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Are Mums Toxic To Cats

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Plants and poisons, beware of what grows in your gardens!
The plant kingdom does offer a great many delicious tastes but some can prove to be finalas a matter of fact many species which look pleasant and may even produce nice colours and perfumes can have highly destructive effects if ingested or even slightly...
El Segundo
Rue the Day
A small evergreen semi-woody perennial that matures to about two feet tall and wide, rue has been used as a medicinal and "anti-magic" herb for centuries, and was even considered a reliable defense against witches.
El Segundo
Plants That Irritate the Skin: Beyond Poison Ivy
Basically, it's the same protective mechanism that animals and insects use to keep from becoming a predator's lunch! Ever see a deer or rabbit munching on poison ivy? My mother could not hullwithout breaking out into a rash on her hands.
El Segundo
Herbology at Hogwarts: Plants in the Harry Potter Books
In ancient times the root was used as painkiller and sleeping aid; Roman physicians had patients chew it as anesthetic before surgery.Belladonna is the source of atropine, a drug used in modern medicine in eye operations as a method of dilating the pupil.
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Hardy Euphorbias in the Garden - An Untamed Passion for \'Shrubby Spurges\'
More Euphorbias! If my "untamed passion" has persuaded you to add Euphorbias to your garden, take a look at a few of the exciting new selections I'll be considering for planting in the gardens in 2008!Dwarf, tightly mounding habit with green and burgundy...
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Castor oil, anyone?
Translated in the mid-1800s, it describes castor oil as a purgative. They also purged their systems several times a month by drinking the oil mixed with beer. The seeds are called Mamonas in that country and oil from the Mamonas is now being used to produce...
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Toxic Plants of the Winter Holidays, from a Veterinary Perspective
But how toxic are they, and should we all be concerned? As delicate as birds seem, they actually seem to be able to tolerate a lot of plants being nibbled and ingested that would be very noxious or toxic to a dog or cat.
El Segundo
At the time, I remember thinking that I would always remember everything she taught me. As a matter of fact, I would not always trust myself to use plants as curatives for anything, even though I spent years learning processes from Aunt Bett.
El Segundo
Monkshood - A Deadly Beauty!
Now you can get white, pale blue, various shades of pink and even yellow. Plants arise from a thick, tapering root. Hundreds of years later they still remain popular. As garden plants, they are used primarily in the back of the border.
El Segundo
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
These Aloes should be listed separately, rather than lump all the many hundreds of species of Aloe as one entity?Should I be concerned when one of my dogs decides to eat one (that is unlikely to happen by the way, despite my having over 600 aloes in the...
El Segundo
Introduction to Jatrophas
Primarily of Central American origin with many species extending into the very southern United States (and at least one species is native toMost of the species I am interested in are grown strictly for their ornamental value.when it's cold enough, but...
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Comfrey, Aunt Bett, and Me
It is a knitter of wounds," she said, "but you have to be careful to pack it into the wound, so the wound can heal from the inside out." She went on to say: "If you make an infusion of comfrey, it is thought to be good for asthma, lung ailments, sore...
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Beans! Beans! The Poisonous Fruit!
PHA in beans is deactivated and reduced to safe levels by as little as ten minutes of boiling. For this reason, such foods as chili should not be made with kidney beans in a slow cooker at the low setting without first boiling the beans.For the safest...
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My Toxic, Painful Garden Revisited: pruning considerations
I need my hands for my 'real job' so I can't afford to have them in constant pain. Mostly because I keep leaving them somewhere and can't find them again... Bidwillii and araucana) have a particularly unfriendly foliage that really requires one not scrimp...
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Aunt Bett\'s Story about the Devil\'s Plant: Datura
It smelt right strong but not strong enough to wake up young Mason. I realized that those large plants were from the seeds that had been marked TOXIC. He dried them leaves of devil's weed and right out ahind the barn he went to have his smoke.
El Segundo
Snowberry ~ The Name Says It Best
The real show is the waxy-white berries that give this bush its name and provide food for many species of game birds from fall into winter. In 1812, McMahon sent cuttings to Thomas Jefferson, who planted them in his garden.
El Segundo
Making the Most of Supermarket Bouquets
In January or February, however, when our gardens are buried in snow, even flowers with dye jobs begin to look good. For much of the year, we gardeners don't need to purchase our bouquets.
El Segundo
Unbelievable! Cashews and Poison Ivy
For the most part, no one would ever consider eating any of these plants.But most of us have enjoyed a cashew or two or two hundred and twenty two. These are a light, off-white color and taste almost sweet.
El Segundo
Overwintering Mums – How To Winterize Mums
After the foliage of the plant has died back, you will need to cut it back. Leaving a little bit of the stems will ensure that next year you have a full plant, as the new stems will grow from these trimmed stems.
Mountain Laurel Memories
At one time, it was also used internally for neuralgia and particularly for tinnitus and various other ear problems. I had already seen what it did to a few who lived nearby.It is a remedy seldom used in modern herbalism, but I did learn from Aunt Bett...
El Segundo
Jequirity Beans: Those Poisonous Pretties
The Centers for Disease Control in the United States have put together a treatment plan, in the event that someone develops a way to use it as a biological weapon, similar to how some assassins and terrorist groups have used ricin from the castor bean...
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Virgin\'s Bower
It used to grow wild up the guide wires that held electrical poles in place back in the mountains of southeast Kentucky. The boys sauntered on by, as if they did not know we were there.
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White Snakeroot and Milk Sickness: The Toxic Plant that Killed Nancy Hanks Lincoln
No one recorded the symptoms or means of death of Nancy Lincoln, though almost all sources attribute it to "milk sickness." What IS recorded is that Thomas built the pine coffin for his young wife, only 34 years of age at her death on October 5, 1818,...
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Napping in the Graveyard Moss
Aunt Bett would say: "Go to sleep now in this nice soft grass, but be careful you don't break the graveyard moss."A heritage of Scots, Irish, Welsh and Native American can be quite volatile.
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Poison Oak Appreciation
Usually the color change from place to place and plant to plant is spread out over a long period of time. One of my earliest memories comes from when I was around three years old. The house where we lived had Boston ivy planted around it.
El Segundo
Gardening Hazards: Don\'t Touch That Poison Ivy!
These plants are so widespread that they account for an estimated 10% loss of work time for the U.S. Forest Service.Firefighters battling the California fires are often disabled by the airborne toxins.three, let it be" is good advice! But it's interesting...
El Segundo
Is Mimosa Pudica Toxic to Cats?
Mimosa pudica is an unusual plant because it responds to touch by folding up its leaves. Curious cats may delight in batting at this plant's leaves, since it will respond to their playful gestures.
Santa Monica