We plan on expanding our chicken breed selection to include fancies and exotics. We collect eggs many times daily and sanitize them. Whether you are looking for layers, meat birds to butcher, or pets, we have something for you! Please call or email to...
Brown Egg laying Australorps for Sale. Strong young roosters for meat or breeding. Young pullets just beginning to lay. Started Pullets 8 dollars, mature hens 6 dollars, young vigorous roosters 4 dollars.
Hens And Roosters. 2 Month Old Black Australorp Chickens For Sale. We live in Central Point, Oregon. Sorry, No Shipping. Hens $10.00, And Roosters $5.00.
I have 6 to choose from. These are one of the best egg layers you will find. I also have the Black Jersey Giants, Delawares, Buff Orphington, Production Reds and Black Sex Links. Please call if interested or email for more info.
Blue color ranges from splash to dark blue. Hatching eggs available in Black and Blue Australorps. Blues are still in breeding process, color good but still show some feathers in shank.
Pure Black Australorps Pure Rhode Island Reds Crossbreds : Australorp / white leghorn cross Barter Brown Barter Black Barter White 85 Eaton rd Luddenham.2745 SYD. Farm & Hatchery EST.1933 Visit us at the farm or Freight Avail Hatching every Wednesday.
About to begin laying. Twenty five beautiful hens hatched Feb '06, vaccinated, healthy. Absolutely beautiful! Twenty five hens, extremely well cared for. Can arrange delivery within thirty miles or as far as Dallas area, or Paris if purchase ten or more.
We ship Chicks, Ducks, Geese, Guineas, Turkeys, and More! Check out our website Minimum order is 2 Chicks, Shipping Juveniles as well! We sell over 400 varieties of poultry, Shipping Nationwide!
Will deal on large quantity purchases. Expect them to be good healthy layers. Call Krismer Poultry! Also, limited number of assorted breed layers, turkeys and ducks. 24 wks.) Limited number of turkeys available.
They have no mean bones in ther body there st.run they have no cage with them i would love them to have good homes no eating them there pets There 2 rostrers and two hens but i will pitch in 4 more st.run there 3 hatching now in 16 days
They are 1 yr.old.They are laying large brown eggs.10 hens for sale.I will take$7.00 each. Theses are nice big black hens.They are laying now.Need to sell as I have too many chickens.Also 4 ducks for sale.
Naturally raised, free range. I have Black Australorp, Gold Laced Wyandotte and Light Brahma hens for sale. The Buckeyes are chicks the rest are 3-4 month old hens. The young Buckeye chicks are $ 4.00 all the rest are $10 You pick up.
Hi I'm a Egg Farmer in California looking for Spent Hen buyers for large amounts of Spent Hens Thanks !!! Hi I'm a Egg Farmer in California looking for Spent Hen buyers for ... Hi I'm a Egg Farmer in California looking for Spent Hen buyers for large amounts...
Im selling six perfect chickens for what ever price you offer im selling them because my back garden isnt that big so i ould like to give them to some one els I need to sell these chickens because it isnt fair on them to just have a back garden i mean...
Just beginning to lay - save time by getting fully-grown hens NOW! I'd like to let you in on the chance to acquire these premium-breed, super-healthy hens. 36 lovingly hand-fed, expert-raised, all-ORGANIC pullets from my hillside just outside of San Francisco...
Rare and Heritage Poultry. We offer a variety of breeds to choose from. Visit us on the web, email or call for availability. Order chicks early to get the best selection for 2012. Some of the breeds we offer are Sussex, Jubilee Orpingtons, Marans, Barnevelders,...
Total Quantity in 40 FCL : 472320 EGGS (1312 CARTONS) Composition in a Carton : 360 Eggs in 12 Layers , each layer in tray with 30 eggs Size : 52 to 54 grams each Shelf-Life : 3 Months from the day of packing
Martha and Wayne Hipps are Distinctions Farm. We currently have (3)Three Quality Large Fowl American Dominique Cockerels for sell. We are Breeders and Owners of fine Standard Dominigue chickens.
Chicks can be ordered directly from our website at www.TheFancyChick.com or you can email sales @ TheFancyChick.com for availability . We ship Lavender Orpington day old chicks nationwide year round.
Come enjoy a day at the farm bring the whole family. The way this work you email me the list of chicks you want and paypal me half of there cost then I hatch them for you and you pick them up when ready.
Just beginning to lay - save time by getting fully-grown hens NOW! I'd like to let you in on the chance to acquire these premium-breed, super-healthy hens. 36 lovingly hand-fed, expert-raised, all-ORGANIC pullets from my hillside estate just outside of...
We supply Grade A Chicken Feet, each chicken is 30g upto 50g, please contact us for more details,and best prices We supply Grade A Chicken Feet, each chicken is 30g upto 50g, 100% fresh, no bad smell, no black & black nail bench (orless than 5%), moisture...
Boyd International is a specialist food trader dedicated to the global food industry. Any questions, pls. Were we slauther, package and process, store, and export directly by our company.
Interested clients should contact us to place their orders from i day ... Interested clients should contact us to place their orders from i day old chicks to egg laying chickens We have several varieties of chickens including crossbreeds and of all age...