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Rome Beauty Apple Info – Growing Rome Beauty Apples In The Landscape
Dig the material to a depth of at least 12 to 18 inches (30-45 cm.).Water young trees deeply every week to 10 days during warm, dry weather by allowing a hose to drip around the root zone for about 30 minutes.
Topaz Apple Care: How To Grow Topaz Apples At Home
Work the material into the soil to a depth of at least 12 to 18 inches (30-45 cm.).Topaz apple care includes regular watering. Topaz apples are usually eaten fresh or in fruit salads, but they can also be used for cooking or baking.Growing Topaz apples...
Scab On Apple Trees: Indentifying And Treating Apple Scab Fungus
These fuzzy, roughly circular, brown to dark olive green lesions may cause leaves to distort or crinkle. Scabs can be small and few, or so numerous that leaf tissues are completely covered in a velvety mat.Fruits may be infected at any time from bud set...
Golden Delicious Apple Care – Learn How To Grow A Golden Delicious Apple Tree
Branches can break under the weight of all that beautiful fruit.With proper watering, a little fertilizer in the spring, and a, your growing Golden Delicious apples will start producing fruit within 4-6 years of planting, or when trees reach about 8 feet...
Apple Tree Planting Guide: Growing An Apple Tree In Your Yard
Growing an apple tree on higher ground protects the blossoms from an early death, thus ensuring a good crop of apples.Apple tree growing info also advises not to plant the trees near the woods or streams.
Water Sprout Removal – How To Prune Apple Tree Water Sprouts
Most water sprouts serve no useful purpose and will never produce much fruit. Leaving your pruners sitting in bleach for a long period of time or failure to clean them thoroughly before putting them away can result in pitting.
Honeycrisp Apple Care – How To Grow A Honeycrisp Apple Tree
Fruits do not ripen uniformly on the tree and flavor doesn't develop once harvested, so multiple harvests are required on this apple. The tree originated in Excelsior, Minnesota in 1974 and has become one of the more popular modern varieties.
Apple Storage: How Long Do Apples Last
Ground color is the color of the apple's skin, not including the portions that have become red. With red apples, look at the part of the apple facing the interior of the tree. When stored properly, some apples will last for up to 6 months.
Apples With Cedar Apple Rust: How Does Cedar Apple Rust Affect Apples
The infection is not uncommon but control is possible.but is completely different. The fungus requires two completely different host plants to complete a cycle.It infects apples and crabapples in the spring and thenin the late summer.
Winesap Apple Tree Care – Learn How To Grow Winesap Apples
In the fall, when the apples ripen, their red color provides a striking contrast to the green canopy. It originated in New Jersey over 200 years ago and has won the loyalty of many gardeners since.What makes Winesap apples so appealing?
Prima Apple Information: Prima Apple Growing Conditions And Care
Some of the apples in Prima's pedigree include Rome Beauty, Golden Delicious, and Red Rome.Prima was bred to have good disease resistance, and it is highly resistant to, and mildew.
Zestar Apple Trees: Learn About Growing Zestar Apples
They are easy on the eyes, round and red with a rosy blush. Read on for information about Zestar apple trees and tips on how to grow a Zestar apple.Zestar apples are delicious and lovely fruit.
Flyspeck Apple Disease – Information About Flyspeck On Apples
Flyspeck apple disease appears on fruits as a series of tiny black dots, typically in groups of 50 or more.The fungus responsible for flyspeck overwinters on apple twigs, but may be blown in from wild sources or other fruit trees for a period lasting...
Pink Lady Apple Info – Learn How To Grow A Pink Lady Apple Tree
Keep reading to learn more Pink Lady apple info.The apples that we know as Pink Lady were first developed in Australia in 1973 by John Cripps, who crossed a Golden Delicious tree with a Lady Williams.
Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need
How many chill hours do apples need? It all seems a bit confusing, but the following article contains all the apple chilling info you are likely to need.So you're immersed in choosing bare root apple trees from a catalogue for your particular USDA zone...
What Is Black Rot: Treating Black Rot On Apple Trees
Begin checking your apple trees for signs of infection about a week after the petals fall from your apple blossoms.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Early symptoms are often limited to leaf symptoms such...
Apple Tree Root Rot – Reasons For Root Rot In Apple Trees
Of the standard sized apple trees, the following have good or moderate resistance to the disease:Also important to combat fruit tree root rot is site selection. This necrotic area usually extends up into thefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
What Is Apple Blotch Fungus: Tips For Treating Apple Tree Fungus
Apple blotch fungus disease is sometimes accompanied by a similar fungal disease known as “,” which will add small, raised black spots in addition to thefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });If the blotch...
Apple Tree Burr Knots: What Causes Galls On Apple Tree Limbs
(20-35 C.) may facilitate production of burr knots. Also, there is some indication thatis causing an injury that results in forming knots.Choose rootstock that is less prone to burr production.
What Is Sooty Blotch: Information On Sooty Blotch Treatment Of Apples
Fortunately for growers, sooty blotch on apples is a surface disease only; it may make your apples hard to sell at market, but if you're eating them at home or canning them for later, a thorough wash or peel will remove all of the fungus.Sooty blotch...
Northern Spy Apple Tree Facts: How To Grow A Northern Spy Apple Tree
It needs full sun; well-drained, fertile soil; and plenty of room to grow. You should get enough apples that will store well to last you all winter. Prepare the soil in advance of planting with compost and other organic materials.each year to size and...
Growing Ashmead\'s Kernel Apples: Uses For Ashmead\'s Kernel Apples
Never overwater Ashmead's Kernel trees. To water these apples trees, allow a garden hose or soaker to drip around the root zone for about 30 minutes. Here are a few tips to get you started:Plant Ashmead's Kernel apple trees in moderately rich, well-drained...
Apple Trees Dropping Fruit: Reasons Why Apples Drop Prematurely
Attack by either pests or disease can result in fruit drop. Also, a lack of nitrogen might be at fault, sobut be careful not to over feed since too much nitrogen can also result in apple trees dropping fruit.Lack of water can also cause premature fruit...
Apple Tree Problems: How To Get Fruit On Apple Trees
For best results with apple trees, plant two different varieties close together forSome fruit trees, including apple, may bear very heavily one year and only minimally the next. Cold weather and a reduction in pollinating insects can cause trees to blossom...
Care Of Spartan Apples – How to Grow A Spartan Apple Tree
Keep reading for more information on growing Spartan apples in the landscape.Spartan apples have a delicious, light and sweet flavor. As per the old saying, they may help keep “the doctor away.” Enjoy!
Self-Fruiting Apple Trees: Learn About Apples That Pollinate Themselves
More than one gardener, however, has planted a beautiful apple tree in their garden and waited, with bated breath, for it to bear fruit…and they've kept waiting forever. If you want to grow an apple, you are going to have to plant a neighboring apple...
Apple Russet Control: How To Prevent Russeting Of Apples
Some varieties are so prone to it that they actually get their name from it, like Egremont Russet, Merton Russet, and Roxbury Russet.Other varieties like Pippin, Jonathan, and Gravenstein, while not named for it, are still very prone to apple fruit russet.