Breeding rights are $1500 shipped. These guys are raised in our home and have huge back yards to play in. He is super sweet. I have been holding this boy back for my own program. This price is for PET ONLY! He will need to be neutered.
Not high drive. These guys are raised in our home and have huge back yards to play in. She is super sweet. She can be registered through ASDR. I am reducing numbers so she is for sale.
Breeding rights are $1500 shipped. These guys are raised in our home and have huge back yards to play in. He is super sweet. I have been holding this boy back for my own program. This price is for PET ONLY! He will need to be neutered.
Breeding rights are $1500 shipped. These guys are raised in our home and have huge back yards to play in. He is super sweet. I have been holding this boy back for my own program. This price is for PET ONLY! He will need to be neutered.
This lovely pup is being sold as a pet. If you are looking to purchase him with breeding rights please contact me. He has 2 blue eyes. Loves to play with toys. You can see more information about this puppy at
Breeding rights are $1500 shipped. These guys are raised in our home and have huge back yards to play in. He is super sweet. I have been holding this boy back for my own program. This price is for PET ONLY! He will need to be neutered.
Breeding rights are $1500 shipped. These guys are raised in our home and have huge back yards to play in. He is super sweet. I have been holding this boy back for my own program. This price is for PET ONLY! He will need to be neutered.
Gorgeous long haired german shepherd. Contact us with any questions. Both parents are imported straight from Germany! Where quality is best! This litter is comes from 2 working and protection class dogs! Show quality expected! Deposits are first come...
Puppies come current on shots/worming, Health Guarantee. Blue/Red Australian Cattle Dogs(Heelers) from over 10 Generations of loyal, smart, hardworking, healthy dogs bred and raised here on our cattle ranch.
Contact us with any questions Both parents are imported straight from Germany! Where quality is best! Parents both are IPO certified and health tested . Gorgeous long haired german shepherd female.
Please contact us or visit website for available puppies, upcoming litters, more info and pictures. Puppies are family-raised, handled daily from birth by kids and adults, and well-socialized to all aspects of life on the ranch.
4 male English Shepherd puppies for sale These pups are on a working dairy farm. They are not registered but are full blood english shepherds. The tri color male was born 11-5-06 and the other three where born 11-15-06.
Dogs are not registered but are full blood english shepards. Dogs have been raised on a dairy farm. Great farm dog good with cattle and children. English Shepard pups. Both parents are on farm.
Past repeat breedings have produced highly trainable medium drive pups with friendly dispositions. $900 is current price for male or female puppy. Dam and sire are ofa certified for hips and dm clear.
✓ Heath screens have been performed on the sire and dam