During times of drought, be sure to water once a week or enough to keep the soil moist 2 inches below the surface.around the plants to conserve soil moisture and retard weeds. Keep in mind that a little patience is required before you can dive into your...
The bonus is that the herbs help the tomatoes grow better. Plant the parsley and basil underneath the asparagus and the tomatoes alongside the asparagus. They take 2-3 years to reach a full yield and, thereafter, produce spears for the next 10-15 years!...
It remains one of the quintessential symbols of this time period. Of all fern specimens, the Boston fern is one of the most recognizable.Propagating Boston ferns isn't too difficult.
Check the soil daily and make sure to give it some water if the soil feels at all dry. Dry soil is one of the number one reasons that Boston ferns die. Boston ferns need a cool place with high humidity and indirect light.When you care for Boston fern...
They look great, at least until Boston fern leaf drop starts rearing its ugly head. More often, the cause of Boston fern losing leaves is something in the care the plant's receiving, and that can be changed overnight.
Place the plant in partial shade or indirect light for a couple of days, then move it to its normal location and resume regular care. The fern should be planted at the same depth it was planted in the previous container.
Keep reading to learn what causes a Boston fern with black fronds, and what to do about it.There is one case in which a Boston fern with black fronds is perfectly natural, and it's good to be able to spot it.
The compost should never be allowed to dry out, which may mean watering the plant a little every single day in a warm, dry atmosphere.Although most ferns grow in moist shady places like forest floors, this does not mean that they need no light.
If they aren't, add compost until they're well-covered.– After harvest is a touchy time for asparagus plants, and when it's most likely that a new grower will make a fatal mistake.
Don't harvest until the third year and then only lightly. Add to this the grocery price and you'll easily justify the effort of digging a special bed for growing asparagus.. Thereafter, harvest up until July 1 by snapping the stalks off at the base.
Also, if you live in a milder climate, there is no need for further asparagus winter care, but those in colder regions need to begin prepping asparagus for winter.If you're feeling lucky or lazy, you can choose to pray for enough snow cover to protect...
As soon as you notice asparagus beetles, begin hand picking them daily, tossing them into a bucket of soapy water. In addition, the larvae of the spotted asparagus beetle will feed inside developing berries and consume foliage.In most situations, organic...
This will normally happen after first frost, but it can happen without frost in areas that do not receive frost. This belief may or may not be true, but it could be tied to the fact that removing the old foliage helps to keep thefrom overwintering in...
While asparagus beetles can cause some real damage to a crop, having spotted asparagus beetles in gardens is not of much concern because of when its eggs hatch.The spotted asparagus beetle lifecycle is such that the larvae emerge just in time to eat thestage.
If the soil is dry, the pot will feel very light. Let the plant drain thoroughly and never let the pot stand in water.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Boston fern watering is enhanced if you provide a...
Any gardener that knowsa perennial will recognize how to propagate a fern.In very early spring, dig up or remove the plant from its pot. There are over 12,000 species in almost all parts of the world.
For example, sprinkle a coarse substance such as dryaround the slug; the sharp substance abrades their slimy outer coating.Use slug pellets if absolutely necessary. When grown indoors, this easy-care plant provides an air of elegance and style.
Again, when fertilizing Boston ferns, administer the slow release fertilizer at half rate recommend on the fertilizer container.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });In the late fall and through winter, Boston...
Often the ferns are discarded, but some are so lush and beautiful that the gardener can't bring one's self to toss them. Read on to learn more about winter care for Boston fern.Winter care for Boston fern starts with finding the right location for overwintering...
As these age, they will wrap around the PVC pipe in a curve, 'ready-made' for affixing to tree trunksPutting the fern on a tree can be challenging if the ferns are heavy.Sometimes I find a large tree with a fork in it and just drop the fern there, tying...
How about asparagus? If so, what's the difference between male and female asparagus? In fact, male asparagus is favored so much more that there are now new hybridized male asparagus plants that produce larger yields.
) but not a fan of the cost of buying them in the grocery store has wondered how to make an asparagus bed. If you grow from seed, you should wait 4 four years.Asparagus cannot tolerate competition and is easily pushed out by other plants (like weeds).
During this initial harvest year (year three), plants should only be harvested the first month of optimum production. Of course, the width will vary from male to female plants. Removing the spears for more than a month during this important year of growth...
It's recommended that you start asparagus seeds indoors or in a greenhouse in mid-February to May under bright lighting. The reason for this is that growing asparagus requires patience.
A location where the plant gets at least two hours of indirect sunlight per day, preferably in the morning or late afternoon, is ideal.Boston fern light conditions must change when sunlight is more intense in spring and summer.
Feed the plant only every other month when growth is slower during fall and winter.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Indoor ferns aren't terribly fussy about their diet, and a weak dose of any liquid houseplant...
You can also check in your garden store for chemicals that control this disease in Boston ferns.These tips are also appropriate for preventing and treating other Boston fern diseases such as Rhizoctonia aerial blight.