Mojitos are served over crushed ice or ice cubes.COMPLETELEY ESSENTAL: fresh mint. I don't happen to think rum is necessary, but it's certainly traditional. I mixed up a batch with everything except the rum and the ice; I muddled the mints (you can use...
Green plantains are yellow or pink inside and used primarily in savory side dishes. They can be boiled, baked or fried, much like potatoes.Plantains are high in vitamins A and C. They are fat-free and low in calories -- just 90 in a half-cup serving.
The beans set nitrogen into the soil to be used by successive crops, the corn provided a natural trellis for the beans to clamber up and the large squash leaves shaded the soil to cool it and retain moisture.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Making This Happen States were ranked in the Strolling of the Heifers report using a number of factors: direct-to-consumer farm-product sales, such as through farmers markets, roadside stands and community-supported agriculture the numbers of farmers...
Stippled Delicata squash doesn't even needs to be peeled and could be steamed in either rounds or chunks. Toss with olive oil and roast at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes, or steam until fork-soft.
Even grocery-store honeys that do contain pollen are usually multiple-origin blends from across the U.S. (and even around the world). It's also an excellent complement to seasonal fruits and cheeses.
Because it is a cool season vegetable, kohlrabi seed starting should take place in early spring or in early fall. The tender young leaves of the plants can be used much likeThe “bulb” is at its peak when it has grown to 2-3 inches across; larger kohlrabi...
Look for crops that meet your nutritional needs that you can grow where you live.Remember that storing your crops is just as important as growing them, since you'll have to make the garden riches last all winter.
In other places Superfoods are called functional foods.The concept of eating a certain food to obtain a certain health benefit is not new. There are also substances for which dietary scientists don't yet know the purpose.
In addition, dried plums also contain sorbitol. Besides soluble and insoluble fiber, prunes contain vitamins including potassium, iron and Vitamin A, as well as various phytochemicals that serve as antioxidants.Consumers have long recognized prunes' ability...
A natural sweetener with essentially no calories, it's popular with people interested in both weight loss and natural eating. It is native to Paraguay, where it's been used for centuries, possibly millennia, as a sweetener.Stevia leaves contain molecules...
Squashes are eaten as vegetables, while cantaloupes are thought of as a sweet fruit.According to Webster dictionary, a vegetable is anything made from, obtained from, or containing plants or plant products.
Really, a number of regional cuisines laud the eggplant from Mediterranean foods to Thai cuisine. If you are an eggplant fan, you may wonder how to grow Thai eggplants.What does a Thai eggplant look like?
Oleiferus) comes from two Japanese words: "dia" (meaning large) and "kon" (meaning root). Daikon radishes are a good source of vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium. Thought to have originated in the Mediterranian, Daikon radishes were brought to China...
These sites offer a lot of great nutrition tips and information. To assess your food intake or physical activity, visit. 2007; 107:662-5.- American Dietetic Association (ADA),Vegetables Why You Should Get MoreCalcium and Vitamin D Essential Nutrients...
In the U.S. they are grown between May and October.In a 154g serving, yellow watermelons contain 46 calories, zero percent fat, cholesterol and sodium, four percent carbohydrates, 10g of sugar, and one gram of protein.
Treat your family to its delicious, delicate taste by selecting only the freshest and best quality spears and tips and avoiding those that are spoiled.Check the asparagus spears to ensure they are firm and straight.
An extremely popular vegetable in Mexico, jicama is sometimes served raw with a bit of oil, paprika and other flavors.In Mexico, other uses for jicama include its use as one of the elements for “The Festival of the Dead” celebrated on November 1,...
Salad: Think outside the CSA box: walnuts, blue cheese, fruit and more can make greens sing. (Photos courtesy Hollyhock: Garden to Table .) Tags contest , recipe contest , recipes , urban farm
Both kinds of sprouts are at their most nutritious as soon as tiny green leaves show at the tips.Some beans are easier to sprout than others. Mung beans sprouts can be stir-fried or cooked in traditional Chinese dishes like chicken chow mein and chop...
Legumes are rich sources of fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates, making them ideal for a balanced diet. Edamame, on the other hand, originated in Asia with great popularity in Japan, Korea and China.Edamames are immature soybeans that are commonly...
That said, whilemight be delicious, they have very little iron. Red meat often has more calories too, in part due to its method of preparation or accompanying condiments or sauces than that iron rich still considered fairly high in iron, there...
Subsequently released for cultivation under its name of Marionberry in 1956, it is named after Marion County in Oregon.Marionberries are called caneberries, meaning a type of blackberry with a limited number of long (up to 20 feet), but prolific in production...
However, it should be said that there is nothing nobler and more satisfying than eating food you grew from seed with your own hands. Technically, even plastic comes from plants. But in the modern world we are farther from our food than we have ever been...
So how to space tomato plants for maximum growth potential in the home garden? Generally speaking, the ideal spacing for tomato plants is between 24-36 inches apart. Tomatoes must be set in the garden when the weather and soil has warmed to over 60 F.
If you aren't quite ready to use it at, you may wonder how to store kohlrabi plants, and how long does kohlrabi keep? Storing kohlrabi leaves in this manner will keep them fresh and edible for about a week.Kohlrabi storage for the leaves is easy enough,...
I may plant some in containers to see how that works for these plants. You will need to support the vines and the squash once they begin to grow large.I happen to have a Territorial Seed Company catalog in front of me now.