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The Difference Between a Corsage & Boutonniere
An odd number is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. To make a fashion statement today, some men are designing contemporary boutonnieres out of metal, herbs or "found" objects.Most boutonnieres should be as large as a golf ball.
Santa Monica
Is an Apple a Citrus Fruit?
Apples are not citrus fruits. They have dark green leaves and often have sharp spines along the branches. Citrus fruits are notable for their aroma, juiciness and acidity. These fruits are typically fleshy and have a sweet flavor.
Santa Monica
What Color of Light Do Plants Absorb?
White light contains various colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The main pigment in plants is known as chlorophyll. Carotenoids absorb much of the light blue and green light, reflecting lighter green, yellow, orange...
Santa Monica
Italian Farm Trucks
My blog is off to a bad start. I've owned a 49 Ford flatbed, a 59 El Camino, a 66 Ranchero, a 72 Chevy pick up, and a 1995 Isuzu Trooper in the states and I drove a Ford 250 Diesel for awhile as a work truck.
My Farm Truck
When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one on every other street) and they fix it, usually for some ridiculously low figure.
What to Do to Stop Plants From Leaking Water on the Floor
Many pots or other plant containers come with a tray, but if not you can use any shallow dish that's larger than the bottom of the pot. Overly dry soil feels dry and crumbly. Underwatering may also cause excessive spillage if the soil has dried to the...
Santa Monica
4 Cast Iron Kitchen Accessories
If baking home-cooked meals from a bygone era is something you find appealing, there's nothing better than starting with a loaf of cornbread—unless, of course, it's baked in a cast iron cornbread pan.
What Does the Corsage Symbolize?
The Mother's Day corsage is usually an orchid, which represents love, beauty and strength given to the mother to express respect.Corsages are worn to honor people, such as recipients of awards, or for other special occasions.
Santa Monica
Can I Grow My Own Yerba Mate?
Seeds need to be stratified (put through a cool period) and may take between two months and a year to germinate. For people who live in areas without these conditions, yerba mate is grown as an indoor plant.Yerba mate is tough to propagate for most people.
Santa Monica
15 Accessories For Your Chicken Coop
A waterer with a heated base will keep the water from freezing on cold days and nights, as will a continuous-flow design, which also keeps the water from becoming stagnant. To enhance the chicken's comfort, some keepers provide roosting bars for their...
My Waterfall and My Truck
We can always tell how hard it's raining at night by listening to the changing sounds of the water in the creek. Things didn't work like that with my Isuzu Trooper back in the States.
What Are the Functions of Seeds in a Plant?
The all-time winner for seed longevity is sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). For seeds that endure harsh conditions for extended periods, a large supply of endosperm allows seed and seedling survival.
Santa Monica
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
The only requirements in my mind are that the vehicle must be able to carry a large load in the back (so a truck or a large van is great) and it must be able to pull a trailer. If you need to bring home lumber or other supplies, what's simpler than driving...
How to Create a Fairy Garden
Turn the container upside down and put strips of painter's tape across the bottom to keep the drill bit from slipping. Fill the dish with water. Sage needs regular pruning to look like a little tree.
Santa Monica
Garden-House Style: Bringing Outdoor Furniture and Garden Accessories Inside
Even an old window frame has a place in the garden-style home. Small step stools can hold plants or books.There are numerous ways that you can use garden furniture and other accessories in the home.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), has been supported by a number of agriculture organizations, including the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union and the National Cattleman's Beef Association, and awaits House approval.
Use Uniform Screws To Save Time & Effort
Note: There are many other types of ccrew heads as well, but these are among the ones you're most likely to encounter. Over time, you'll appreciate the simplicity that comes from using a single screw type for everything—no matter what you're working...
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Those temps are much higher than the average home compost pile , so it isn't as great of a concern, but take care to ensure the pile is fully composted before using it. You'll have to do a careful inspection to be sure it's fully composted and perhaps...
Traveling with Livestock
You don't need a livestock trailer to transport small animals like sheep, goats, pigs and calves, but it's trickier to haul them in a truck or van. And finally, before you embark on a trip across state lines, be sure you have the correct paperwork in...
The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
If you've used lawn mower carts in the past, share your experiences and insights on their advantages and disadvantages. A small cart can't absorb rough terrain the same way that a larger trailers or wagons can, so if you transport a large load (such as...
Build A Better Barn For Your Farm
This detracts from the beauty of the night sky, confuses migratory birds, and is a general affront to the serenity of natural darkness. By most standards, the following items are essentially overkill.
Ladybug Love
It takes 2-3 weeks for ladybug larvae to develop into adult ladybugs. They report seeing recommendations varying from 1 gallon (72,000) for 10 acres, to up to 3 gallons per acre. All other photographs Copyright ©2012 Wind.
El Segundo
All ferns go through a "fiddlehead" stage in early spring, but not all ferns are considered edible. The Ostrich Fern is the only non-carcinogenic fern, theone recommended for human consumption.
El Segundo
Hand-y Watering in the Garden - Hoses and Et-cetera!
Dramm offers both the valves and the wands in several types as well. For many people, a hose reel will be what they want, but even narrowing the choice down to a reel still leaves a lot of options.
El Segundo
Workshop In Progress
It also might resolve the resident-mouse problem. The third step was to remove the Oriented Strand Board panels nailed to the wall studs. I also dismantled (with my biggest hammer) several sets of shelves installed 10 years ago.
By the middle 1800s in America, food was more plentiful, and it wasn't necessary to stretch a grain/liquid/meat combination to feed an entire family as it had been in the past. Brandy/pear sauce comes to mind, or perhaps an apple cider sauce, steaming...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
“Like a small grocery store, we offer the convenience of retail with the soulful, funky feel of a farmer-run venture,” Taylor says. Scheduled stops are posted on its website and Facebook each week.