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5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
Whiteflies are great at making more of themselves. Encarsia formosa may sound like the Latin name of a beautiful vine, but it's actually a special type of parasitic wasp that lays its eggs inside whitefly larvae.
United Kingdom
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
They will keep in good condition for two months or more, should they last that long. Then store them in plastic bags in the refrigerator, or packed in damp sand or sawdust in a cold basement.
United Kingdom
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
The towel wicks moisture away from the pot, which then evaporates. Place your beers, wine or sodas inside, then lay a soaked towel over the top. Good-quality strings of solar-powered fairy lights can be bought for very little outlay.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Quinoa (Growing Guide)
Tall varieties may need staking to hold them upright when they become top-heavy with maturing seed clusters. Quinoa grows to 4 feet tall (1.2 m) in dry climates, but can grow twice as tall with abundant rainfall.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Grasshopper (Growing Guide)
Allow chickens to forage in the garden for a short period before dark. Damage: Grasshoppers chew large holes in leaves. Managing Outbreaks: Cover susceptible plants with row cover (garden fleece) or cones or covers made from window screening.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Amaranth (Grain) (Growing Guide)
Harvesting When you see birds pecking at your amaranth, or when seeds fall away from the cluster when gently rubbed, it is time to harvest your crop. Feeding Before planting, amend the soil with a light application of a balanced organic fertilizer.
United Kingdom
Powder and granula Charcoal
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ACID-WASHED for extra purity HARDWOOD Activated Charcoal Powder NORIT SA4 (Pets & Livestock) Activated Charcoal Powder Charcoal Green SOIL DETOX Charcoal Green SOIL DETOX is an Activated Charcoal Powder Powder Activated Carbon (325 mesh) Granular Activated...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Orange (Container Grown) (Growing Guide)
In winter, plants may be moved into a greenhouse, sunroom, or heated garage. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Warm, moist soil, well-enriched with organic matter. Companions Lavender and Garlic.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Carrot Rust Fly (Growing Guide)
Clean up and discard any carrots that may still be around, and any other plants that carrot rust flies like. The tunnels are filled with rusty brown castings, or may be excavated grooves.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Gladiolus (Growing Guide)
Trim the cured corms and store in open boxes in a cool place through winter. In fall, lift the corms before the first freeze and let them dry in a warm place for two weeks. Notes Tall gladioli often benefit from staking.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Wheat (Growing Guide)
Notes Primarily grown to increase organic matter, break up dense subsoil and crowd out weeds. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Comfrey (Growing Guide)
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Companions Apple, Apricot, Peach, Pear, Plum, Persimmon and Nectarine. Frost tolerant Extremely cold hardy perennials, comfrey plants become dormant...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Shallots (Growing Guide)
Spacing Single Plants: 5" (15cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 3" (10cm) with 5" (15cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Set individual cloves in prepared ground in the fall. Harvesting Harvest in early summer when the tops begin to fail, and the bulbs have...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Oregano (Growing Guide)
Harvesting Gather sprigs as needed in the kitchen. Some strains are grown for their pretty pink flowers. Companions Tomato, Pepper and Broccoli. Position Full sun to partial afternoon shade.
United Kingdom
Free Mulch! How to Make It and Where to Get More
It makes a great path surface if replenished annually, but if using it on beds let it rot down first. About once a month, take off your mower's grass bag or insert your mulching attachment and leave the clippings on the grass.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Borage (Growing Guide)
A fresh crop of plants can be planted in late summer for bloom in the fall. Companions Tomato, Squash, Strawberry and Pepper. Frost tolerant Seedlings will survive light frosts, but older plants are easily damaged.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Onion Root Maggot (Growing Guide)
Frequently the plant will break off as you pull it from the ground. Tips: Yellow sticky traps or yellow pans of water can be used to monitor and trap onion flies. They lay eggs at the base of onion plants, and the larvae tunnel into onion roots.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Tomatillo (Growing Guide)
Wash before cooking to remove sticky residue. Notes Tomatillos can reseed if allowed to do so, but extra seedlings are easy to lift and move or pull out. Companions Corn and Sunflower.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Cherry (Semi-Dwarf) (Growing Guide)
Prune in late winter to shape trees and removed damaged branches. Notes Many sweet cherries need to be grown with at least one other flowering at a similar time for pollination, but many tart cherries are self-fertile.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Cherry (Fan) (Growing Guide)
Prune in late winter to shape trees and removed damaged branches. Notes Many sweet cherries need to be grown with at least one other flowering at a similar time for pollination, but many tart cherries are self-fertile.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Lavender (Growing Guide)
Spacing Single Plants: 1' 3" (40cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 1' 1" (35cm) with 1' 7" (50cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Start with a purchased plant, or start seeds indoors and set out at about the time of your last frost.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Cornflower (Growing Guide)
Also sow in fall in climates with mild winters. Companions Wheat, Oats and Crimson Clover. Frost tolerant Young cornflower seedlings can tolerate freezing temperatures, so seeds can be planted in early spring, or in the fall where winters are mild.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Beans (Bush Snap) (Growing Guide)
Spacing Single Plants: 9" (25cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 5" (15cm) with 1' 1" (35cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Plant seeds 2 inches deep and 6 inches apart in late spring, after the last frost has passed and the soil is warm.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Amaranth (Ornamental) (Growing Guide)
Colors include dark red, orange and buff yellow. In early summer, drench plants with a high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer to support vigorous growth. Frost tolerant Amaranth cannot tolerate cold temperatures.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Anemone (Growing Guide)
Dainty white wood anemones are hardy to -20F (-30C), as are 'Grecian' anemones classified as A. As the flowers fade in the garden, trim them off with scissors or pruning shears. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Apple (Espalier) (Growing Guide)
Harvesting Harvest when apples are ripe. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Prepare a large hole by breaking up the soil and adding plenty of compost or other organic matter.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Apple (Large) (Growing Guide)
Harvesting Harvest when apples are ripe. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Prepare a large hole by breaking up the soil and adding plenty of compost or other organic matter.
United Kingdom