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Are Rubber Plants Toxic To Cats

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My Toxic, Painful Garden Revisited: pruning considerations
I have dropped a few cuttings on my feet, or had them scrape my legs as they fall this way... But GOOD gloves are particularly essential. You will quickly learn why, as small holes are quickly discovered by the smallest spines, and edges unravel unexpectedly...
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Plants That Irritate the Skin: Beyond Poison Ivy
My granddaughter brushed against aand, one hour later, had huge hives all over her arms. Plants using mechanical defenses include, among others: My mother could not hullwithout breaking out into a rash on her hands.
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Herbology at Hogwarts: Plants in the Harry Potter Books
The students learn that the mandrake can be used to return victims of transfiguration or petrification to their original state.Medieval drawings often depicted the root with a bushy beard or hair, making it look even more human.
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Hardy Euphorbias in the Garden - An Untamed Passion for \'Shrubby Spurges\'
With each passing day the colors continue to intensify and by December they absolutely glow in the garden! These plants will surely provide never-ending gratification for me in the garden over the long winter.I'm a satisfied gardener - Euphorbias were...
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Castor oil, anyone?
When the capsules are mature and dry out, they explode, scattering their beans. It seemed to be a cure for everything because every time I turned around, somebody was standing there with a spoonful of the nasty stuff, just waiting to poke it into my mouth.
El Segundo
Toxic Plants of the Winter Holidays, from a Veterinary Perspective
This is either due to their very different physiology, or the slow, nibbling way they eat, stopping as soon as something tastes bad or is irritating. I did not learn of a single own bird eating a rose (non-toxic!) in the gardenThere are many...
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White Snakeroot and Milk Sickness: The Toxic Plant that Killed Nancy Hanks Lincoln
I suspect castor oil, a common cure-all for digestive complaints, was frequently employed, but the affected individuals did not improve. No one recorded the symptoms or means of death of Nancy Lincoln, though almost all sources attribute it to "milk sickness."...
El Segundo
The oxalic acid content in sorrel can be reduced by parboiling before cooking.Along about the same time, around the early eighteenth century, a tea made from sorrel root was long recommended by herbalists as a diuretic, but its use is not a valid idea...
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Monkshood - A Deadly Beauty!
Today there are more than just the standard blue species. The soil pH does not seem to matter as they grow equally well in acidic or alkaline soil. If they are exposed to enough sun, they are often quite wind-resistant and do not require staking.
El Segundo
Snowberry ~ The Name Says It Best
It provides nice dark green foliage spring through fall and white flowers tinged with pink in the spring. Seeds were saved and sent to Philadelphia to a horticulturist named Bernard McMahon.
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Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
Some substances are very mildly toxic, but if one were to ingest enough of it, significant poisoning could occur.If a dog ate 100 lbs of lawn clippings, it would certainly become very ill, possibly even bloat and die.This problem with the definition of...
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Introduction to Jatrophas
Primarily of Central American origin with many species extending into the very southern United States (and at least one species is native toMost of the species I am interested in are grown strictly for their ornamental value.when it's cold enough, but...
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Jequirity Beans: Those Poisonous Pretties
The pink and white blooms, which appear in summer and early fall, are vaguely reminiscent of sweet peas, also in the legume family, though they are larger. The Centers for Disease Control in the United States have put together a treatment plan, in the...
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Virgin\'s Bower
It used to grow wild up the guide wires that held electrical poles in place back in the mountains of southeast Kentucky. It is a perennial herbaceous plant that climbs over other plants to reach its height of about 15 feet.
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Beans! Beans! The Poisonous Fruit!
But because food poisoning can come from many different sources, some of them fatal, seeking medical help is advisable when its symptoms occur.This reaction to kidney beans is not very common because the beans are not often eaten raw.
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Collecting foxglove seeds
Gather seeds, and guarantee a new crop of these lovelies next spring. The "fox's gloves" change to resemble turtle's beaks, and split in the middle. They ripen first near the bottom of the stem.
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Mountain Laurel Memories
It seems that her Native American ancestors used it as a death potion. I wore them in my hair, I tucked them into the pockets of my overalls, and I tied them on my wrists when I played dress up.
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Poison Oak Appreciation
The folk remedy in the West isWhat good is poison oak? What critical place does it have in the web of life? I am not a medical professional and do not advocate trying any of these.
El Segundo
Comfrey, Aunt Bett, and Me
In the mountains sometimes there would be a bit of level ground high up on a mountainside, and it was not unusual to clear that bit of level ground and plant something on it. Absolutely not.
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Aunt Bett\'s Story about the Devil\'s Plant: Datura
One night my 3 year old grandson was visiting and we were chasing fireflies just at dusk. I seen him a layin' thar in his own bed, white as a sheet and as near to death as I ever seen.
El Segundo
Unbelievable! Cashews and Poison Ivy
Cashews are a favorite for many people, including my mother. Also interesting is that Cashews have been used against tooth abscesses and other bacteria.Special thanks to artcons from Dave'sGarden for the use of the picture on the left; a Cashew Tree/maturing...
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Napping in the Graveyard Moss
It contains a latex sap and was used by older cultures as a treatment for skin conditions and to relieve cancerous growths. In some cultures it is used deliberately as a ground cover in cemeteries, as it was in the cemetery of my childhood.
El Segundo
Gardening Hazards: Don\'t Touch That Poison Ivy!
These plants are contact-poisonous, meaning they will cause an external reaction if touched. NEVER burn Poison Ivy. In contrast, Poison Ivy has shiny leaves with smooth edges.Ivy. Eradicating this weed from your landscape should be done thoroughly and...
El Segundo
Mother of Thousands, Kalanchoe daigremontiana: Controlling the Population Explosion!
My husband noticed, however, that the plantlets were dropping from the leaves and landing in our dog's bed below. [1] It even suppresses the growth of its own plantlets, which I suppose is one method of encouraging the kids to move out of the house!When...
El Segundo
Rubber Tree Plant Potting – When Does Rubber Plant Need A New Pot
If you use a pot that is too much larger than the current rootball, the soil may stay wet for too long after watering because there are no roots in the added soil to draw out the water, which can lead toThis is also a good time to consider the plant's...
Tips On How To Prune A Rubber Tree
Tend to get rather large and need to be pruned in order to control their size. You can also prune just above a leaf scar.Remove about a third to one-half of the plant's branches but take care not to remove too much foliage than is necessary.
Information On What Causes Rubber Tree Plant Leaves Falling Off
Is losing leaves, it can be alarming. They need very little feeding.– Another way that rubber tree owners can over care for their plant is by. This lack of humidity can cause leaves falling off rubber tree plant.To correct this problem, mist the rubber...