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Are Legumes Healthy

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It's easy-to-grow and self-sows beautifully.has attractive textured leaves and blooms tiny blue blooms that produce nutritious chia seed.Chia seeds expand and get gelatinous when soaked in liquid.
El Segundo
The Tall and the Short of It: Peas
Many gardeners have been frustrated in growing peas when, just as the vines begin to set fruit, a hot spell comes along and puts a premature end to the season. But this support need not be a tall fence or trellis.
El Segundo
Is Nitrogen a double-edged sword for our garden soils?
You might also apply foliar sprays made from a nutrient-rich compost tea containing live beneficial microbes to convert atmospheric nitrogen.An alternative is to use commercial fertilizers, choosing wisely with the planet ecology in mind, and applying...
El Segundo
Lentils: Red, Green, Black...just how old and valuable are they?
We use it as a creamy and healthy base for grilled salmon.This marvelous tiny legume is super nutritious, is a cover crop as it puts needed nitrogen back into the soil. And it's no secret that the word lens is thought to be derived from this legume due...
El Segundo
Black-eyed Peas for Luck
Amiable Spouse and I eat them whenever we get a hankering for a downhome, tasty meal.One way we enjoy them on busy days is in pea sandwiches. The next day, she added some bacon drippings, a ham bone, bacon, or ham hocks, seasoned them with salt and pepper,...
El Segundo
Restore That Old Cast Iron Cookware, Using Ingredients You Probably Already Have!
Remove from the oven with hot mits (it will be HOT!), and check to be sure it is completely dry!Place the pan upside-down on a rack; however, place the lid rightside up. This will prevent any excess oil from pooling in the bottom of the pan or lid and...
El Segundo
Grow Some Cover Crops For Rich Green Manure
I think of all the times I have added an organic supplement of one kind or another to boost nitrogen levels. The key to growing a successful cover crop is planting them four weeks before frost.
El Segundo
Jequirity Beans: Those Poisonous Pretties
Even one bean contains enough abrin to kill an adult, and the prognosis for those who have ingested it is not good. Garg, via Wikimedia CommonsHandful of Jequirity Peas: eyeweed, via Flickr Creative Commons
El Segundo
Peas, Please! English, Snow, or Sugar Snap?
I prefer to plant several short double rows of peas, and drive stakes in the ground to support wire fencing between each double set of rows, so that each length of fencing supports a row of peas on both sides.
El Segundo
Something from Nothing
Feel free to substitute and experiment! Baking is fun, and baking on a budget is even more fun. Add the wet ingredients.Stir until everything is mixed together, then pour the batter into the prepared cake pan.
El Segundo
Cowpeas please! The History and Importance of the Cowpea Plant
What we call Peas, and the rest of the world calls peas are two different plants In the mysteries that surround Southern food, questions always arise when the talk comes to peas. We Southerners grow and eat our peas with a delight and devotion rarely...
El Segundo
Should Humans Eat Seeds? We\'re Not Birds, After All!
Some people have trouble with thehigh fiber content of dry beans or the crunchy hulls of flax seeds, sesame seeds or carp from dieters. Along with planting seeds to grow flowers and other plants, feeding seeds to hungry birds, and other things a gardener...
El Segundo
Make Sauerkraut at Home for Healthful Benefits
Fermentation increases the C and B vitamins along with enzymes that aid digestion and contributes to overall good health.Many of you might ask, why not just purchase sauerkraut from the grocery store?
El Segundo
The Look of Tropical Trees in a Northern Garden
Many of the trees I've presented in this article, such as Tree of Heaven, may be considered weedy or invasive in some areas; check with your local extension office to be sure that you choose the most beneficial and environmentally friendly ones for your...
El Segundo
Importance of Legumes
The USDA states that in legume and perennial grass mixtures, legumes not only supply their own nitrogen but also supply approximately 36 percent of the nitrogen needs of the grass crop growing alongside them.
Santa Monica
Why Grow Perennial Legumes – Learn About Planting Perennial Legumes
Once established, perennial legumes require little water until flowering, but be sure to irrigate if plants appear wilted. Also, keep the perennial legume plants well weeded.for more specific details regarding planting perennial legumes in your particular...
Baptisia australis: Blue False Indigo or Blue Wild Indigo
Whereas you can divide a coreopsis or a coleus as soon as there are enough leaves to sustain the donor plant, these large tap-rooted plants need to be allowed to develop tap roots for years before they can spare enough to make a new plant with.
El Segundo
Bran: More Than Just \
Preheat oven to 350°F.In large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Wheat bran has been studied as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, and high blood pressure; oat bran helps burn excess fat and cholesterol, and may be helpful...
El Segundo
Popular Legume Plants: What Are The Different Types Of Legumes
This improves the soil and provides supplemental nitrogen that was removed by other plant's growth.Legume cover crops are valuable for the home gardener as well as the farmer. As a result, both pod and forage legumes have been in human cultivation for...
Lespedeza: A Lollapalooza in the Garden
Dense stands suppress native flora throughout the U.S. Its high content of tannin makes it inedible for native wildlife and domestic livestock.Chinese Lespedeza is native to Asia. Other nitrogen-fixing legumes include.
El Segundo
A to Z Gardening for Food and Nutrition: Vitamin A
Unless instructed by your doctor or dietitian, the bestway to get essential vitamins is from eating a healthy diet full of nutrient-dense foods from all theKitchen Garden Guide to Vitamin A Fruits and VegetablesSee the chart shown, which highlights some...
El Segundo
The International Year of Quinoa
Quinoa seeds are now available from garden seed suppliers too - you may want to grow it in your garden! Inca Organics, a fair trade company selling quinoa, answers this question on their website"When quinoa was first imported to this country from South...
El Segundo
Healthy Hens
Their normal pulse averages 300 beats per minute, but it can reach 400 beats per minute if the chicken is stressed. For thousands of years, cultures around the world have embraced herbs, plants and roots for their healing and medicinal properties.
A to Z Gardening for Food and Nutrition: Do You Know Your B Vitamins?
It is always best to get regular physical exams with periodic blood tests, if recommended by your doctor. For example, when foods are boiled, water soluble B vitamins can be lost in the cooking liquid.- Riboflavin and Niacin function as coenzymes in fat,...
El Segundo
Healthy Homemade Dog Treats
She is editor of Catnip and editor-at-large of Fido Friendly magazines. She has authored 20 pet books, including Happy Dog, Happy You and Real Food for Dogs , and hosts the “Oh Behave!” podcast on Pet Life
Keep Show Livestock Healthy
With livestock from many different farms commingling in the same buildings at shows, your animals are at increased risk of contracting infectious diseases the moment they step onto the show grounds.
Choosing Healthy Plants: How To Tell If A Plant Is Healthy
For example, pick up the plant and look at the drainage hole. If you notice roots growing through the hole, the plant has been in that pot too long. Watch out for plants that look like they have been pruned; this may indicate that diseased or damaged...