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Bare Root Trees And Shrubs

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Choice evergreens add spark to home landscapes
Miller Botanical Garden is located in Seattle, Washington.Manual of Woody Landscape Plants; Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation and Uses What further certification could it need?
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Ginkgo: Tree of Enchantment
Fall finds the ginkgo in its peak of beauty with a display of magnificent golden yellow leaves that carpets the ground for weeks, brilliantly framing the bare branches.On the flipside, early Fall is when the fruit-encased nuts drop from female trees.
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The Mighty Oak: Our National Tree
Twigs and foliage of the oak provide browse for deer and rabbits. More than 100 species of animals are known to depend on acorns for food. People were invited to vote from a list of 21 candidates including the state trees of all 50 states and the District...
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The Lesser-known Hardy Ericaceous Shrubs, Part 1: Andromeda to Gaylussacia
Rhododendrons, azalea, heaths and heathers are well known representatives. This two-part series will introduce you to these less well-known cousins. Some variations possible in the fall colour of EnkianthusFlower details of Enkianthus: on left is the...
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The Lesser-Known Hardy Ericaceous Shrubs, Part 2: Ledum to Zenobia
Since many are evergreen and have leaves that turn bronzy, reddish or purple-tinted in cold weather, they can provide needed garden interest in the dull days of winter. Part 2 of this two-part series will introduce you to more of the lesser-known ericaceous...
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Pines: An evergreen for any climate
They are hardy in zones 7 through 10Austrian pines are native to most parts of Europe and parts of Asia. It can reach up to 100 feet high with a 35 foot spread. White pines need moist, well-drained soils and are hardy in zone 3 through 8The Pinyon pine...
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Italian Cypress: A Tall, Dark Italian
Tall, dark, and formal, Italian cypresses are the most architectural of plants. Two Italian cypresses add an architectural touch to the plain facade of Mission San Miguel.In the United States, the tree is usually called Italian cypress, though it is debatable...
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Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo)
A number of attributes make it a great selection for landscapes within its hardiness range. The trunk itself adds interest as it becomes gnarled and twisted with age. Thin plates of the grayish-brown bark exfoliate, and the attractive reddish young bark...
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Introduction to the Coral Trees (Erythrina species)
But it's the flowers themselves that are the main attraction with this species.They are such a brilliant color and amazing shape, though many species have different shaped flowers.Some have remarkable radial symmetry, some grow sparsely along a flower...
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Memories of a Longleaf Pine
Instead they harden off and are like pure fuel. Turpentine was collected and distilled into spirits of turpentine and rosin. An uninterrupted stroll through a stand of longleaf pines, the piney woods to old-time southern folks, is a true pleasure.
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Magnolia - Southern Garden Queen
This is why, even in the market, it is rare to see a tree with much more than a two or three inch trunk. When you think of the old South, with its formal gardens and homes rising out of the soil, you cannot help but think of the trees around that home.
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Perfect Potentilla
Untouched by bug or fungus. The young bushes, once thoroughly rooted, can easily be transplanted.I cannot speak highly enough about this bush. They will need shelter from direct sunlight for the first month or so.
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Shrubby Hydrangea for Northern Gardeners
These flowers are the fertile ones which produce the seed. However, do not use this around rhododendrons as it is toxic to them.There are over 300 named cultivars of mophead hydrangea.
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Loropetalum, Saucy Cousin of Witchhazel
I prefer the second approach, as it is easier and there is less worry about damaging tender feeder roots that lie near the soil surface.Layering is an easy means of propagation with most loropetalums, as limbs grow near the ground.
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The Beauty of Weigela
Finally there is a new French cultivar called(aka ‘Courtalour') which grows to 1.5 m with tri-coloured flowers of white, pink and red!Among the plain green selections are 'Bristol Ruby', 'Pink Princess', 'Red Prince', 'White Knight', 'Minuet' and 'Carnival'The...
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When common is not ordinary, even if it is \
All are generally prone to anthracnose, which will cause curled leaves, leaf drop in spring, and witch's brooms on the branches. Roughly the size and shape of your spread hand, they resemble familiar maple leaves.
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Spotlight on the Paperbark Maple
(It kills me when people google a tree and say"no, no!, that tree can get 50 feet tall", yeah, maybe in 300 years in a perfect location) Last month I was delighted by a street planting happily growing and glowing under power lines in Portland, OR.
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Reblooming Hydrangeas
Gardeners look on with anticipation to see what miracles may happen in the world of hydrangeas.Hydrangea 'Preziosa', and to Soulgardenlove for 'Forever and Ever Pink'. Other free-flowering types reflower from old growth, so the flowering season is extended...
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Trees and Their Veneration in the Western World
When the cold times come, you of all the trees shall keep your leaves; they shall remain green through all the seasons for the gift you have given me, through Sparrow.'And that is why, to this day, that when the cold time comes to the land, all the leaves...
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Northern Lights Azaleas
Their flowers are reasonably large. It was released in 1996.‘White Lights' - from pale pink buds open white flowers with the slighest hint of pink. And rightly so! For gardeners in zones 4 and even zone 3, they are invaluable shrubs for bright spring...
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The Spectacular Flowering Dogwoods
There are three species in the world from which many cultivars and hybrids have been produced. There is no simple cure. The larvae burrow into the trunks and larger branches of the trees causing severe die-back.
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Viburnums, Dependable Landscape Shrubs
Take advantage or this regional resource. If you just happen find a branch that is particularly beautiful when flower show time rolls around, consider cutting it and exhibiting it so that other gardeners in your area can be made aware of its beauty and...
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However, I urge you to be of an inquiring nature because the final pot the plant was grown in may have pruned the roots, but the liner or smaller pot that it grew in previously may have been a standard container.
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Pruning, trimming, lopping and aerial wood-cutting.
The chainsaw-proof garments are not very elegant (Gucci does not make any) and they make you sweat a lot but once you have seen what a chainsaw can do on human flesh you are ready to cover up.
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Miscellaneous Dogwoods for the Garden
This article will 'clean-up' the story of dogwoods by describing some of the miscellaneous or less well known types. Hopefully these articles will inspire you to try some of the dogwoods in your own garden.The following people must be thanked for the...
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Firs and Spruces
Its footprint is small but impact in the landscape is great. Be careful because the needles are especially small and sharp! Dwarf Alberta Spruces maintain their compact conical shape naturally and do not need pruning, acting like an effortless topiary.A...
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Think Green: Foliage as an Alternative to Flowers
Most of the more exotic foliage plants require shade and moisture or warm climates, but many will grow in otherted. And what about those tough shady spots?When considering what to plant in your garden or landscape, look past the obvious; the glorious...
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