Please leave contact information. Such as 4x4x8',2x6x10',2x6x8',2x4x8',2x4x10',5/4x6x8',5/4x6x10'. Looking for resonable price and very good quality!!! Will purchase from anywhere in the USA.
Swell to be trimmed off. Logs to be of good stock down to a minimum 10\" diameter top. Cypress logs run tree length to a minimum 10\"diameter top. We can make delivery arrangements
Eaplain via email please From whole logs to pre cut spec. When is your turn around delivery date requirements? Therefore interested in your cyrpess. Do you have a catalog of your products and services?
All green or partial air dried. Interested in selling by board feet and all cypress mulch We will cut to order. Call for more details. 3,000,000+ board feet available. Cypress Trees 150+ years old - need to harvest all 75,000+ trees to develop land.
4/4\" ruogh sawn green or air dried 6-16 foot long 4,6,8,10,12,to 22 inch wide lumber 2x4,4x4,or 6x6 beams Simi truck loads of standard or custom cut cypress lumber or beams direct from south carolina sawmill
Recently pulled out of cypress pond. Can be used for mulch or cut to be used for decorative purposes, lumber or furniture. Submerged in water for several years. Call for further info.
Located in South Georgia. Can be used for cypress mulch. Would like to have them moved ASAP. Call for more info. Cut and in piles for immediate access and removal. Value-Thousands of Dollars.
Near Jacksonville, FL Looking for 1\" x 12\" x 12' rough cut green or dried cypress, in or near north Florida Looking for 1\" x 12\" x 12' rough cut green or dried cypress, in or near north Florida.
#2 or better Cypress Lumber 1\" X 10\" in the following quantities and lenghts: (35) @ 8' , (44) @ 9' , (50) @ 10' , (35) @ 12' Must be air or kilm dried. #2 or better Cypress Lumber 1\\" X 10\\" in the following quantities and lenghts:...
Looking to buy cypress logs just opened new business in florida selling mulch need cypress to acccomodate customers Will pay top dollars for the logs would like to find a logging company that can high demand quantity of cypress for expanding mulch business...
We will ship asap Well ship asap. Need to sale asap. 7000 square foot of antique material for sale 3/4\\" x 7\\" wide flooring sale need to sale asap. 7000 square foot of red cypress 3/4\\" x 7\\" wide flooring @ 2.25 square.
Need to be cut from propery and hauled away. Have been on the propery since purchase 14 years ago. 14 + years mature cypress trees. 1/2 acre of mature cypress trees. Would like to sell the whole lot of them.
Iron Bark roughly the same estimation as the cypress. Cypress Pine Logs and Iron Bark Logs; which are logged of privately owned property. 400 metres a month (cypress) Approx over 1yr.
We also can supply custom mantle and table top pieces cut to 6\" thick and 60\" wide. Will sell rough lumber or finished lumber, and flooring-panelling. Have #2, select and pecky.
Rough cut on band mill. Assorted size cypress lumber. Assorted widths and heights. Rough cut, air dried. Most speciality cuts can be made. Assorted lengths up to 12 foot. Located in South Arkansas.
Custom cypress sawmill in southwest louisiana Custom Beams , post , lumber , AD , KD 4/3 5/4 any size any lengths Currently 8000 BF Air Dried Cypress available will also custom cut , KD available , 4/4 , 1/12, 1/10.
The boards are4/4 up to 25 inches wide and i have access to lots of pecky cypress also. This is old growth sinker cypress that is beautiful and have plenty more where it came from.
Approximate 350 acre tract of cypress timber with peat for sale. The peat has been verified to be commercial grade. Serious inquiries only. Landowners wish to sale the cypress timber and peat, either separate or together.
1x6 v-joint paneling 2&better 1x8 siding 2&better with resawn face all lumber listed above to be cypress Need approximately 6000 bdft 1x6 and 3000 bdft 1x8
Pecky cypress / bald cypress heavy and light pecky 5/4 rough sawed ramdon lenghts Rough sawed 5/4x4\\"x6' 5/4x4\\"x8' 5/4x6\\"x6' 5/4x6\\"x8'; 300 t0 500 bf or more depending on price $; Will pick up.
Aged and dried lumber would be ideal however ill take what i can get. I am looking for end cuts of cypress and or other hard woods preferably 36\\" or better in diameter Am looking for end cuts of cypress and or other hard woods preferably 36\\" or better...
Looking to establish su Need delivered to Magnolia, TX. Need one truck load now. Preferable for supplier to be in gulf coast area to minimize freight expense. We cut logs on our mill for product manufacture.
Very negotiable! We are selling 4 Mature Bald Cypress Trees which you can cut down and use the timber. We are interested in selling 4 Mature Bald Cypress Trees which you would have to cut down to use the timber.
Maximum length 18 feet. Located in East Texas - 2.00/bd/ft plus shipping - 20 percent discount for orders over $5000. Reliable supply of cypress cut to order. Lumber banded with slats.
10 cypress logs about 600 bf.these logs are very straight and have little if any knots. I have 10 cypress logs about 600 board feet total, these logs are 8,10&12 feet long, will take $2.00 per board foot.