May be able to traid carving for logs, I also make totem Poles I also use cedar logs May be able to traid I am a chainsaw artist looking for end cuts of bass wood logs to carve, I may be able to pick them up.
The wood is available to anyone willing to cover the cost of safely cutting the tree down, removing the roots and taking it away. Basswood tree to be cut down ottawa, ontario, canada.
Make me an offer, I'm selling cheap, but must go soon. It would be great for carving, so I don't want to cut it up for firewood. 3' diameter down to 1' diameter. I lost a large basswood tree in a recent storm.
Many offshoots near bottom. Will custom cut as requested. Have to remove due to dead growth above and to comply with landscaping plan. Would like to go to good use. Mature Basswood to be cut down.
It is a very large basswood Pictures available on request Base of trunk is atleast 6' wide by 8'tall then branches into 5 lg branches 1 1/2 - 2' diameter verying from 10' long to about 20' long with alot of misc 8-10 ' diameter pieces .
You can also contact s for advice about wood planting and catering Please if you are interested in taking any of the above products, please do not hesitate to contact our company for more details.
Can be a log or plank. Or anything bigger than 10\\" in thickness. Looking for carving wood 10\" to two feet. Looking for basswood 2 feet x 4 feet x 10 inches. Needs to be cured at least 1 year.
Need sized billets of Basswood for carving oversized novelty fishing lures. The lengths can be in multiples of the lengths indicated (maximum length of 8'). Looking for a source of basswood.
Willing to ship and willing to deal. Perfect for carving. Also have unique pieces for large carvings. Northern Basswood from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for sale. Some trees are over 2 feet in diameter.
Shorts 4 ft to 6ft also available at lower pricing. Available in 4/4, 6/4, and 8/4, in Select, #1 com, #2 com, green or KD, All lumber sorted by length, one length per bundle, most 8ft to 16 ft.
We are located just NW of Rockford IL and you will need to pick up or have delivered to you. Clean white, good texture. Theya are fresh cut Sept 2009 and ideal for large sculpting,veneer or planking.
Large fallen basswood tree for sale. Been curing for 6 months and ready to find a buyer. Approximately 50' main trunk with over 6' circumference, secondary trunk approximately 20' long and 4' in circumference
Also if there are deals on cherry or oak, smaller quantities may be purchased with softwood shipment. Basswood is needed currently. I would like to arrange terms for sales of hemlock and spruce.
Any help out there? Looking for log drops ends or large cubes for chainsaw carving and large sculptures. 6\"X6\" or larger would be awesome. Would love to find the bottom or \"Stump\" section of a big tree.
The only pieces I can find are 4\" thick. We hope to find a big chunk of basswood to give to my dad for his 86th birthday on March 12...he likes to carve big sculptures and cannot find a big enough chunk.
I don't know how many B.F. this equals. I need about 15 B.F. of Basswood for shutter rails. 8/4 thick x 10\" w x 96\" to make the rails of a plantation shutter. I also need enough Basswood planking to make 96 slats 3\" x 10\" x 3/8...
The size of lumber you sell it in,the price,s&h,availiable in canada. I wood like to know the price,what sizes are availiable,do you sell in bulk, I would like to purchase in Canada.
Order quanity depends on price and location (shipping) - but will be a constant customer. Looking for a source of basswood. Needs to be a minimum size of: ROUGH: 2\"x8\" x random length, Min: 20\" SURFACED: 1.75\" x 7.5\" x random...
1000 board feet basswood. Finished two sides to one and a quarter inch, straight line one edge. One thousand board feet of basswood finished on two sides to one and a quarter inch and with straight line one edge (F2S 1 1/4\" SLIE), to be used in...
Most wood is cut during the winter months so that it doesn't have staining from sap. Random width and length All wood is sealed with anchor seal to stop checking. Basswood 2 1/4 in.
The winter buds are stout, ovate-acute, smooth, deep red, with two bud scales visible. Large tree with long trunk and a dense crown of many small, often drooping branches and large leaves; frequently has two or more trunks, and sprouts in a circle from...
Need basswood and hemlock need prices for 4/4, in hemlock #2, SP/FR and basswood 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4 #2 Basswood lumber to export 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4, #1 and #2 moisture content 8 to 12%..
I need one piece of basswood 8x10x24\" and one piece 2 1/2x3x24\" I may get a large piece 12x12x24 depending on price I need one piece of basswood 8x10x24\" and one piece 2 1/2x3x24\" I may get a large piece 12x12x24 depending on price.
Will gladly pay for delivery if available. Basswood timber wanted for milling operation. Close proximity to Pennsylvania preferred. Will buy several truckloads of Basswood timber if available, or will consider buying on a regular basis if supply is steady.
Basswood logs available: 9\"-10\" $0.50 per inch (negotiable) basswood lumber: 2\" by random width 3\" by random width other types of wood available all lumber is sawn at family sawmill custom orders are a possibility send me a message...