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Narcotic Effects of Bay Leaves
The myth about bay laurel was that a beautiful woman named Daphne, who was being sought by the god Apollo, begged her father, the river god Peneus, to save her from Apollo's relentless pursuit.
Santa Monica
Sidewalk de-icers: effective AND safe?
Scatter or spread the removed slush to dilute the salts.One important difference between chemical salts is the temperature range at which they can work. The safer part of the formulation comes from their lack of sodium and chlorides.Pet owners can worry...
El Segundo
Harmful Effects of Pollen From Lilies
As well as the pollen staining fabrics, what a lot of people do not realize is that lilies of the genera Lilium and Hermerocallis are actually toxic to certain household pets. Cats have been known to live for years after being poisoned by lilies, but...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Eating Buttercup Flowers
These tiny plants are found in field and streams on the sides of mountains that reside in warm, humid weather and they also bloom in cold weather climates. Pains in the stomach and constrictions happen right before the animal dies.Animals tend to avoid...
Santa Monica
Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Plants
Use 16 drops of hydrogen peroxide if using 35-percent grade solution. Because hydrogen peroxide is highly soluble in oxygen and water, it reacts easily with other substances and is able to kill harmful organisms.Hydrogen peroxide comes in a variety of...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Caffeine on Plants
Some plants can benefit from the use of caffeine, depending on what type of caffeine you use. The author from states that this effort is part of Starbucks' corporate-level recycling does warn that although...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Radiation on Plants
Still, large amounts of radiation can destroy any material, including plant material.High doses of radiation can cause seeds to not sprout, grow slowly, lose fertility or develop genetic mutations that can change characteristics of the plant.The right...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Chemical Fertilizers on Soil
Chemical fertilizers or inorganic fertilizers are manmade soil enhancers used to raise the level of nutrients found in soil. Leaching is not only hazardous to groundwater sources but also to the health of subsoil where these chemicals react with clay...
Santa Monica
The Effect of Sunlight on Animals & Plants
Animals also benefit from the sun's effect on their bodies, because sunlight on skin produces vitamin D, which is important in the formation of strong bones. Too much sunlight can cause a plant's water to evaporate and lead to its death.Too little sun...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Sugar Water on Roses
Sugar has the effect of providing the rose with a little bit of energy.Though sugar water seems to benefit cut roses, sugar should not be added to the water with which you would ordinarily water your potted plants (1).
Santa Monica
The Effect of Black Light on Plants
Different types of UV light may have different effects on different types of plants.UV light, particularly UVB, can cause DNA mutations called thymine dimers. However, strong UV radiation can bleach phytopigments.
Santa Monica
The Effect of Green Light on Plants
Red light, when mixed with blue, can assist with the flowering portion of a plant's growth.Professor Kevin Folta of the University of Florida has produced experiments in which plants' development, especially as seedlings, is actually harmed by green light.
Santa Monica
Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Plant Growth
Although the effects vary among plant species and cultivars, most plants are negatively affected to some degree.Scientists are addressing concerns about potential crop losses by trying to develop plants that are resistant to damage from ultraviolet light.According...
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Rain Have on Tomatoes?
The manner in which water is delivered, either via rain or via a controlled system, can affect tomatoes in a positive way, or can also have devastating results.A tomato's fragile skin can easily start splitting and cracking due to inconsistencies in soil...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Rain Water on Plants
Roots then absorb these particles in a process called diffusion. If there is no water in the soil, the leaves will wilt. The cells then convert the sugar into energy, which the plant uses to produce leaves, flowers and fruit.Acid rain is common after...
Santa Monica
7 Steps To Effectively Trimming Goat Hooves
Inspect The Hoof And Set Your Goal Look over the hoof and remember what you want it to look like when you're done. Lisa Seger If parts of the wall are pitted or filled with dirt/debris, you might need to pick it out prior to cutting.
The Effect of Light on Plant Growth
Although there is a natural growth cycle for every plant, the vegetative and flowering stages of growth are directly influenced by light. Plants are dependent on light to generate food, induce the growing cycle and allow for healthy development.
Santa Monica
The Effect of Temperature on Pea Respiration
Also, molecules, in general, move faster at higher temperatures, and faster-moving molecules react faster with each other, which gives higher reaction rates in processes like cellular respiration.The rate of cellular respiration will slow down as temperature...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Muriatic Acid on Plants
It helps reduce the acidity and restores the soil to a balanced pH if it has been to heavily inundated with the muriatic acid. You must take care to administer the correct dose of the acid or the plants will die.
Santa Monica
The Effect of Infrared Light on Plant Growth
Plants grown indoors may grow well under fluorescent lights, but will not bloom until appropriate levels of infrared radiation have been introduced. Infrared waves can also affect how plants grow.According to Texas A&M University, infrared light plays...
Santa Monica
The Effect of Light Intensity on Plant Growth
In effect, higher light intensities make more energy available for plant photosynthesis processes to take place.Light color represents the different energy frequencies contained within the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Distilled Water Have on Plants?
Distilled water is a type of soft water, but does not have the trace amounts of sodium that occur in water treated with a mechanical softener. The effect is more severe on houseplants, because the chemicals build up in the small amount of soil and are...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Pine Trees on the Environment
If you are planting a pine tree in your garden, it will impact the environment around it. The roots also slow down the movement of water when it rains, preventing soil from washing away.
Santa Monica
The Effects of Hot Water on Plant Growth
Consider each plant's individual needs before experimenting with hot water, as it can cause serious damage to your garden if used improperly.It may be best for plant growth to stick with tried and true methods of watering.Students used rye plants to test...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Nuclear Radiation on the Environment
This isotope may increase the risk of bone cancer and leukemia in animals and people.There are many consequences that have occurred in the environment as a result of nuclear power plants.
Santa Monica
The Effect of Carbonated Water on Plant Growth
However, not every plant can handle excess CO2 as it can change soil pH into an unsuitable level. The plants are watered with the normal amount of carbonated water as compared to regular water initially.
Santa Monica
The Effects of Water Pollution on Plant Growth
Water pollution also leaves large amounts of aluminum in the soil, which can be harmful to plants. As a result, water removes these nutrients more quickly from the soil and sends them into streams and lakes, according to Cornell University in New York.
Santa Monica