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Asparagus Plant Care

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How To Grow Asparagus
It's prized for its flavor, rich in vitamins and minerals, and only 30 calories per cup. Add to this the grocery price and you'll easily justify the effort of digging a special bed for growing asparagus..
Asparagus Winter Care: Tips On Winterizing Asparagus Beds
This forces the plant to go into dormancy, a necessary resting period before it begins to actively grow and produce again. You can remove the old mulch in the spring as soon as the shoots begin to emerge.
Controlling Asparagus Beetles: Organic Treatment For Asparagus Beetles
Both adults and larvae feed on the spears and tips, scarring them. Beetles that keep coming and coming on an asparagus path may be knocked back with permethrin, but be aware that this chemical has a much longer duration and will kill most insects that...
Cutting Asparagus Foliage Back In Autumn
Once all of the foliage has died, cut the asparagus down to about 2 inches above the ground.It is a commonly held belief that cutting asparagus in the autumn will help to produce better quality spears the next year.
Spotted Asparagus Beetle Facts: Controlling Spotted Asparagus Beetles In Gardens
If you have a small asparagus patch, simply pick off the individual bugs and drop them in a bucket of soapy water. You might have a mix of adult beetles and larvae.Another good and very effective method is planting only male plants – these won't form...
Asparagus Fern Plant – How To Take Care Of Asparagus Ferns
This, however, is no reason not to grow asparagus ferns, simply wear gloves during asparagus fern care.Asparagus fern can provide small flowers and berries when it is happy in its location.
What\'s The Difference Between Male And Female Asparagus Plants
Male blooms have 6 stamens and one small useless pistil, while female blooms have 6 small nonfunctional pistils and a well-developed, three-lobed stamen.In the battle of the sexes, is there a difference between male and female asparagus?
Planting Asparagus: How To Make An Asparagus Bed
Most of the time, asparagus seeds are started indoors and than transplanted into the asparagus bed later on.First, soak the asparagus seeds overnight. The plants need a period of cold or drought every year in order to keep producing.Now that you have...
Asparagus Harvesting – How And When To Pick Asparagus
Knowing when to pick asparagus will result in the most flavorful experience from your crop.In the third year of growth, after planting one year old crowns, spears of plants will be ready for asparagus harvesting.
Planting Asparagus Seed – How Do You Grow Asparagus From Seed
If you want thinner spears, space the transplants 8-10 inches apart with the plant set 4 inches deep. (21-29 C.).for a couple of hours, then plant each seed ½ deep in sterile soil in individual 2-inch pots.
Transplanting Asparagus Plants: Tips For How To Transplant Asparagus
Once divided, gently lift out the crown and lightly trim the roots. For best results, asparagus plants should be located inTransplanting or moving asparagus is difficult but not impossible.
Types Of Asparagus – Learn About Different Varieties Of Asparagus
Look for all-male plants for plenty of big, flavorful spears.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });– This all-male series of hybrid asparagus varieties include ‘Jersey Giant,' a hardy plant that performs...
Asparagus Weed Control: Tips For Using Salt On Asparagus Weeds
Use it after the last harvest when no spears are above the soil or in early spring broadcast it over the entire bed before shoots appear. It may safely be used on the entire bed every four weeks.
Asparagus Propagation: Learn How To Propagate Asparagus Plants
Store the seed in a cool, dry location and then plant in spring.The best results are from seeds started indoors and then transplanted out after all danger of frost has passed. Amend the soil with generous amounts of compost, leaf litter and other rich...
Two Plants, One Taste
It was great fun.Falling and laughing, permission to get as dirty as possible. I couldn't figure out why anybody would mark an already well traveled road. I'm a little wiser now, ok, maybe not.
El Segundo
Foxtail Asparagus Ferns – Information On The Care Of Foxtail Fern
Indoors, locate the foxtail in bright light and even direct morning sun in winter. You can also divide foxtail fern plants in spring, making sure the tuberous root system is entirely covered with a well draining soil.
Asparagus.. A Spear Among Vegetables
But what do we know about this little addition to our table? The reason that tomatoes are such a great companion plant for asparagus is that they naturally deter the asparagus beetle while the asparagus plant may help to prevent harmful nematodes from...
El Segundo
Growing Asparagus
Wherever you plant your asparagus patch should be an area that you can allocate forWeed the area before planting. 2) crowns or seeds? Scott advised to cut the ferns back in the fall, "As for asparagus, you will want to wait until the fern is brown and...
El Segundo
How to Plant Asparagus Roots
In, when the soil has thawed after winter freezes, remove all weeds and their roots from the planting area. As the season progresses, continue to fill in the trenches in the same way, until they're level with the surrounding ground., such as leaf mulch...
Santa Monica
Will Frost Damage Asparagus Plants?
Organic compost and a small amount of phosphate fertilizer are then added. They will die back with winter frost but the underground crown will survive cold weather and be recharged for spring production.Frost can kill young asparagus spears when they...
Santa Monica
White Asparagus
There are also some good things on the Internet. When the weather is cool, the farmers turn the black side up because the black side will heat and transmit heat down to the developing asparagus shoots.
Asparagus Spears
Asparagus spears are also deliciously and easily roasted: Roll in olive oil, then roast 10 minutes or so in a 400-degree-Fahrenheit oven, turning them over once. It's my private ritual to harvest two wild spears, which grow in an unlikely spot along a...
Asparagus: Ten Facts
Texas Agricultural Extension Service advises, because the plant yields 8 to 10 pounds or more per 100 square feet of bed or 24 to 30 pounds per 100 feet of row, one row is adequate for most home gardeners .
Aspiring to Asparagus
Meanwhile, make the vinaigrette by whisking together olive oil, lemon juice (or sherry vinegar), mustard, and salt and pepper. Simple, Roasted Asparagus INGREDIENTS 1 pound asparagus, trimmed 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice...
Recipe: Asparagus Pastry
I used Locatelli and Crotonese because that's what I had around. You might try the same trick with other vegetables, such as thinly sliced onions or leeks now or mixed peppers later this summer.
Growing White Asparagus
As soon as the tips of the spears start poking out of the soil, put the wooden frame in place and fill it with six inches of soil. You see, white asparagus is green asparagus, only blanched.
Crop Profile: Asparagus
Asparagus also doesn't tolerate salt well, which is something coastal and sodic-land farmers should keep in mind. Asparagus farming requires a lot of room, and growers will need to plant large areas in order to produce a sizable crop.