In March, when the firstblooms burst forth from what used to look like dead sticks, it is indeed exciting, for a minute. From Agastache to Zinnia, yellow flowers are just easy to come by.
The easiest way to do this is to collect cuttings or seeds of heirloom flowers from family members or friends. Did you know there are a variety of antique flowers? Amending a garden is an individual process.
This euphorbia blooms pale green flowers amid small leathery leaves and spiked, gray stems, which makes for an interesting contrast. The rose was discovered as a mutation of a China rose prior to 1856 and little else is known about its beginnings.
So we chatted, and then I took pictures of the plants that surround the pool.The pool was quiet on this day as we shared memories of children happily splashing in it over the years.
All viridifloras bloom later in the spring than most other tulips.For more photos and information on green-flowered plants, check outby Susanne Talbert. Among them are, with pinkish-white flowers prominently feathered with green.
Later, browse bulbs and check out the shrubs and trees before they get tossed to make way for Christmas merchandise. Some day I'll learn about their special needs and bring one home for the challenge of nurturing it back into bloom.Occasionally you may...
An excellent cut flower, these blooms last for several weeks on or off the plant. Green with zone envy? You can direct sow these in early- to mid-Spring, depending on your location, or you can refrigerate them for 1-2 weeks before sowing.Spurge is the...
A nice blue (or just about any color) can help bring a bright spot to the area giving people a resting place to look at before being drawn back into your sea of scarlet. It will help add depth to an already deep area!For an added splash, try setting up...
Some years we are swimming and have standing water in parts of my garden, but in other years the soil will be so dry even with my adding water the soil will crack and make deep crevices.
So small and delicate, they seemed to disintegrate when I tried to pick them. Hiding behind a tall shrub, I stretched out on the grass to wait and found myself nose down in a patch of tiny blue florets.
Named for the shape of their leaves from the Latin word "gladius," meaning sword, Gladioli (plural) come in a range of colors including pink, salmon, white, yellow, orange and crimson.
But according to, that rumor is false.Plant a tree or multiple trees in different countries in honor of your wedding day. Sometimes less is more.Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leavesThank you for reading this article.
Some perennial impatiens plant companions with dark foliage are. Are a long-time favorite for adding splashes of color to shady beds. Their compact habit also makes them great for shady bedding plants or borders.Before getting into what to plant with...
Although they require little in the way of fertilizer each spring, not enough may lead to mottled looking foliage. Leaf spots and rotting can signal fungal problems. On the other hand, too much nitrogen can cause excessive growth and little to no blooms.
If you're using the shearing method, it's best to wait until the plant is almost done blooming so you don't sacrifice too many new flowers and buds.You may find certain plants downright unpleasant to deadhead.
Starting in the spring, all kinds of blooms invade my garden and the field around my house. I sowed the seeds in several spots of my garden last spring and they grew over last summer, then came back after the winter and started to bloom this spring.
From their earliest use by the ancient Chinese and the Romans of antiquity to modern-day space flight, rockets have captured the imagination of humans everywhere. Here's a link to get you started:
Place in a container with white vinegar or into safflower or canola oil. Tired of the same old meat and potatoes? Looking for something to spice up that romantic dinner for that special someone?
While I did not succeed at that goal, I did capture hundreds of images. Or, perhaps you would like to know what gardening sites are available near you. For your convenience, there is a number under each plant so you can post threads about any plant in...
For the longest cut flower life, you should avoid exposing bouquets containing black-eyed Susan to ethylene sources such as ripening fruit.Most of the 25 types of rudbeckia are native to the East and Midwest, but many are now found naturalized throughout...
You can find modern impatiens cultivars in colors right out of the crayon box, including red, salmon, orange, salmon, pink, purple, white and lavender. Dig up the infected plants with surrounding soil and throw them in the garbage.– Another possible...
Seeds must be started in a warm indoor location 10-12 weeks before the expectedFor proper germination of New Guinea impatiens, temperatures should remain consistently between 70-75 F.
Keep the plants in the front of the bed 12 inches away from the edging to keep the front branches from growing onto the lawn or sidewalk.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The best growing tips for New Guinea...
Ornamental impatiens and downy mildew go hand in hand in 30 states of the Union with only a few resistant varieties available. Any fungus on impatiens plants is contagious to other plants in the group but it does not affect any other ornamental species.The...
I am not making these up. I will try my hand at Dr. Seuss style; "Oh, they trumpeted fine, until each little vine curled cream and yellow and purple".How can you resist this? You can find more information about any of these by clicking on the PlantFiles...
I am not making these up. Who has the scissors and tape? This plant is too adorable and funny.Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. These look just like apples...maybe that is why they are called 'Gourd Apples'.
We sing from our hearts, "America The Beautiful", "My Country ‘Tis of Thee", "This Land is Your Land" and other patriotic tunes.On this day, begins the lazy, hazy days of summer for most Americans.