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Arum Italicum Pictum

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The Incredible ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
However, cuttings root in water, or individual leaves can be stuck in well-drained potting mix where they can be expected to grow rhizomes and roots within a year. The flower, which is not showy, is characteristic of the aroid family and consists of an...
El Segundo
Arum Italicum Bulbs (5-Pack)
Prices start at : 9.98 USD / package

Cream flowers bloom in the spring, followed by clusters of bright orange berries in the fall. Arum Italicum's foliage appears in the fall and stays attractive all winter. Arum Italicum is a woodland plant with deep green, white-veined leaves that turn...
  •  An unusual perennial that dazzles year round
  •  For best results, grow in well-drained soil
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
  • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12
  • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
  • Growth Habit: Clumping
Bulb Search
Price : CALL

The Bulb Search: Criniums of yellow or purple flowers, short or tall blooming. Bulbs for under a huge Tipu Tree- dappled bright light. Using -Blue Bells,Crocus,Grape Hyacinth,Ipheion,Anemones,Callas,and Narcissis.
United States
Athyrium Pictum
Prices start at : 76.28 USD / Liner/20 TRAY

They are set off by the purplish-red veins and stems. The fronds are positioned in a way that creates a horizontal layering effect much like you see in Dogwood trees. 2004 Perennial Plant of the Year! One of the most colorful ferns for the garden, the...
New York
Dragon Arum
Prices start at : 8.50 USD / each

Each year it produces a 3-foot stalk that is topped in late spring or early summer by an exotic 18'' deep red flower. Hardy in zone 5 (with mulch) through zone 8. The Dragon Arum is a highly unusual plant that is truly a one of a kind find for your yard!...
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 3
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Abutilon \'Thompsonii\' (Abutilon pictum)
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / 2.5" Pot Size

'Thompsonii' is accented by mottled yellow and green foliage and glowing orange flowers. Best of all, even under lower light, it holds a full tight form. Abutilon 'Thompsonii' (Abutilon pictum) This reliable everbloomer is adeptly suited for container...
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun
  • Bloom Season: Everbloomer
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 45
Arum Plant Information: Learn About Common Varieties Of Arum
Most arums are not frost tolerant, as many are from the Mediterranean region; however, a few European varieties have some cold hardiness. All types of arum plants are poisonous and may not be suitable in gardens with pets and children.Arums are rhizome...
4 in. Potted Bog/Marginal Arrow Arum Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

The dark green glossy arrowhead shaped leaves make for a beautiful background edge plant or specimen plant in a pond. Very reliable bloomer, although it is grown more for its foliage.
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Having a bog plant already planted in aquatic soil provides a big advantage in terms of an established root system which makes the transition into your pond very easy and reduces the risk of failure: Yes
  • Blossom Color: Yellow
Lords And Ladies Plant Care – Tips On Arum Maculatum Propagation
Is a plant that has earned itself close to a hundred nicknames, many of them in reference to its suggestive shape. The plant will flower in the spring and produce bright red-orange berries on top of a stalk in autumn.You should be aware, before planting...
Fern, Japanese Painted
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / 1 Plant

Athyrium niponicum pictum is the deciduous Japanese Painted fern. Its beautiful 8-12" tall fronds have wine colored mid-ribs and "painted" silver-green and white leaflets.
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders
  • Planting Time: Fall, Spring
  • Resistant To: Rabbit
  • Height: 8-12 inches
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
Athyrium Godzilla
Prices start at : 77.42 USD / Liner/20 TRAY

‘Pictum' on steroids, this giant painted fern was discovered at Plant Delights Nursery in the mid-90s and is thought to be a sporeling of ‘Pictum' and the Lady Fern. Like the Lady Fern, ‘Godzilla' spreads slowly where it is happiest in moist, loamy...
New York
Wholesale Aquatic Plants
Price : CALL

We sell wholesale aquatic plants at great prices and have about 15 varities in stock. The ones listed are currently in stock and require a 200 plant per species minimum order. Spatterdock Water Lillys Blue Flag Dwarf water bamboo water hyacinth yellow...
Athyrium Ghost
Prices start at : 76.28 USD / Liner/20 TRAY

Niponicum 'Pictum') and Lady Fern (A. Dark purple stems hold the broad fronds rigidly upright. A hybrid cross between Japanese Painted fern (A. Filix-femina), this selection sports stunning frosted apple green fronds that seem to emit a ghostly white...
New York
Japanese Painted Ferns Brighten the Shady Landscape
(Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum') was named the Perennial Plant of the Year for 2004. Mature plants reach a height of 1 to 1-1/2 feet and a width of 1-1/2 to 2 feet. If left undisturbed in a location to its liking, it may naturalize to form a small colony.
El Segundo
What Flower Goes Best With Calla Lilies?
Calla lilies are elegant flowers with distinctive funnel-shaped blossoms and long, slender stems. Calla lilies are dramatic additions to outdoor gardens, but they are also well-suited for indoor container gardens and formal bouquets.
Santa Monica
Beautiful Flowers That Smell Bad
They are brightly colored and often fragrant to attract potential pollinators like insects and birds. These are a favorite for native plant water gardens in the Pacific Northwest.Crown Imperials (scientific name Fritillaria imperialis) are classic spring...
Santa Monica
Calla Bulbs aethiopica (Set of 5)
Prices start at : 48.49 USD / package

Calla Lilies (Zantedeschia) are not true lilies at all, as they are stemless plants whose flowers and leaves rise directly from the rhizomes (bulb). Calla aethiopica typically grow into huge clumps and grow very large arrowhead-shaped leaves.
  •  3' tall, 2' wide plant with huge 10" white flowers
  •  3 ft. tall, 2 ft. wide plant with huge 10 ft. flowers
  • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),11 (40 to 50 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
  • Best Time to Plant: Fall
  • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12-24
  • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
Smelly Plants In Gardens: Learn About Common Plants That Stink
They also bear fleshy flowers that may be covered in hair to give the full impression of decaying flesh to their pollinators.Smelly plants in gardens are less common in America, but for the most part, you have to have invited them in since most grow wild...
Unusual and Bizarre Plants - A Titanic Inflorescence
The "trunk" of this "tree" is actually the petiole of the leaf. While I have grown a few from seeds myself, growing this plant to blooming maturity takes quite a bit of gardening expertise.
El Segundo
Why Do Peace Lilies Get Curly Leaves?
Leaf edges may brown in the vegetative version of sunburn. Allowing the plant to go dry induces dormancy. Re-pot plants with clean soil and keep them moist, withholding fertilizer until they start growing actively.
Santa Monica
Bee Repellent Plants
This wormwood tea is made by combining 8 oz. Then place these bundles around the garden on the ground. Castile soap and place in a spray bottle. Bees are attracted to plants that have light, floral smells while they are repelled by strong and/or unpleasant...
Santa Monica
Types of White Fungus on Citrus Fruits
The British Columbia government website suggests warm environments (to remove dew) and the burning or burying of all affected fruit to remove penicillium.According to the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, phytophthora, also called brown rot, attacks...
Santa Monica
Lady Ferns (Athyrium species) for the Garden
The Cristatum Group is composed of many cultivars, all which have the tips and/or edges of the fronds ending in small, flat, fan-like crests. These are called the Corymbiferum Group if the parsley-like tip is narrower than the rest of the frond, or the...
El Segundo
Mouse Plant Care: How To Grow Mouse Tail Plants
By August, however, in most locations, this plant becomes dormant.Used commonly as a ground cover, this plant will spread quickly and is an excellent option for hard-to-fill areas.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Aroids of the imagination VI - Fans, Waves and Swans
Unlike on Earth, organisms responsible for the formation of mineral-based soil are absent. Plant roots here are very aggressive in seeking out cracks in rocks and pockets of organic matter to anchor one of several plants possessing roots that can...
El Segundo
How to Care for an Indoor Lily
Fill the pot with potting soil mixed with an equal amount of perlite to create a light planting mixture that drains easily and won't compact.Water your lily thoroughly, but allow the soil to nearly dry out between waterings.Water thoroughly, but allow...
Santa Monica
The Differences Between Golden Pothos and Heartleaf Philodendron
It's easy to confuse golden pothos with heartleaf philodendron as these related plants share many of the same characteristics. Both of these tropical houseplants have heart-shaped leaves and are typically sold in hanging baskets.
Santa Monica