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Ashitaba Tea Where To Buy

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Prices start at : 6.74 USD / 1 oz.

However, it's rather floral and piney with a fresh, green flavor underneath. This “green chai” was originally blended for its health properties. The overall effect might be thought to be overly herbal, even medicine-y.
  • Qualities: Non-GMO
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Caffeine Free?: No
  • Ingredients: Gunpowder green tea, rosemary, sage, safflower, rose petals, lemon and rose flavor.
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
Black Currant Tea
Prices start at : 6.52 USD / 1 oz.

To go with it all a steaming cup of jammy black currant tea; black tea leaves, black currant leaves, and tons of fruit flavor provide an indulgent cup. This is a black tea that provides all the health benefits and plenty of full-bodied flavor but without...
  •  Dietary Notes
  •  Caffeine Free?
  • Basic Preparation: Caffeinated; 3 grams of tea per six ounces of water yields approximately 150 cups per lb. of tea.
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Notes: Black Tea
Blackberry Fruit Tea Blend
Prices start at : 6.29 USD / 1 oz.

You call in sick to work and sleep in for a few extra hours. You set the kettle, make some toast, and pour a cup of Blackberry Fruit Tea. You finally grab the book that's been folded at chapter seven for the last month because you never have time to actually...
  • Recommended Applications: Caffeinated; 3 grams of tea per six ounces of water yields approximately 150 cups per lb. of tea.
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Basic Preparation: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Dietary Notes: No
  • Qualities: Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
Jasmine Tea
Prices start at : 6.52 USD / 1 oz.

A fragrant green tea scented with Jasmine. The Song Dynasty saw the invention of the compass and the establishment of true north, the creation of gunpowder warfare, the first banknotes, and moveable type.
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Caffeine Free?: No
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Notes: Green Tea
Earl Grey Tea
Prices start at : 6.40 USD / 1 oz.

Earl Grey tea was created as a way to imitate Chinese black teas that were flavored with mandarin. Our Earl Grey comes packed with bergamot oil and the addition of indigo cornflower petals.
  •  Dietary Notes
  •  Caffeine Free?
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Ingredients: Black tea, cornflower petals and bergamot flavor.
Lemon Mint Tea
Prices start at : 6.18 USD / 1 oz.

We're hiding a surprise with this tea. (And then fresh lemon, because we're persnickety like that.) Can you guess what it is? Surprise! There is no lemon in our lemonmint tea. It has nothing to do with the peppermint or spearmint.
  • Notes: Herbal Tea
  • Botanical Name: No
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO
  • Basic Preparation: Non-caffeinated; 3 grams of tea per six ounces of water yields approximately 150 cups per lb. of tea.
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
Moroccan Mint Green Tea
Prices start at : 6.40 USD / 1 oz.

Of course, some people just brew the mint leaves straight up. The result is a pert green tea flavor with a hint of mint that rejuvenates the mind and body with every sip. Our Moroccan Mint achieves that ancient flavor without the ceremony.
  • Ingredients: Green tea, peppermint.
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Basic Preparation: Caffeinated; 3 grams of tea per six ounces of water yields approximately 150 cups per lb. of tea.
  • Dietary Notes: N/A
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
Gunpowder Green Tea
Prices start at : 6.07 USD / 1 oz.

Produced in the Zhejiang Provence of China gunpowder tea is a method of forming tea as opposed to a flavor. Gunpowder green tea is somewhat astringent, piney, with hints of citrus and the front and flavors of smoke at the back.
  • Dietary Notes: No
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Ingredients: Rolled green tea leaves.
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
Darjeeling Tea
Prices start at : 7.42 USD / 1 oz.

According to the Tea Board of India, Darjeeling tea must be grown, cultivated, produced, and manufactured in specific tea estates in West Bengal. True Darjeeling is officially stamped and approved by the government before it can be sold.
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Basic Preparation: Caffeinated; 3 grams of tea per six ounces of water yields approximately 150 cups per lb. of tea.
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Dietary Notes: N/A
  • Ingredients: Finest tippy golden flowery orange pekoe.
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
Passionberry Fruit Tisane
Prices start at : 7.02 USD / 1 oz.

In addition, add a teaspoon to a small container of sugar and let it sit for a week. Fall fruits are combined with a mouth-puckeringly tart hibiscus base that's sensational for cold weather sipping.
  •  Botanical Name
  •  Dietary Notes
  • Caffeine Free?: Yes
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Notes: Herbal Tea
  • Ingredients: Hibiscus, cranberries, orange peel, apple and natural fruit flavoring.
White Pomegranate Tea
Prices start at : 7.64 USD / 1 oz.

This tea is that friend you envy because they have their life just so together. Her perfection would drive you crazy if you didn't like her so damn much and if she wasn't one of your best friends ever.
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
  • Basic Preparation: Caffeinated; 3 grams of tea per six ounces of water yields approximately 150 cups per lb. of tea.
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Qualities: Non-GMO
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
Kukicha Twig Tea
Prices start at : 8.20 USD / 1 oz.

This tea loves to be served with dried fruits or roasted walnuts, or used as a beverage alongside a farro salad or a baked squash coated in brown sugar and cinnamon. Kukicha is a unique tea that is wonderful with a bit of citrus juice and a shot of simple...
  • Notes: Green Tea
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
Pineapple Papaya Green Tea
Prices start at : 7.19 USD / 1 oz.

A perfect accompaniment for lavender tea cakes with a bit of lemon glaze, ground into powder and added to pound cake batter before baking, or poured over ice. Green Sencha tea is soothingly blended with fruit and flora to create a relaxing blend.
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Dietary Notes: N/A
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Notes: Green Tea
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
  • Ingredients: Sencha green tea, pineapple pieces, blue malva flowers and fruit flavor.
Ceylon Black Tea w/ Silver Tips
Prices start at : 4.95 USD

The dried leaves are crisp and thin making a beautiful brew when infused. Ceylon Black Tea w/ Silver Tips The tea features prominent, very fine, and wiry silver tips that stand out against the dark slender Flowery Orange Pekoe.
Cherries & Jasmine Blossoms Green Tea
Prices start at : 8.95 USD

Cherries & Jasmine Blossoms Green Tea This tea Features traditional sencha green tea leaves that are complemented with bold colors throughout the blend. With each sip you can taste the mellow hints of sour-cherry halves accompanied by papaya, pineapple...
Orange Blossom Oolong Tea
Prices start at : 8.95 USD

Orange Blossom Oolong Tea This Oolong blend features a deep, bold oolong tea leaf accompanied by accents of orange. This tea has a strong finish and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Ingredients: Oolong tea, orange blossoms, natural flavoring
Yunnan Pu-erh Tea
Prices start at : 3.95 USD

Yunnan Pu-erh Tea Pu-erh, sometimes referred to as Bolay, is a variety of post-fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. This production style involves having the leaves undergo an additional fermentation process after they are dried.
Green Silk Maofeng
Prices start at : 4.95 USD

Green Silk Maofeng This tea is a great example of a fine tasting tea with "minimalist" and "simple" processing. The leaves are simply plucked and dried making it one of the most prominent green teas available.
Gunpowder Green Tea
Prices start at : 4.95 USD

Gunpowder Green Tea Gunpowder Green Tea is a classic green tea from China. Due to its shape, gunpowder green tea is very appealing and easy to infuse. The tea has a hint of smokiness but leaves a smooth aftertaste.
Curled Dragon Silver Tips Green Tea
Prices start at : 15.95 USD

Curled Dragon Silver Tips One of eastern China's best known green teas. The sliver sprouts of the tea are neatly coiled and give this tea it's recognizable appearance. The tea is fresh and clean tasting with a hint of hazelnuts while the cup features...
Hojicha Green Tea
Prices start at : 3.95 USD

Hojicha Green Tea Hojicha (ほうじ茶) is distinguished from other Japanese green teas because it is roasted in a porcelain pot over charcoal. The tea is fired at high temperature, altering the leaf colour tints from green to reddish-brown.
Young Hyson, Green Tea
Prices start at : 6.40 USD / 1 oz.

By fate, not option, frugal Nature gave One scent to hyson and to wall-flower, One sound to pine-groves and to waterfalls, One aspect to the desert and the lake. A little history note, it is estimated that about 15-20% of the tea tossed in the harbor...
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Dietary Notes: No
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
  • Notes: Green Tea
English Breakfast Black Tea
Prices start at : 6.40 USD / 1 oz.

In addition, it has plenty of antioxidants as well as caffeine to help you start the day. English Breakfast tea is actually a blend of various kinds of black tea; particularly Assam, Ceylon, Kenyan, and Keemun.
  • Caffeine Free?: No
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Notes: Black Tea
  • Ingredients: Blend of black teas.
  • Dietary Notes: N/A
White Tea, Bai Mu Dan
Prices start at : 7.42 USD / 1 oz.

Lady White Tea was the fairest maiden in all the land. White tea is one of the most expensive teas in the tea world – the saffron of tea, if you will. White Tea's fairy tale isn't the most adventurous one – no dragons to slay and no prince to kiss.
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
  • Ingredients: White tea (Camellia sinensis)
  • Notes: White Tea
  • Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
Triple Berry Tea
Prices start at : 6.29 USD / 1 oz.

Refined flavors of juniper berry, blueberry leaf, and myrtle make this an elegant selection. A delicate and adult tisane that eschews the idea that herbal teas should be fruity bags packed with words like “pizzaz” and “zinger.” This is about layers…...
  • Product Style: Loose Leaf
  • Botanical Name: No
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Ingredients: Strawberry leaf, myrtle leaf, blueberry leaf, hibiscus flower, rose hips, juniper berry and natural fruit flavor.
Cinnamon Apricot Tisane
Prices start at : 6.52 USD / 1 oz.

The cup pours a gentle yellow and tastes mellower than one would think. It's a favorite when you need a bit of sunshine on a dreary winter day. A bright-tasting tisane filled with chunks of dried apricot and cinnamon bark.
  • Shelf Life: 2 years
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Dietary Notes: No
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.
Rooibos Tea (Red Bush Tea)
Prices start at : 6.12 USD / 1 oz.

Also known as red tea and bush tea, this particular tisane only took the Western world by storm in the past ten years. In addition, many people enjoy brewing this in milk as opposed to water and sweetening it with vanilla and simple syrup.
  • Ingredients: Rooibos
  • Dietary Notes: N/A
  • Qualities: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO
  • Handling / Storage: To be stored in a cool, dry area out of direct light.
  • Notes: Herbal Tea / Rooibos Tea
  • Recommended Applications: Start with cold, fresh water. Preheat tea pot, use approximately 3 grams of tea leaves for 6 oz of water. For tea, steep 4 minutes. For Herbal Teas/Tisanes brew as black teas, with water to rolling boil. Pour over tea or herbal, do not boil botanicals when making tea.