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Antiques of the Flower Garden
As the flowers grow over the seasons and the years progress you will recall with fondness the particular person that gave you the flower.being careful to consider the amount of sun exposure the garden will receive each day.
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How peculiar: Green cultivars
If you wanted a novelty shade garden, 'Green Lace' might look interesting next to Heuchera 'Green Spice' and a chartreuse hosta such as 'June.'If you don't live in a warm enough climate to grow amaryllis outside (zones 8 and above), then Amaryllis 'Evergreen'...
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Norma\'s Garden Pool
Thebush commands attention near the deck. All of it says, "Welcome." Although it would take volumes to tell the whole story, here are some of the highlights that caught my attention.The deep end of the swimming pool is the side where many butterflies...
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Green Grows the Garden
There are numerous hybrids with delectable green foliage, such as, including some with green flowers as well. Both these varieties reach about 12 to 18 inches high. Thanks to recent advances in breeding, you'll find a bonanza of bloom and foliage color...
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More Plants for Less Money 1- Shopping for Clearance Plants
Here's what I did with my- Indoor plants and tropicals come and go; you might find one suffering from mild mistreatment or leaf loss. Consider cannas and other tropicals that you can allow to go dormant and store over the winter.
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How peculiar: A green flower
This Standard Dwarf Bearded blooms pale yellow-green standard and falls with a bright whitish-blue beard very early in the season.This stunner produces large panicles of pale green blooms which fade to white with age or heat.
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The Monochromatic Garden-Reds
Allow them to gently flow into one another as this will permit each tone to meld together effortlessly. You'd be surprised at how fast and ruthlessly an entire garden can revert back to it's original, natural colors.
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Salvia - How to Grow the Easiest Plant in the World
Then I met Josephine Kennedy and she opened me up to the world of salvia that I have grown to love and cherish to this day. No matter where you live or how you garden, there is a salvia for you!
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First Flowers
Deciding to be content with just looking, I spent a considerable amount of time searching for them in the wide open field and that is where they found me when the game was over and the dinner bell had rung.
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Birth Flowers
Their cheery colors and full daisy-like blooms will persist through freezing temperatures.Interestingly, chrysanthemums are the national flower of Japan and symbolize the Japanese emperor.Legend states that after Narcissus died, Apollo turned him into...
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Planning plants in your wedding day
Just go to the top of this article and click on the words, "Mail this article", then type your friend's e-mail address and add your own message. Many organizations provide this service.
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Off With Their Heads...Deadheads, That Is
This can be especially challenging with flowers that look similar both coming and going, such as the pansy. Other plants, however, need attention on a daily basis to look their best.
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Daisy-like Flowers In My Garden
I never used to buy seeds from the store, but I started with the daisy seeds. Daisies are so lovely! I don't know why are they so ignored and usually considered wild flowers, not worthy of staying in line with the carnations, imperial lilies, gerbera,...
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Rocket Plants
The obvious choice is, of course, a rocket. Here's a link to get you started: From their earliest use by the ancient Chinese and the Romans of antiquity to modern-day space flight, rockets have captured the imagination of humans everywhere.
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Incredible Edible Flowers
Go out to your flower garden, you may have just what you need, right under your nose. Place in a container with white vinegar or into safflower or canola oil. Seal tightly and let set for 4 to 6 weeks; you'll have some new flavorings for those fresh spring...
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Can you identify the plant life?
Perhaps your city zoo is also populated with hundreds of plants. Or, perhaps you would like to know what gardening sites are available near you. Puzzle and plant people, the race is on! Ready; Set...
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Black-Eyed Susan and Other Rudbeckias
Rudbeckia laciniata was among the native wildflowers transplanted to Europe by early visitors to American shores, and the British became the first to appreciate the plant's garden uses.
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Wild and crazy plants: so much fun to grow and show. Part II
Many plants are delightful. Actually, the bright colors are so pretty I decided to show you both the red (see Part I article) and the pink.Who let the butterflies out? This swarm of blue butterflies is beautiful.This corkscrew vine looks like snails and...
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Wild and crazy plants: so much fun to grow and show
None of these are made up; these are all real plants and are listed in. Okay, I did hug the Pampas Grass but I did not crawl over a fence to hug a cute Panda Bear. Hopefully the seeds of this plant will grow nicely for me.Who cut up the Dogwood flowers?
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Red, White and Blue: Pride on Display
They are a mix of annuals and perennials.These plants should be blooming when purchased and placed in their containers. A single color in a single container works well when containers are grouped in threes.
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Grow Veggies Without a Veggie Garden
We painted it redwood, to match the garage. The temporary spot became permanent. Mom built it oneg when she was bored, to provide a little protection from, well, rabbits anyways. Everytime we bought a new fruit plant and were looking for a place to put...
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Relax...Beauty In The Garden
Listen to the rhythm of the season; of the beauty; of the rhyme.The flowers dance with the freedom of the breeze; the earth alive in moments of eternity.Receive the energy of the dirt, the rock, the blooms.
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The Color and the Plant: What\'s not to Love about Lavender?
Their blooming period follows close on the heels of the regular English varieties and lasts until mid-to-late summer. I have to confess that my favorite color is actually not lavender but blue.
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A Passing Glimpse - Identifying Plants at 60 MPH
A tall, straight tree with mottled bark is a. The most important thing is to be familiar with plants at 0 mph. It is impossible to identify everything. Look for unique characteristics of plants.
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Last Ride of the Silver Sage
This plant deserves better. I am still grieving. Silver sage is pretty tough in that it is somewhat drought-tolerant and deer-resistant...but please, don't abuse yours like I did mine.
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Seed Snatchin\': The Art and Sport of Collecting Seeds
I've dropped seeds into empty cola cans and brought them home rattling in my car's cup holder. I'd pull the car onto the shoulder and search out chicory or oxeye daisy seeds. Other gardeners, less dedicated or more distracted, claim the spent flowers...
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Salvia Delights Gardeners and Wildlife
The presence of flowers would indicate that it was past the stage for optimal use as a culinary herb.Thanks to Dave's Garden members for uploading photographs of Salvia to Dave's Garden.
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