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Are Ranunculus Perennials

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Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
For the time being, The pink yarrow is content to live at the base of a few other trees and in the sunny patches out front; however, the maturing trees continually compete for sunshine with my perennials.I have found that digging and moving yarrow with...
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Not Quite Dead: Regrowing from the Root Up
Once new growth starts, give the plant a boost with a little more sun and a little quarter-strength fertilizer.Clematis plants are especially notable for coming back from their roots.
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Perennial Plant Association selects Baptisia australis as the 2010 Perennial of the Year
American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden PlantsI hope I've not confused anyone by listing the different names above. Gardeners take note: If you're not keeping up with the Perennial Plant Association's Perennial of the Year winners, you're...
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More Plants for Less Money 2: Dividing Your Perennials
Nicolaus, (critterologist). Here's a novice gardener's basic step-by-step guide to dividing a perennial plant. The baby in the pot will be content "planted" right in the middle, until it's adopted out.s and take a pictures seven times!) If I‘ve made...
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Mexican Oregano - A Dependable Perennial
While this may sound like a small flower not capable of putting on much of a show, when the plant is in full bloom, hundreds hang on the branches and make quite an impact. It has been in the place where I planted it ever since; never spreading, never...
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Gotta Have Gaura in the Garden
In strong winds the wiry stems to bend and wave but the foliage that hugs the ground suffers no damage.Few insects or diseases damage gaura. Once plants are established, irrigation is not necessary except during extreme droughts.When flower stems bloom...
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Fireworks in the Garden
Many sparklers, firecrackers, and other aptly named plants are available to add sizzle, pop, snap, and crackle to your garden. Why not include a few of these loud plants to your garden for an extra bit of sizzle?
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Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
The common purple coneflowers are easily started from seed, but the newer cultivars most likely will not come true. Native to the central and eastern United States, this lovely wildflower not only beautifies prairies and gardens across the country; it...
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Gopher Apple
Few choices are better as a stabilizer for poor, dry, sandy soils found along roadsides in the Deep South or in sandy soils near the Gulf Coast or other bodies of salt water.As with many tough native plants, almost no care is needed for gopher apple once...
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Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
No matter what type of garden you have, these versatile plants are nearly always a good choice if there's a sunny, well-drained spot available. What plant grows in most climates, has a rainbow of color choices and is almost kill-proof?
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Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
Is it because they are so easy to grow and inexpensive, hardy, or pretty and dependable? Here's a pictorial tutorial about dividing and sharing daylilies. Technically, I took two; some faithfully reblooming Stella D'Oros and a few pieces of the lily pictured...
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The Story of Iris Part 6 - Why Grow Iris?
What other plant can you say that about?What other plant shares such a rich and varied history with family members able to grow in so many different places? This really is a miracle plant for the home gardener.This is one of those plants that may not...
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Hot New Heucheras will Sizzle in your Garden!
I am inherently drawn to plants with burgundy, bronze or maroon hues and combine them with plants of green, gold and chartreuse foliage to create an intriguing pattern in the garden.
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Hardy Hibiscus--Hardier Than You Think
They are surprisingly fast growers once they start. They can get droopy looking if they get too dry, but other than that, nothing. Fearing a cat had escaped from the closed in porch I ran out ander!! I ran back in and grabbed my coffee, preparing for...
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Ligularia - Big, Bold and Beautiful!
Few garden perennials offer such decorative foliage and striking flower displays. Dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'I would like to thank doss, hczone6, kell and mrporl for the use of their lovely pictures which helped complete this article.
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Have a Party in your Garden with Balloon Flowers!
First, they are relatively late to emerge in the spring so carefully mark the planting site so you do not accidentally dig them up in spring thinking you have a gap that needs filling (I've done that myself!).
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A Phlox for Every Garden
The species below offer myriad choices for gardens and country or city roadsides where they will bloom for many years.Commonly called woodland phlox, wild sweet William, or wild blue phlox, this adaptable plant is hardy from Zones 3-9.
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Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
Since then, it has been divided again, so I now have an area large enough to make an impact in the backyard landscape and to perform the way I envisioned.I have noticed in the last couple of years that some of the plants are reverting to their solid green...
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Lungworts and Bellflowers from the Genus Mertensia
(Editor's Note: This article was originally published on August 4, 2009. The specifics will be revealed shortly! If you love blue flowers, then this is another winderful group you should consider for your garden.
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Agapanthus, the Beautiful African Lily
New plants can also be startedfrom seed which should be sowed when seeds are fresh in well drained seedling mix, placed in semi-shade, and kept damp. Water well to settle the soil around the rhizomes and keep the bed moist during the spring and summer.
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Speedwells for the Border
Spicata are 'Foxy Lady', 'Royal Candles', 'Red Fox' and 'White Icicles'Often considered as hybrids are the cultivars 'Sunny Border Blue', 'Pink Damask' and 'Eveline' The speedwells exhibit considerable variation in size and form, from low and creeping...
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The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
So I asked our iris team to tell me ? I stand in awe knowing my own little piece of heaven costs me so much blood, sweat, and tears. They are perfect, full, lush, and just stunning?
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How to Grow Perennial Seedlings
These varieties include, but are not limited to alliums, lupines, primroses, and wild buckwheat. Unlike annual plants, which require replanting every spring, perennials die at the end of every growing season, and then reemerge from their established roots...
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Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
Place in well-composted soil, and water well until established.The first named Shasta daisy developed by Burbank was ‘Alaska'. The name ‘Shasta Daisy' supposedly comes from Burbank comparing the crisp white petals to the pure white snow on Mt. Shasta.
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Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
Imagine a purple-leaved 'Black Beauty' with white or pink-edged leavesa the stuff of dreams!I would like to thank the following people for the use of their pictures: Let me introduce you to this tried and true ornamental!
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The Story of Iris Part 3 -Tone, Growth, and Bloom
Find the right iris for the right spot and they will reward you with years and years of blooms and joy.Check on the sun when you start to look at places to order. Even with some flowers they might tolerate just being thrown in here and there, but not...
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The Story of Iris Part 2 - How to pick your iris
So what do you need to look for in your iris? How do you choose one to fill that spot in the garden? Many very serious collectors find this to be very rewarding.Repeat Blooming – If you are pressed for space or if you want every plant to really carry...
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