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Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
It often happens that we visit our friends or relatives at that precise moment when a particular flower or plant in their garden is at its springtime or summertime best. That is how I discovered the beauty of pink yarrow in late spring.
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Not Quite Dead: Regrowing from the Root Up
We know about perennials going dormant in the winter. Keep the pot sheltered and shaded, watering often enough to keep the soil from getting dry. Especially in this year of extreme weather, don't give up on a "dead" plant too soon.
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Perennial Plant Association selects Baptisia australis as the 2010 Perennial of the Year
She lost the tag (or was it I?) so we don't know the variety name, but I'm not complaining because it hasn't affected the plant's ability to do what a POY should. As a writer and researcher I have to determine the distinction from one or the other of...
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More Plants for Less Money 2: Dividing Your Perennials
They won't thrive and should be discarded.The daisies I divided here are the same as the kind in the articleby Jill M. Here's a novice gardener's basic step-by-step guide to dividing a perennial plant.
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Mexican Oregano - A Dependable Perennial
Pests have never bothered it. Perhaps a suitable pollinator is not present, or maybe flowers on my plant are self incompatible. While this may sound like a small flower not capable of putting on much of a show, when the plant is in full bloom, hundreds...
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Gotta Have Gaura in the Garden
Don't overdo the soil amendments, however, because plants will tend to flop and become leggy if soil is too rich.Gaura has a deep tap root that helps it survive adverse conditions.
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Fireworks in the Garden
Many sparklers, firecrackers, and other aptly named plants are available to add sizzle, pop, snap, and crackle to your garden. Too many plants are available that are capable of adding sparkle, crackle, and pop.
El Segundo
Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
Flower shapes range from the familiar tall cone with drooping ray flowers to those that hold their ray flowers horizontally, those that are semi-double to fully double, and others that produce amazing pom-pom anemone type flowers.
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Gopher Apple
A drive down most roads in the Deep South gives the driver and passengers a glimpse of gopher apple. Patches of this bright green, ground-hugging plant occur with frequency in sunny places along the roadside.
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Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
But there are thousands of cultivars and the vast majority is quite affordable on most gardeners' budgets. They are some of the best eye-candy in the whole community! Some of the listings also haveattached to make it easier if you want to purchase a particular...
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Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
Maybe its because daylilies (Hemerocallis) lend themselves so well to sharing. (Some call them tiger lilies but I reserve that name forI was inspired for this article by a recent last-minute invitation to spend a night at a friend's beach house.The final...
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The Story of Iris Part 6 - Why Grow Iris?
They can be found in gardens anywhere you can find a major city the world over. If given time it will take over its area and if left to its own will bully out other plants around it.
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Hot New Heucheras will Sizzle in your Garden!
With the onset of cooler temperatures in fall the foliage takes on richer hues of deep red.The following selections from Charles Oliver (The Primrose Path) have been available for several years, however they warrant inclusion in this article especially...
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Hardy Hibiscus--Hardier Than You Think
Hibiscus moscheutos. Just when you may think they have succumbed to the ravages of winter, give them two, or three, more weeks. While sitting in front of the fan one hot, muggy afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee, I was startled by the sound of screeching...
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Ligularia - Big, Bold and Beautiful!
If large imposing perennials are your thing, then you must grow Ligularia. Few garden perennials offer such decorative foliage and striking flower displays. Palmatiloba, P. For the back of the border, they are second to none! As long as they have steady...
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Have a Party in your Garden with Balloon Flowers!
Both reach 60 to 75 cm. They prefer a deep, well-drained soil but are not fussy about soil pH. Propagation is quite easy from seed with plants blooming in their second season.Balloon flowers have been cultivated in China and Japan for hundreds of years.
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A Phlox for Every Garden
The species bears lavender flowers and has thin dark green leaves 1½ to 2 inches long. If phlox is not presently a part of your garden, now may be a good time to look at garden catalogs and place your order for some of these highly adaptable plants.
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Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
Behind it are various ferns and shade-loving perennials. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say. If I lose it, I won't worry because not too much money was invested.The venture with the Japanese sedge was successful.
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Lungworts and Bellflowers from the Genus Mertensia
They are relatively small to mid-sized plants; the largest reaches about 100 cm or 3 feet in height. There are about 50 species found throughout the north temperate regions of the world (18 from North America).
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Agapanthus, the Beautiful African Lily
For those who love blue in the garden, Agapanthus is an excellent choice. Standing up on tall scapes and announcing their presence in no uncertain terms, the clusters of flowers fill the summer garden with drama and color.
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Speedwells for the Border
The speedwells exhibit considerable variation in size and form, from low and creeping to tall and narrow. Popular cultivars of V. This article will introduce you to the taller types of speedwells; the species, cutlivars and hybrids that make ideal plants...
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The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
The moral – do it right the first time. The ideas are endless and make this a great hobby to start with. If you don't grow them--not just plant and forget but really grow them--you will never see the wonderful plants they can become.
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How to Grow Perennial Seedlings
Although you can never know how a plant will perform unless you plant it yourself, fellow gardeners can provide helpful advice on which perennials grow best in your area. Some varieties, however, are particularly easy to grow from seeds.
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Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
There have now been over 100 named varieties introduced since 1901. The flowers make wonderful cut flowers, and in the landscape they attract bees and butterflies. They like full sun and well-drained fertile soil with a pH from 6.1 to 7.8 (slightly acidic...
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Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
S-bill, bassinets, Loving Andrews (after Saint Andrews, the Patron Saint of Scotland), Gratia Dei (Grace of God) and OdinThe plant was valued for its blue flowers as blue was often considered a sacred colour.As Christianity moved into the British Isles,...
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The Story of Iris Part 3 -Tone, Growth, and Bloom
But if you are planting others, Bearded Iris for example, they will have early season, mid season, and late season blooming time frames. Most iris will live and even multiply in less light than they enjoy but they will have sparse, if any, blooms.
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The Story of Iris Part 2 - How to pick your iris
There are many local gardens that you can tour in most areas of the United States that have wonderful iris gardens.These are great places to see what grows well in your area and the real color of the blooms in your garden.Shape – More and more gardeners...
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