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Are Legumes Good For You

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Ode to the Garbanzo Bean
Full sun is preferred but partial shade will also suffice if necessary. How you choose to start them is a matter of personal preference. Most seeds are pre-treated to prevent diseases; however, if you prefer to use untreated seeds then it is prudent to...
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The Tall and the Short of It: Peas
Flat-podded snow peas should be picked as soon as the pods reach edible size before the peas develop inside. When a storm came along with a strong wind, it blew down the fence, all top-heavy with pea vines.
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Is Nitrogen a double-edged sword for our garden soils?
“The use of ammonium nitrate in fertilizers is particularly damaging - plants absorb the ammonium ion preferentially to the nitrate ion - this means that the nitrate ions are not absorbed and therefore are free to be dissolved by rain leading to eutrophication.”is...
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Lentils: Red, Green, Black...just how old and valuable are they?
The basil we so carefully harvested this fall and froze in ice cube trays with olive oil make a great addition to the lentils. Lentils are one of the oldest cultivated legumes known.They are given reference in the first chapter of Genesis and valuable...
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Black-eyed Peas for Luck
Toward the end of the summer after we had frozen all we wanted, peas were left on the vine until they became overly mature and started drying.These, too, were picked. Either way, a big hoecake of cornbread and fresh cabbage slaw or a mess of collard greens...
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Grow Some Cover Crops For Rich Green Manure
This is the perfect time of year for many of us to think about starting a cover crop. Once the crop is tilled, wait a few days for decomposition to take effect before you begin planting.
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Jequirity Beans: Those Poisonous Pretties
Eye contact may lead to severe irritation and blindness.The prognosis is fairly bleak for humans and animals alike. I stumbled across several reports of horses dying from consuming these poisonous plants.People may be familiar with the poisonous effects...
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Gardening Is Good For You—Science Says So!
Over at The Conversation , writer and urban horticulturist Chris Williams has rounded up a collection of studies, both qualitative and quantitative, that offer scientific proof on the myriad benefits to gardening.
Peas, Please! English, Snow, or Sugar Snap?
My grandmother always told me to pick them early in the morning before the day heated up, for the sweetest peas. Since they have a relatively short growing season, I plant peas very early in the spring, and then plant other vegetables in their place once...
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Cowpeas please! The History and Importance of the Cowpea Plant
We Southerners grow and eat our peas with a delight and devotion rarely seen anywhere, much to the curiosity of anyone north of the Ohio River. What we call Peas, and the rest of the world calls peas are two different plants
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Should Humans Eat Seeds? We\'re Not Birds, After All!
Tree nuts are the one-seeded, hard-shelled fruit of some plants with an indehiscent seed (dry, not juicy), such as an acorn or hazelnut., when you think about it. Along with planting seeds to grow flowers and other plants, feeding seeds to hungry birds,...
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Growing for Good
“Once Growing Cities is completed, we'll be doing a promotional and educational tour across the country to spread the message as widely as possible. They've even picked berries on a rooftop farm seven stories off the ground — at the Brooklyn Grange...
Homemade Gifts from the Garden
Every so often I have to dig up my Irises and daffodils and need to divide them. These types of baskets are great because they can be placed in a sunny window throughout the holidays for decor and then placed back out when the weather is warm.The holidays...
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Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
Polyscias species have been known to cause abut it seems rare. In southernmost Florida and other tropical zones, this plant is grown outside, and leaflets grow to 12 inches.As mentioned above, these three aralias would be prized specimens for an intermediate...
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Gleaning for Good
Gleaning, the practice of harvesting unwanted or leftover produce, is not new, but it is becoming more popular as a means of providing healthy, locally grown foods to those in need.
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the creator.
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The Look of Tropical Trees in a Northern Garden
You don't need a greenhouse for this because the palette of trees you have available is sufficient to the task; read on to learn more . If your tropical planting has a northern exposure, as opposed to backing up to a structure or solid fence, you should...
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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
That is what you are doing, making a Spiral Knot.Keep the tension the same and repeat the same pattern over and over. For the second part of this knot, you are going to do the opposite.
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Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
A chill (anything much below 65 degrees F) is more imminently fatal to these tropical natives than dim lighting. Forego the unfortunate philodendron. Leaves are a medium green (possibly with white stripe) and roots are white or orange.
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Importance of Legumes
According to the USDA, legumes improve soil quality by increasing soil organic matter, improving soil porosity and structure, recycling nutrients, decreasing soil pH, diversifying microorganisms and alleviating disease problems.
Santa Monica
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
I tuck a few seeds in 2 ½" x 3 ½" brown coin envelopes. Multicolored lights added some needed brightness to the dark brown tree. These homemade seed envelopes are then tied onto the tree with small red ribbons.
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Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
With the first frost came advice from friends far and wide.One of those friends from out west sent to me a list of foods that promised to raise one's internal temps, healthy foods, good-for-you foods.
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My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I used my phone to take a pictorial note of wildflowers as I walked the dog. The versatlity and fun of using my smart phone are making it an everyday tool in all my gardening endeavors.
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Why Grow Perennial Legumes – Learn About Planting Perennial Legumes
Work the soil well prior to planting, as legumes grow best in loose, fertile soil with plenty of organic matter.Water well at planting time. Here are a few tips:Grow perennial legumes in full sunlight.
Baptisia australis: Blue False Indigo or Blue Wild Indigo
Whereas you can divide a coreopsis or a coleus as soon as there are enough leaves to sustain the donor plant, these large tap-rooted plants need to be allowed to develop tap roots for years before they can spare enough to make a new plant with.
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Is Turmeric Good for Chickens?
She lives on a small farm in Virginia with her husband and a variety of chickens, ducks, dogs, horses and a barn cat. Curcumin has been credited with everything from preventing heart attacks to fighting cancer, but as with much herbal and holistic medicine,...
Beautiful, yummy, and good for you too, cranberries are not just for Thanksgiving any more!
Around here, you can even go to visit the Ocean Spray bogs. After cooking your sugar, water and cranberries, strain them through cheesecloth, a ricer or a strainer. Cranberry growers have also learned to artificially create suitable conditions for cranberry...
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