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How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
There are no rules on the materials you choose provided they don't leach nasty chemicals into the soil, as can happen with treated lumber or landscape timbers. Then use a measuring tape to estimate the site's rise (elevation gain) and run (distance from...
United Kingdom
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
Cool-season Cover Crops Parts of the garden that won't be planted until late spring are prime spots for growing cool-season cover crops , also known as green manures because they are grown to benefit the soil.
United Kingdom
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
As summer loosens its hold and autumn looms ever closer, many nervous gardeners may be wondering: ‘Will my fruiting vegetables ripen in time?' This is a reasonable question to ask as the weather takes an inevitable turn for the worse.
United Kingdom
6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
How do you keep your pickings coming? Keep Plants Warm to Extend the Harvest into Fall Later on in the season stragglers can be encouraged to keep producing for a week or two longer by adding the thermal comfort of a floating row cover.
United Kingdom
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
What's your favorite earth-friendly way to protect your garden from pests? Despite my tongue-in-cheek warfare references, it's important to remember that we're not really in a war against pests.
United Kingdom
Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest
Red cabbages are popular for braising or pickling. A bed improved with compost or well-rotted manure is ideal for these hungry feeders, who will appreciate a further boost in the form of an organic general-purpose fertilizer raked into the ground at planting...
United Kingdom
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
Hang them around outdoor eating areas to extend your enjoyment of the garden long after the sun has dipped beneath the horizon. Choose a clump-forming variety, so it doesn't spread through your garden like wildfire.
United Kingdom
Try Asian Radishes this Fall
There are many ways to enjoy the “little ginseng” of the vegetable world. Some of the newest daikons are purple rather than white or green. There is some truth here, in that a review of studies from around the world concluded that compounds in daikon...
United Kingdom
3 Ways to Use Up Your Glut
Place them into a pan with your spices, plus sugar and vinegar. Berries and currants are very easily frozen – just lay them out onto sheets so they're not touching, freeze them solid then decant into freezer bags or containers for packing up.
United Kingdom
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
Rutabaga sprouts are loaded with antioxidants. Transplant or thin rutabagas to at least 8 inches (20cm) apart, with wider spacing even better. Rutabaga growth slows as the days become short, and the oldest leaves often shrivel and may be cut away.
United Kingdom
Saving Seeds from Beans, Peppers, Onions...And More!
When you come to think about it, saving seed is the ultimate in self-sufficiency. Saving seed from F1 hybrids won't work either, which because they are created from two separate parent varieties simply won't come true to type.
United Kingdom
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
The first thing to do is identify and remove the 3Ds – dead, diseased and dying wood. Branches that rub together will cause wounds, so they should be removed. But remember, plums fruit on young wood.
United Kingdom
How to Dry Chili Peppers
The knot will support the first chili so it needs to be a good size so it won't drop off. Hang your ristra in a warm, well-ventilated place. Photo by Christopher Holden Fine, smooth fishing line is the best thread for your ristra because it offers least...
United Kingdom
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Protecting Seedlings from Drought and Heat Drought can play havoc with seedlings, hampering germination and causing young plants to struggle. It will help you balance and you'll be able to water twice as quickly.
United Kingdom
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
Potatoes need a period of dormancy before they can sprout into a new plant, so in this case you really will need to start with genuine seed potatoes. Position the seed potatoes 30cm (12in) apart along the bottom of trenches spaced at least 60cm (24in)...
United Kingdom
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
Apples and other trees are already full of young fruits, which will grow on to give a delicious crop towards the end of the growing season. Selectively removing young fruits is called thinning.
United Kingdom
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
The first frost will put paid to their plans for crop-wide domination but, be warned, in mild areas or in warm greenhouses they can happily remain active throughout the winter. And it gets worse.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Shallots (Growing Guide)
Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Shallots Aphids (General) Slug Snail Plant Diseases which Affect Shallots Allium White Rot Onion Downy Mildew
United Kingdom
How to grow: Cucumber Beetle, Striped (Growing Guide)
Floating row covers are the most dependable way to protect plants. Use yellow sticky traps to monitor populations. A small vacuum is a good way to collect cucumber beetles. On cool mornings, place a piece of cardboard beneath plants to catch beetles you...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Borage (Growing Guide)
Position A sunny spot where bumblebees and other large pollinators are desired. Troubleshooting Beware of sleepy bees when pruning or otherwise working with mature borage plants. A good companion for any crop that needs strong defense from insects.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Onion Root Maggot (Growing Guide)
At the end of each season, be sure to pull all onions from the garden. Damage: When young onion plants wilt for no apparent reason, pull up a sample plant to check for legless worms (maggots) feeding on it roots.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Valerian (Growing Guide)
Store in airtight container. Spacing Single Plants: 2' 11" (90cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 2' 11" (90cm) with 2' 11" (90cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Start with a purchased plant, or start seeds indoors and set out seedlings two to four weeks before...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Lemon Balm (Growing Guide)
Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Lemon Balm Aphids (General) Slug Snail Lemon balm can be transplanted from early spring to early summer. Lemon balm grows into a rounded mound.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Tulip (Growing Guide)
Troubleshooting Tulips are often eaten by deer and squirrels. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Average garden soil with excellent drainage. In less than full sun, tulip blossoms will twist toward the strongest directional light.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Ageratum (Growing Guide)
Some varieties produce white or pink blossoms. Tall varieties often are grown as cut flowers. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Tomato (Large) (Growing Guide)
Frost tolerant No. Feeding Weekly liquid feed or seaweed drench from mid summer onwards. Set out after the last frost has passed, when the soil is warm and settled. Notes Bushy determinate plants can be tied to stakes, but long-bearing indeterminate varieties...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Parsnip (Growing Guide)
Frost tolerant Yes. Spacing Single Plants: 7" (20cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 7" (20cm) with 11" (30cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow direct into soil, and cover the seeded bed or furrow with a board to keep it moist.
United Kingdom