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It\'s Fiesta Time
It is not a difficult recipe and is made with or without hot. The vines drag the ground with sweet, tantalizing tomatoes. Be sure to stir the salsa so it will not scorch. (concave)Using your finger, press the middle of the lid then release it.
El Segundo
Dead House Plants? Are You Sure They\'re Dead?
The plant looks dead. Their leaves will grow back, the Hibiscus in a few weeks or sooner. It just may surprise you and start growing again!!! A good friend of mine was caught by me one day throwing a big 8 inch hanging pot in the garbage.
El Segundo
Salt and Salts: How They Work
After all, salt is one of the several basic tastes that the human tongue is capable of discerning.We know you can't water living beings with salty water, although just what is in those sports drinks that "replace electrolytes?" We admire tropical fish...
El Segundo
How to Grow Split Peas
Place the groups of seed at least 1 inch apart. After the peas have been naturally or mechanically split, they are packaged and sold as split peas, which are used in soups, stews and other recipes.Plant your peas in late winter or early spring when the...
Santa Monica
Information On How To Transplant Wisteria Vines
Good luck and good digging! You don't want to do this again!to about 3 feet tall. Choose your site carefully. Start digging about 18 to 24 inches from the stem. Stake the vine immediately.
Tips For Watering Plants Grown Upside Down
The planters may be the answer when cutworms or other nasty creatures in the soil are making short work of your plants, when you're losing the battle against weeds, or when your back is tired of bending, stooping and digging, but watering the containers...
How to Deadhead Knockout Roses
Use a 1:10 dilution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water). Knockout roses are deadheaded to keep the plant looking tidy as this rose produces blooms from mid to late spring through fall even without deadheading.
Santa Monica
Winter Mulch Madness
We get the heaviest garden work done while the weather is cold and the exertion warms us. This practice leads to another goal: gathering and shredding tree leaves in time for a late-winter mulching.
Learn More About Burr Medic And Its Control
Neither of these, however, will kill the burrs that are left behind in the lawn or garden.Therefore, you may want to use an old woolen blanket to drag over the area first, which should snag most of these burrs.
Japanese Digging Knife – Using A Hori Hori Knife For Gardening
But while it's often used for digging, this Japanese gardener's knife has so many other uses that it's best to think of it as a multi-purpose tool.There are a few different styles of hori hori available commercially, though the difference tends to be...
The unexplained metaphysics of dirt
And even then I sometimes came up short.Does dug dirt enter some wormhole and end up at the opposite end of the universe somewhere?If so, there is enough dirt there just from the holes I have dug, to cover a two story building.Perhaps this dug dirt changes...
El Segundo
Make Mine Mules
To see what a mule can do: Visit the website of mule extraordinaire: John Henry ( ). And mules come in every color of the equine clan. Because they are so smart and they quickly learn the bad along with the good, mules are like the...
What Is Wild Celery: Uses For Wild Celery Plants
It usually grows under water where it provides many benefits to underwater organisms. The male wild celery flowers are short and stay by the base of the plant.In time, the male flowers release from their footing and float to the surface of the water.
Carpetgrass Uses: Information On Carpetgrass In Lawn Areas
It is one of the first grasses to turn brown when temperatures cool and the last to green up in spring.Carpetgrass sends up seed stalks that quickly grow to a height of about a foot and bear unattractive seed heads that give the lawn a weedy appearance.
Thinning Out Nectarines – How To Thin Nectarines
Once the fruit has attained a size of between ½ and 1 inch in diameter, it goes into a bit of a dormant phase, not gaining in size for a week or so. Certain fruit trees set more fruit than the tree can handle — among these are.
Can You Prune Cabbage: Information On Pruning Cabbage Leaves
So, the answer is yes, pruning cabbage plants is possible and, in some cases, necessary.The purpose of pruning cabbage leaves back is to create overall healthier plants. The answer would be in pruning the cabbage leaves, but can you prune cabbage?
Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 3: learning to use your new software
What you are looking for is spacing, height, color, the ability to move the plants around until you get it the way you want it. Do a simple practice run. You're not happy with it? I simply handled it as a small berm with the terrain tools.Generally, you...
El Segundo
Trendy Turbines: Give Your Eco Side Flair
With Tangarie Alternative Power's customization, you can personalize your own Gale wind turbine to fit your eco-style. “They're ugly; they don't fit in. “It can actually be a part of the community or society as opposed to any other alternative energy...
Go Bananas! Growing Tropical Banana Trees in Maryland
If only I could grow gingers, and plumerias, and citrus trees, and and bananas! Living in temperate zone 6, I saw no way for that to happen without a major move. This winter, they are lying along a basement wall.
El Segundo
Overwintering Root Vegetables: 3 Methods For Success
And, with an added layer of supplemental insulation, your harvest can continue all winter long in all but the coldest of climates. I keep the straw in place with a couple of 2x4s crossed in an X shape over the top of the straw.
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
No precious water is wasted by evaporation, and water is delivered directly to the roots. Simply use a nail or other sharp object to tap small holes every couple inches or so along the length of the hose.You'll also need connecters to attach the hoses...
Transplanting Birds Of Paradise – How To Transplant A Bird Of Paradise Plant
Avoid transplanting enormous specimens, if possible. Transplanting a bird of paradise plant is something you may want to do to give your beloved plant better conditions or because it has grown too big for its current location.
Making Do
In my next entry, I'll run through what you need to make your own sledge. Now a sledge has to be one of the oldest implements ever devised. It was certainly nothing fancy, but it worked.
Clay Soil: A Real Challenge
The following partial list of clay-tolerant plants will enrich your landscape, giving you depth and color without many complaints. This surface will not allow water to leave or enter the planting hole.
El Segundo
Garden Goodness
I did steal a few new potatoes earlier in the season as well. The vines are loaded with immature, green fruits. I dug my potatoes a few days ago and managed to get a decent crop of All Blue and Rose Gold tomatoes.
Hereditary \
It was not a job to drag the garden hose over and water or save her choice kitchen scraps for composting. The flower garden, that is. But even during this onerous quest mom and I would make time to look at the flowering plants and wish away a few precious...
El Segundo
4 Fixes For Common Barn Problems
It will reward you with many more years of valuable service. Over time, the settling of the barn, the shifting of the foundation or even changes to the floor can make doors difficult to open and shut.