side surfaced boards. 6 to 12 inch widths, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 thickness, 5 to 8 foot lengths. Asking 1.00 per board foot. Ideal for crafters, toy makers and tole painters.
Contact me with a price will deliver..Frist caller 30% off. Call or email . Have the whole tree will cut as desire.Fall blowout.. Raw basswood trees for sell cheep lots of cut down basswood trees has to .
A shame to waste these fine old trees -- large basswood tree, black chokecherry and 2 maple, plus 3 large Hemlock dead (still standing). Victims of Isabel! Downed basswood (1 large), black chokecherry (1) and maple (2) trees in So. MD
Makes an offer. We can also arange for transprotation. Looking for wholesaler to buy in lenght or we can cut to specific thickness. 30 logs approximately 20 inches diameter cut in lenghts of 9 feet long.
I will sell all for one money. I will sell all for one ... It has been drying indoors over the last 5 years. All the edges are uncut and natural. I have one Hackberry tree that has been rough-cut into 2 inch slabs.
Precise Manufacturing Standards Create Installation Savings. Dense Material Providing a Stable & Wear Resistant Floor!. Can Be Used for Wall & Ceiling Paneling Ability to Maintain Design Throughout Home.
If you are interested please contact me anytime. It is unfinished but looks great when finished. You can also email me. It is 100 years old and is in very good shape. I am interested in selling some heart of pine lumber.
Aesthetically Beautiful Tight Grain and Golden Brown Color looks great!. Great Workability Features = Time & Cost Savings Long Lasting!. Naturally Durable No Chemical Treatments. Accepts Stain Well Offers Variety of Design Options.
I didn\'t take exact measurements but it\'s approx 2\' x 3\' x 4.5\' across the top. I seem to have inherited this small black walnut burl and have no idea what to do with it or what its worth.
Available for F Shipment White Oak 4/4-8/4 Red Oak 4/4-8/4 White Ash 4/4-/8/4 Walnut 4/4-8/4 Please send us you enuiries so we may offer you most compettitvely. Red oak, white oak, white ash and walnut We have a large stock of stable kiln dried semi-processed...
The wood is predominantly straight grained and coarse textured. Description: Red Oak heartwood is similar to other oaks and coloration runs from a light tan to pink with a reddish tinge.
The Mahogany comes from a 40 to 45 year old plantation. Available dimentions as follows: Thickness 2.5 to 5 cm Width 10 to 45cm length 1.20 to 4.10m The Mahogany we offer has all the Cites documentation required.
OUR PRODUCT LIST INCLUDES (BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO): PRODUCTS: *Standard or Custom Hardwood Flooring *Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring, up to 36 inches wide in stock. Besides our furniture manufacturing facilities, our sawmill operation manufactures doors,...
Asking price is $12,500. Steel bed with metal sides and basket over cab. Automatic transmission, v10. There is a ladder on both sides of the box. It has a basket over the cab for carrying a wheelbarrow or tools.
We are removing the basswood tree in our backyard. We don't want the wood to go to waste so we hope someone might come \"claim\" this tree. The wood is available to anyone willing to cover the cost of safely cutting the tree down, removing the...
Great for carving. I lost a large basswood tree in a recent storm. Call me for details. 3' diameter down to 1' diameter. It would be great for carving, so I don't want to cut it up for firewood.
Approxiamately 65 feet tall. Mature Basswood to be cut down. Tree with growing shoots approximately 12' in diameter at ground level. Would like to go to good use. Have to remove due to dead growth above and to comply with landscaping plan.
Base of trunk is atleast 6' wide by 8'tall then branches into 5 lg branches 1 1/2 - 2' diameter verying from 10' long to about 20' long with alot of misc 8-10 ' diameter pieces . It is a very large basswood
Northern Basswood from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for sale. Trees are still green. Willing to ship and willing to deal. Some trees are over 2 feet in diameter. Perfect for carving.