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Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
The yellow yarrow kept its growth habit but now tends to lean to catch some sun. For the time being, The pink yarrow is content to live at the base of a few other trees and in the sunny patches out front; however, the maturing trees continually compete...
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Not Quite Dead: Regrowing from the Root Up
It'll need gentle treatment while it gets its strength back. For starters–keep watering! Then, consider digging and potting up. Especially in this year of extreme weather, don't give up on a "dead" plant too soon.
El Segundo
Perennial Plant Association selects Baptisia australis as the 2010 Perennial of the Year
This is one of those "first year sleep, second year creep, third year leap" perennials and it's obvious why it was chosen as the 2010 Perennial of the Year. Perennial Plant Association members nominate plants they've evaluated and submit these for review.
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More Plants for Less Money 2: Dividing Your Perennials
( I hope you got that plant cheap after reading my earlier article, More Plants for Less Money 1: Shopping for Clearance Plants!) It's linked to the first highlighted words Ox-eyes in this article.The list of easy perennials was part of a list found in...
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Mexican Oregano - A Dependable Perennial
In areas where it dies to the ground but remains root hardy, new stems arise each spring. In my garden, cold weather has never killed Mexican oregano to the ground. Although the clump is now large enough to dig and divide, I have never felt the need to...
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Gotta Have Gaura in the Garden
Choose a cultivar that fits in your garden, and then sit back and enjoy a summer-long show year after year. Every morning during summer, pinkish buds open to expose white flowers along tall, wiry stems that wave in the breeze or dip and dive with the...
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Fireworks in the Garden
Too many plants are available that are capable of adding sparkle, crackle, and pop. With all these selections nobody need go without fireworks for the Fourth of July or any other day of the year.
El Segundo
Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
They recommend planting them in drifts one-and-a-half to two feet apart and leaving them to their own devices. Cut flowers last up to seven days in a vase making them excellent selections for cutting gardens.
El Segundo
Gopher Apple
Extremely deep roots and waxy leaves increase its tolerance of almost anything nature can throw its way, including scorching sun, fire, frost, and intense drought. Few choices are better as a stabilizer for poor, dry, sandy soils found along roadsides...
El Segundo
Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
No matter what type of garden you have, these versatile plants are nearly always a good choice if there's a sunny, well-drained spot available. Full sun all day is quite acceptable and once established, they're quite drought tolerant.The beginning gardener...
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Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
If only the dirt is moving, and the leaves seem to stay still, you're not getting under the root mass. You may even be cutting a lot of roots. If you feel some give, it should yield to careful persistent tugging.Lacking two forks, try one fork and your...
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The Story of Iris Part 6 - Why Grow Iris?
They might not be the stars they could be but they are there – growing and waiting for its chance to shine.I want to thank Pajaritomt, Jackieshar, Avmoran, Irisloverdee, Happygarden, and Doss for answering my many research questions for this article.
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Hot New Heucheras will Sizzle in your Garden!
The remarkable revival of the Heuchera family in recent years can be attributed to the outstanding efforts of Charles Oliver (. 'is another luscious peach colored Heuchera, similar to 'Caramel', whose foliage develops hints of silver as the season progresses.
El Segundo
Hardy Hibiscus--Hardier Than You Think
No worries though, since they are covered in buds, with open flowers daily from the end of July right up until frost.So please, all of you northern gardeners, look for this beautiful perennial.
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Ligularia - Big, Bold and Beautiful!
Dentata 'Desdemona' and L. Some other Ligularia species/selections include L. For the back of the border, they are second to none! As long as they have steady access to soil moisture, Ligularia will provide you with the ultimate plant for Big, Bold and...
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Have a Party in your Garden with Balloon Flowers!
First, they are relatively late to emerge in the spring so carefully mark the planting site so you do not accidentally dig them up in spring thinking you have a gap that needs filling (I've done that myself!).
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A Phlox for Every Garden
If phlox is not presently a part of your garden, now may be a good time to look at garden catalogs and place your order for some of these highly adaptable plants. It is evergreen in most of the South and spreads at a moderate rate by rhizomes.
El Segundo
Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say. Graceful swirls of handsomely variegated leaves, green with a central yellow stripe, form neat, rounded clumps and are fully evergreen in the South and partially so in more northerly areas.
El Segundo
Lungworts and Bellflowers from the Genus Mertensia
Such a diversity in habitats translates into variable cultural needs and hardiness. Habitat varies considerably from high alpine regions of the Rockies, Alps and Himalayas, to moist woodlands and streamsides and even along sandy beaches extending well...
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Agapanthus, the Beautiful African Lily
The best time to divide both types is in spring before new growth begins. New plants can also be startedfrom seed which should be sowed when seeds are fresh in well drained seedling mix, placed in semi-shade, and kept damp.
El Segundo
Speedwells for the Border
Popular cultivars of V. The speedwells exhibit considerable variation in size and form, from low and creeping to tall and narrow. Spicata are 'Foxy Lady', 'Royal Candles', 'Red Fox' and 'White Icicles'Often considered as hybrids are the cultivars 'Sunny...
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The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
Yes, it means you will have to dig and divide faster but look above and see all the reasons to say yes and plant three!Feed once a year with triple phosphate, lime for acidic soils, nothing for alkaline soil unless growing beardless, then muriatic acid...
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How to Grow Perennial Seedlings
These varieties include, but are not limited to alliums, lupines, primroses, and wild buckwheat. If you planted the perennial seeds in a nursery bed, you will need to transplant the plants to their permanent location the following spring.Although dependable,...
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Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
There have now been over 100 named varieties introduced since 1901. They are attractive to bees and butterflies but fortunately, not to deer. The Shasta Daisy is one of the backbones of a perennial border, with long lasting 3 inch wide sparkling white...
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Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
Such a plant would be a HOT seller for sure. Let me introduce you to this tried and true ornamental! With the recent surge of new cultivars this plant will be with us for many years to come.
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The Story of Iris Part 3 -Tone, Growth, and Bloom
They love for their soil to be perfect.Anything less than the perfect soil their little feet demand and they might live, they might grow a little, they might even give you a few small off color blooms, but they will never be the master show pieces you...
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The Story of Iris Part 2 - How to pick your iris
But if you have a little time to research the local iris growers in your area, you can find the iris that will rebloom and give you twice the punch for your buck.No matter how you pick your iris, they will be a treasured friend sure to find space in your...
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