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Arabidopsis thaliana: Lab Rat for the Plant World
Why is this boring weed so fascinating to scientists and botanists? Arabidopsis thaliana is a weedy winter annual that is native to places like Russia and Northern Europe and naturalized through temperate parts of the world.
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Feeling Blue? Grow Gentians!
Extracts from gentians (in particular G. Yet few people seem to grow them. The ultimate example of their alpine nature is the fact that gentians grow on the slopes of Mt. Everest at an elevation of 18,000 feet! As a genus, they are indeed primarily alpine...
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Anemone, the Windflower: Part 2 - the Fibrous-rooted Species
White is the most common colour. Several are dainty species with exquisite blooms, choice plants for the discerning gardener. Most of these are either alpine or woodland garden subjects.
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Adaptations of Alpine Plants (or Why Rock Garden Plants Look Like They Do!)
Many alpines have cup or saucer-like blooms that act like a parabolic lense, actually allowing the inside of the blooms to be warmer than the outside. Fuzzy and succulent leaves also reduce transpiration rates (loss of moisture due to wind) further helping...
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\'Shrubby\' Penstemons
Avoid excess fertilizing as plants may literally bloom themselves to death!Propagation my be by seed or cuttings. This group is called the 'Shrubby' Penstemon or botanically, species from the subgenus Dasanthera.With so many members, it is not surprising...
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Admirable Avens - the Genus Geum
While the hybrids are most popular, there are also some species that are ideal for the woodland/shade garden or even for rock gardens. Bradshaw', 'Lady Strathedon', 'Mango Lassi', 'Paso Doble' (top row) 'Red Dragon', 'Fire Glow' and 'Werner Arends' (bottom...
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Growing Rock Cress – How To Grow Rock Cress And Rock Cress Care
Both make attractive low mounds that look great at the edge of retaining wall where they get full sun and excellent drainage.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });4-7.
Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
Upright and tall rocks represent heaven, flat rocks represent earth, and diagonal rocks represent humans. A zen garden is a place for reflection, meditation and enlightenment. That's where the three rocks come in.
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Sempervivums - Oh So Satisfying
Commonly known as Hens and Chicks or Houseleek. (I wouldn't recommend trying this.) As an insecticide, the fluid was used by the Romans to eradicate caterpillars in their agricultural fields.
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Sedum spathulifolium - for Foliage and Flowers
If you've never tried growing one, then perhaps you should! 'Red Raver' is a powderless selection whose leaves are shiny, the older ones being red while the newer are bright green.Above are two hybrids: 'Silver Moon' and 'Harvest Moon'Whether you prefer...
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Sea Pinks - A Coastal Beauty
Suitable for rockeries, containers and coastal gardens, they really are a useful flower for almost any garden. If you have never tried thrift, I highly recommend you do. Look for them in your local garden center or through specialty alpine plant nurseries.
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Alpine Bellflowers for Wet-winter Climates
Cochlearifolia 'Alba' and C. The vast majority of species hail from the Mediterranean and Middle East, but a few are native to North America, many in east Asia and some even extend into the Arctic.
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Soapworts - the Genus Saponaria
In this article I will introduce you to their other close cousin, the soapworts. While the soapworts offer less variety than the campions and catchflies, they do have some rather attractive members that are well worth seeking out.
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Grow a Flurry of Fleabanes!
If you are not already growing some, hopefully this article will entice you to start! Appearing much like asters, they bloom earlier in the season, helping to extend the 'daisy' season.
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Rock Garden Basics
Do you like to grow as many plants packed into one area as possible? Do you live in a wind-swept area where gardening is a challenge? If gardening in acidic areas, you can also lightly dust the entire surface of the rock garden with lime in mid to late...
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Rock Dust... DUH!!
We as gardeners attempt to add nutrients back to the soil by means of fertilizers, compost and/or other amendments that we purchase and apply in vast and expensive quantities. Rock dust from a gravel pit is usually unscreened but about the right size.Locally,...
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Primroses: Diversity is Their Key to Popularity - Part 1: Primrose Culture and Use
In fact, the cycle of alternate freezing and thawing in winter is a significant problem and is probably the #1 killer of primroses. Additional grit could be added to the planting area of the alpine primroses as they demand excellent drainage.Primroses...
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London Pride and their Kin
Let me re-open your eyes to the beauty of London Pride. It is a very carefree groundcover for shady spots. In the UK, you may find up to 40 named selections! The British love their London Pride! Perhaps the most notable of these is
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The Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden: Jewel of the North
Trees leaf during late May as well; some like ash, wait until mid-June! Our average date for last spring frost is June 15 so we don't plant annuals until after mid-June. We also grow many native Newfoundland alpines from northern areas of the Province...
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Rock \'n Roses: Cistus and Halimium
Its prompt demise proved to me these plants don't like having their roots disturbed.When setting out a rock rose, therefore, ease it into the ground as gently as possible to avoid damaging its roots.
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The Best of the Dwarf Columbines
However, a word of warning; columbines are promiscuous and will hybridize with blooming neighbours so seeds from exchanges may end up being hybrids. Occupying such a small space means you can pack a number of them into a small area.(I would like to thank...
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Delosperma, the Hardy Ice-Plants
For xeric gardens, they make a bold splash of colour all season, but even gardeners as far north as zone 5 can enjoy these South African succulents. Of possible hybrid origin are the selections ‘John Proffitt' (aka ‘Table Mountain') with reddish-pink...
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Rock Cress for the Rockery...and Elsewhere!
Full sun is best but in hot regions, protection from midday sun is often advantageous. Older plants can be divided but they germinate easily from seed (do not cover as they need light to germinate) and root easily from herbaceous cuttings.
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Mossy Saxifrages
The hybrids may be grown from seed although they may not breed true. 'Elf' (carmine-red on 5 cm stems; late flowering),(more correctly known as ‘Schneeteppich'; white flowers on 15 cm stems).
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Mugo Pines - One of the Most Popular Dwarf Conifers
This article will introduce you to the variety that exists in this plant and the proper long-time care so your plants will stay compact and healthy. Hardiness is not a problem; they can be grown in zones 2 to 8.
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Dodecatheon: Shooting Stars
The roots of mature plants can be divided in early spring, but it will be a year or more before the divisions bloom.Plants should get full sun in mild summer areas and afternoon shade in hot summer areas.
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Hardy \'African Violets\' - Ramonda, Haberlea and Jankaea
Specialty alpine nurseries offer them and periodically you can find them in seed exchanges such as that offered to members of the North American Rock Garden Society. If you are an avid rock gardener or partake of container gardening, then these hardy...
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